So I can't seem to play any video games at all, I get disconects, or ruber banding every 20 -30 seconds. Does not matter which game. I've tran a dslreports test and I score anywhere from an F to a D. Never got higher. I've noticed specificly that th...
I don't know what is going on with this coda-4582, but I just keep disconecting every 10-15 seconds for the past two hours now. This is not acceptable.
@Datalink My speed tests are pretty good. I feel like the speed isint as much the issue as the connectivity issues. I get 130-150 (it varies) mbs down speed. And we have a package that is upto 150. I'm not sure if that's good? I feel like it's good. ...
I don't see a long list for the upstream overview as I do for the downstream overview. Is this the correct table you are asking for?
Downstream Overview
Port IDFrequency (MHz)ModulationSignal strength (dBmV)Channel IDSignal noise ratio (dB)15910000...
I used to have the old modem (2 generations old, I forget the name) and I would get disconected from the internet often. My computer is connected to the modem via ethernet, I've tried chaning the cables. My wireless devices also lose conectivity. I w...