@Gdkitty wrote:Interesting, Pace.Some of the first rogers boxes, pre the SA boxes, were often Pace.(and were all EOL'd quite a number of years ago)Yeah I remember having one in 2007 or so, they replaced it with SA later on, then CISCO bought them. I ...
I think we now know how it's going to look like:https://www.fiercecable.com/cable/comcast-begins-national-rollout-d-3-1-gatewayshttp://booredatwork.com/xfinity-night-introducing-xfi/ "Comcast engineered the device. has commissioned two vendors to cre...
@Telek wrote:What is it that you were doing that needed a factory reset as opposed to just a reboot? I think this is there as an emergency bail-out situation. The last thing we want is to be on a beta firmware, find out that it's not so great, then ...
Inability to do factory reset without getting downgraded to a public-released firmware is terribly inconvenient. I had .27 and after several beta updates the modem had gotten extremely laggy and ping was all over the place. After the reset it went ba...