Good day,
So here is something that does not work.
Take a jays game, last night for instance it went 14 innings. If you record it it automatically extents the recording time to record the whole game, 4plus hours instead of 3 hours. That works great.....
Just started yesterday when I log into my Roger's account it shows my ignite internet and telephone at my address but ignite tv at a totally different address not related to me in any way.
My package it ignite 20 plus sports and I can not swap flex...
Is accounts open today, I need to call/msg in to do a change for my MIL's account. Basically mgere 2 locations into one billing.
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My MIL will be moving in the near future.
What kind of lead time does Rogers need for a move? It will be self re-install her Ignite gear.
I would just log into her account and request the move.
*Added Labels*
So sitting here watching blue jays recording in progress on my main TV xi6, so I fire up my tablet to watch it on the app on my home network and low and behold the game does not show up as a recording nor scheduled when I look at recordings on my ta...
No, once rogers service is terminated so is your email....UNLESS you get the email address transfered to a friend with rogers or other rogers active account.
Yes it is annoying. Have this every dazy to some extent. I love it when a program replays calling itself NEW because now it contains extra tid bits of popup information based on the original viewing.
This is a network program provider problem. They ...
I was referring to the ethernet port on the TV boxes xi6 and xiOne not the xb6 xb7Yes once you bridge the modem then connect your router to the port 1 of the xb7 xb8 then use your router's ports and a switch if needed.