You need the Netgear router for your home monitoring. Make sure the netgear isn't right beside it and ensure your CODA is on a different 2.4ghz channel then the netgear and you should be fine.
@RogersDave Still having speed issue (250-200Mbps slower) and ping is all over the place. I've attached a screenshot from my router plotting my ping to the CMTS (you can clearly tell where I swapped from the old modem to the new CODA). I'm in bridge ...
I grabbed the new Modem this afternoon and I'm noticing a decrease in latency but my average speed has decrease from about 870Mbps to about 650Mbps (approx avg across a few runs). I noticed my line is in spec (see below) but my grouping was much clos...
Enabled at this point. Seems to be some issues that I haven't narrow down to being IPv6 but hence signing up for this trial as things aren't working as they should.
I can confirm bridge mode with a seperate AP & router allows my chromecast to work. I can say I still had lots of issues since it would connect to my wifi (confirmed dhcp lease to pfsense log) but no interent access. Had to reboot the modem and seeme...