ask for tech super to come out and check how many people are on your node .have him plug into your internet at your house he will run a check and tell you.b4 they fixed my line after 5 months of back n forth they sent super out and there was like ove...
I did notice a drastic slow down on down and up speeds when playing fps on pc .i was able to gain lost fps by shutting the dam ubi app off and closing steam while i played.also is your gaming machine set as priority 1.cause if your gaming and there 9...
I use port forwarding for the reason of the 2 capture cards I use to record my stream mod and live stream at the same time if those port are not open my elegato and obs get squirrely .i have tried just DMZ ya it works most times.
HELLOok i was wondering if last night's thunderstorm was the cause for my Xbox going into a restricted NAT in mid game as we lost power slightly in my area,I have my Xbox DMZ and all port for my Xbox open in the port forward tab.also was wondering if...