Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware
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11:54 AM
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05:50 PM
Announced 13-December-2016 by @RogersDave
Credit to @Hybrid_Noodle
Hitron website:
60W Power Supply built into unit
Pictures of Hardware Version 1A:
***Added Labels***
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Wireless Connectivity
Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware
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06-14-2018 03:49 PM
Folks, Rogers support is extremely fragmented - even their head office isn't in the loop.
This is a direct quote from Facebook chat, who as far as I've seen, are the most candid and informed of all of the different touch points you can have with Rogers:
I did take about 10 minutes to read the work ticket for the incident that is affecting our network in New York and can tell you that there was a small explosion and fire in a manhole that carries our main internet fibres through New York. Though this happened back on Thursday, there was a couple of days that the environment was not cleared to be worked in due to toxic conditions, since then, a lot of work is being done by several companies all awaiting their turns in this manhole. The splicing of the fibre lines continues today as it has for the past couple of days as the majority of our traffic could not be rerouted. The repair does look like it's still at least a couple days out.
You're wasting your time engaging with support right now. There's nothing they can do.
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06-18-2018 10:10 AM
status update - still disconnecting several times a day.
Two service visits over the weekend and modem swapped, no improvement. This morning woke up, internet down, reboot modem. Rinse and repeat several times a day!
The last service visit was yesterday, tech ordered maintenance on the external box on street in front of my home. He thinks that should resolve the issue since apparently two other homes in my visinity experiencing similar internet disruptions. He could not do the maintenance himself, needed to call in maintenance crew.
Not sure when the maintenance will be done, some time soon I hope!
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06-22-2018 09:58 AM
So I upgraded to this due to upgrade to 500u service. Worked for about 6 weeks and started having problems. Internet will work for a while after a modem reboot for example in the evening but in the morning all wired devices would be dead. Not using their wireless.
1. I was using a R700 router behind it and started having issues. Rogers refused to help as they said it is the router. The router has been functioning for 3 years with no problems.
2. Tried with a ASUS AC1750 brand new router. Same issues. Again no help from Rogers.
3. Added a switch behind the modem. Still same problem. Rogers again blaming the switch.
4. Swapped the modem yesterday. Started using their wireless. 2 Devices connected wirelessly and 2 hard wired into the modem. Everything works but 45 mins later everything disconnects. Almost like the modem went to sleep.
5. Rogers updated the firmware last night. Still no resolution.
So my question is how can Rogers just say only thing connected to the modem is supported. This is not possible in real world. Netgear R7000, Asus 1750 and 2 switches show the same issue.
So frustrated. The first level support is useless.
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06-22-2018 01:49 PM - edited 06-22-2018 01:50 PM
i'm in bridge mode with a R7000 though i'm using Asus WRT firmware on it not netgear stock. And I have no stability issues and go months with uptime until I decide to do a firmware upgrade on the router.
If you are having the same issues with the CODA in gateway mode then something else is going on there.
For the wired device have you checked the lan cables or swapped them?
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06-22-2018 02:31 PM
@doonboy can you log into the modem, navigate to the STATUS .... DOCSIS WAN tab, copy the signal level table, from the first Downstream line all the way to the bottom of the OFDM upstream data and paste that into a post. Ignore the upper modem specific data table. The copy and paste process will paste in the text contents of the table. Lets start with that and see if any problem is blatantly evident.
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06-26-2018 09:47 AM
The maintenance I mentioned above appears to have resolved the issue. My internet has been stable for a couple of days. Hopefully it stays that way
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06-27-2018 11:18 AM
Thanks for the reply. After 4 modem exchanges and Rogers not doing anything I went back to Rocket modem and it has been solid for the last 2 days.
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06-27-2018 03:17 PM - edited 06-27-2018 03:18 PM
Personal opinion, that indicates that there is some issue with the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) channel between the CMTS and the modem. The use of OFDM should result in better performance, however, a lot can happen over the span of 192 Mhz. As modem users, we don't have the tools available to judge the performance of the OFDM channel, beyond a simple speed test. In cases such as yours, where something is obviously going wrong, the end user is hooped and completely reliant on the techs to solve the problem. I've already pointed out to @RogersSergio that OFDM performance such as what you experienced is an issue for a good number of customers. No OFDM, no problem. That pretty well sums it up. Rogers is going to have to improve its oversight of the OFDM channels to detect problematic areas, and spend the necessary resources to correct the problems.
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06-29-2018 10:34 AM
Having said that, the speed was horrible today (90Mbps on 500 plan). So I rebooted and it came back up (Over 500Mbps over 5G with Samsung S7 2 metres from the modem. Over 400 even picking Comcast server in Colorado.) I know they have been pushing out updates, so that may have had something to do with it, but nonetheless, is concerning.
Remember also that the people answeing the phones have limited access to diagnostic tools and have to follow a standard process, no matter how much or how little they know.
Disclaimer: I am a Rogers Employee, this is my own information and opinion and is NOT me speaking on behalf of Rogers.
I do, however, have over 25 years in electronics and IT with extensive training at all levels of networking and RF technologies.
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06-29-2018 01:24 PM
@CDNTechEast if your a Rogers Emplloyee, flip over to this Forum for a while;
and take a look at the over 350 pages of complaints about the CODA firmware and the LACK OF response from any Rogers Certified Network Staff
Your not the first and wont be the last to get "concerned" about Rogers services and devices
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06-29-2018 07:32 PM
Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware
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07-08-2018 10:33 PM
I have the coda modem for a while with the one black dot on the box and I don’t have any disconnect issues that I see some users here are experiencing. Knock on wood...
My sister just upgraded to 500u with the coda modem. She says that modems wifi is even worse than her old black hitron modem. I asked her if her coda box has any black dots on it. She says it does not. I told her to call and exchange for another coda with one two black dots.
My question is... Is black dots on the coda box still the preferred way to go? Any feedback on the above would appreciated.
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07-08-2018 11:19 PM - edited 07-08-2018 11:21 PM
The black dot at the back of the modem signified that additional shielding had been installed over the cable's DOCSIS tuner. Two dots signified that the modem had been tested as well. Now, that's been a while back and I don't know if that policy is still in effect. I suspect that isn't the case anymore and that additional shielding is now part of the design and production. Rogers has recently received 20,000 of these modems, so, in theory, they should all have additional shielding installed.
Without that shielding, the wifi's 2.4 Ghz network would cause EMI issues with the DOCSIS tuner, so the modem's performance as a whole would suffer.
In theory the white 4582 should have better basic wifi performance. The 2.4 and 5 Ghz antenna are all at the top of the modem instead of being mounted on the motherboard, where there was the possibility of interference from parts of the motherboard. Just to note, Beam Steering for 802.11ac wifi networks is not enabled on the modem, which is unfortunate. That might not make a huge difference, but is probably enough to move the wifi adapter down to the next, and faster level, in terms of the Modulation and Coding Index level that the adapter is running at. That index can be seen here:
As for the wifi issues, can you direct your sister's attention to the following post:
That post includes wifi settings for the modem which will hopefully alleviate some or all of the issues. I say some or all as each home is unique in terms of the wifi interference that it sees from its neighbour, so, part of this issue is to understand what you're dealing with in terms of clear channel competition. That's the second part of the post, to determine who your competing with and determine what you can do about it, if anything.
I'll have to update that post as Metageek, the makers of inSSIDer have come out with an inSSIDer Lite version. Hopefully that will make up for the fact that they appear to have abandoned the home wifi market. That lite version should display the local 802.11ac networks from her neighbours homes. The inSSIDer version in that post only properly displays the 802.11n networks and attempts to display the 802.11ac networks. The Lite version will hopefully do that properly. Only hitch appears to be a requirement to set up a freebie account with Metageek. This version has only been out for about a week, so, I don't know if there is any way around the freebie account setup.
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07-08-2018 11:31 PM
I would assume that the tech support person would have gone through these trouble shooting steps with her. She did say that they laughed when she mentioned that her old modem was performing better than her new coda modem.
She’s not tech savvy enough to troubleshoot at that detail. I told her to let me know once she gets an exchanged modem. I’ll swing by there to examine and troubleshoot further.
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07-08-2018 11:46 PM - edited 07-08-2018 11:47 PM
I wouldn't count on Tech Support to necessarily look at the specific wifi settings. The feedback that I've had from other customers in the same situation is that changing the wifi settings as suggested in that post has made a difference, so, I'd check those first and adjust them as necessary and then check out the wifi environment to see who she's competing with. Changing the 5 Ghz channel to 149 or above and setting the bandwidth to 80 Mhz should help. That channel change to 149 or above allows the modem and devices to use 1 watt for a max power output. Channels 36 to 48 are restricted to 50 or 200 milli-watts depending on when the device was approved by Industry Canada, and the middle Dynamic Frequency Selection channels 52 to 144 are restricted to 250 milli-watts. So, moving up to the top channels should result in better received power levels, better signal to noise ratios and better data rates. That is incumbent of course on the local competition from nearby modems and routers.
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07-09-2018 08:52 AM
Thanks again DataLink.
Can you remind me again, or provide me with a link on how to access the admin/settings of this modem? It's been a while. Something tells me that I'm going to be doing a tech support visit to my sisters after work today.
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07-09-2018 04:32 PM
@Radar2000 to access the modem's user pages, bring up a web browser and enter or into the address bar to access the login page. The credentials are;
username: cusadmin
password: the modem's wifi password (unless your sister has logged into the modem and changed it to something else, which can be done to separate the wifi passphrase from the modem password. )
From there you can navigate to the Wireless .... Basic Settings tab. Check the settings for both 2.4 and 5 Ghz sub-tabs as suggested in the following post:
When all of the changes have been made, reboot the modem ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot.
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10:17 AM
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10:36 AM
Gateway function on Hitron CODA4582
I recently got and setup the ASUS RT-AC86U wireless router. But removed it from the setup as i was not happy with how it was not fully showing the connected USB HDD contents consistently.
So I put the Rogers modem out of Gateway mode. But i had to call customer support and they did it remotely as i could not even access the admin page at the default ip address.
After reviewing further for alternatives to ASUS router that I got, I don't see much other better alternatives for the $250 price range for features that i want (longer wifi range - 2200 sq ft house, parental controls, usb ports for within home hdd data sharing, malware protection, multiple function modes (Access point, Repeater, Router).
So I want to give the ASUS router another chance. But this time, just wondering if I can continue to use the CODA like as it is now, without putting it in bridge mode by just taking the output from one of the Ethernet ports of CODE and supplying as input in the WAN port of the ASUS router and then setup the ASUS router wifi SSID to a different one ?
I recall trying this with my older unused ASUS-RTN13U router and it had not worked. I assumed it was due to issues with that router.
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07-21-2018 02:11 PM
@nav2004 wrote:
Gateway function on Hitron CODA4582
I recently got and setup the ASUS RT-AC86U wireless router. But removed it from the setup as i was not happy with how it was not fully showing the connected USB HDD contents consistently.
So I put the Rogers modem out of Gateway mode. But i had to call customer support and they did it remotely as i could not even access the admin page at the default ip address.
After reviewing further for alternatives to ASUS router that I got, I don't see much other better alternatives for the $250 price range for features that i want (longer wifi range - 2200 sq ft house, parental controls, usb ports for within home hdd data sharing, malware protection, multiple function modes (Access point, Repeater, Router).
So I want to give the ASUS router another chance. But this time, just wondering if I can continue to use the CODA like as it is now, without putting it in bridge mode by just taking the output from one of the Ethernet ports of CODE and supplying as input in the WAN port of the ASUS router and then setup the ASUS router wifi SSID to a different one ?
I recall trying this with my older unused ASUS-RTN13U router and it had not worked. I assumed it was due to issues with that router.
If you want a really good WiFi Router I would recommend the TP Link Archer C3150, I have one and get excellent speed/signal throughout my house (2300 sq feet). I have tried MANY routers, and the TP-Link was the only one that I can max out my connection over WiFI (850mb/s on a speediest).
However if you keep your ASUS then you need to log in to the modem and put it in bridge mode, then connect your ASUS. You could call tech support and ask them to put the modem into bridge mode for you if you aren't familiar. Keeping the CODA in gateway mode and connecting the Asus will cause a double nat, as well as other issues.
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07-22-2018 01:18 PM
@nav2004 you can do exactly as you have outlined, which is to run the modem in Gateway mode with the RT-AC86U in Access Point mode.
To do that, connect one of the modem's LAN ports to the 86U's WAN port, as is normally done. Leave the modem running in Gateway mode. It will provide the DHCP services to the network, supplying all of the LAN IP addresses.
With a pc connected to one of the 86Us LAN ports, log into the router, which should be at for the 86U. Set the router up as per your requirements and when that is complete, switch the router into Access Point mode. To do that navigate to the 86U's ADMINISTRATION .... OPERATION MODE tab. Select the Access Point mode and save the changes. When that is complete, log into the 86U again and run a reboot.
Depending on the distance between the modem and router, you might have to shut down the modem's wifi. If the two devices are separated by some distance, such as across the house, then its your choice to run both devices or just the 86U. Our 86U is located at the one end of the house and provides coverage to the back of the house, upstairs and downstairs as well, so, I have no requirement to run the modem's wifi.
The disadvantage here is that the 86U is far superior to modem in terms of its LAN capabilities, so, letting the modem run the network is less than ideal.
For the problem with the USB drive, consider formatting the drive in an Ext 2, 3, or 4 format. I'd start with the Ext 2 format, set the modem to run in Bridge mode with the 86U in full Router mode, as one would normally run the combination of a modem and router. See if the Ext 2 format resolves the file problem that you were experiencing previously. If that doesn't work, in terms of the file situation on the USB drive, move onto an Ext 3 and possibly Ext 4 format. I think that the final answer might be to run a NAS via ethernet instead of using a USB drive. That seems to be the common advice for problems when attempting to run a USB drive as a NAS device.
Here's a reference for format programs that support linux ext formats.
I would also ensure that the 86U is running up to date firmware. Asus has been rewriting the firmware for most of their routers, so perhaps there has been a change for the better in terms of the usb performance. The latest firmware version can be found here:
Download the Windows 10 64 Bit bit version (they're all the same end product) to a folder of your choice. Extract the contents and then run the update function located in ADMINISTRATION .... FIRMWARE UPGRADE .... Manual firmware update: Upload (function). If you happen to see a yellow flashing exclamation mark at the top of the user interface, that's an automated update function. Select that exclamation mark, which also serves as a link, to start the automated update function.
If you are updating from the older generation .380.xxxx firmware version, when the update is finished, log into the router and run a factory reset. After the reset, set the router up from scratch, don't use a backup settings file as that file will not be applicable to this firmware version, which is a .384.xxxx version.
If you still have problems with the usb function, signup for a freebie account at the site and post any questions you might have in the following Asus forum:
Hopefully you will receive adequate responses to your questions.
Here's an interesting observation regarding IPV6 for a RT-AC68U running in Access Point mode. If this is an issue for the 68U, I would expect the same issue for the 86U:
To log into the modem, use to access the login page. That address works for both Gateway and Bridge modes. The user credentials are:
Username: cusadmin
Password: Your wifi passphrase
To log into the modem thru the router, use the same address and credentials. You don't have to make any changes to the hardware connections.
Hope this helps 🙂
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07-23-2018 04:26 AM
Thank you @gp-se
I read through some reviews for TP Link Archer C3150 and decided to give the ASUS RT-AC86U another chance as it seems to have a little more powerfull processor compared to Archer and I think internal memory too.
@Datalink Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I agree, it would be a waste of money to use AC86U as an Acces point. I conincidentally did find snbforums yesterday when searching for ASUS User forums and have posted my question there. Someone there is suggesting Samba protocol, so trying that out as SMB1 is disabled in Windows 10.
I did plug the router back yesterday into the mix and give it a second try. Before plugging the 2 HDDs I first deleted the 4-5 files ASUS Aidisk creates. I was then able to see files from both HDDs. Issue is that I still cannot map a drive letter to these. I can only add them as a Network location using address it assigns and a user id I created. I tried the Samba route and that just does not give me a path to the root folder of both drives, it just lists all the folders on the root drive of both HDDs.
Another issue I ran into last night was I was not able to connec to a Brother multifunction printer I got just 2-3 days before this router. It is MFC-J5830DW. I was able to install the driver and connect my windows 10 laptop to it and had printed just 2 pages for testing. Then last night when trying to connect, it showed printer as offline. I went through some FAQ on Brother site and it asked to uninstall and re-install the driver and now during the installation it cannot even wirelessly locate the printer !! The printer itself is connect to the SSID fine.
Only thing that has changed in my setup is using the ASUS Router for Wifi versus CODA-4582
I might have to prove it is the router that is causing the issue by putting CODA back in Gateway mode and seeing if the laptop can now find the printer.
It just frustrates me how the technological ecosystem does not all work well together causing un-necessary returns of products. I really wanted to keep this printer and router, if all things work.