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Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

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Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I've been here awhile
Just picked mine up today. Plugged it all in... and the '@' light doesn't stay lit. Can detect the network on my iMac but it says it can't connect to the router. On with support now, but I can't imagine how this is going to get fixed. Traded in my CGN2 this morning which worked fine. Maybe a hardware issue... We'll see!

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

@VinceMc wrote:
Just picked mine up today. Plugged it all in... and the '@' light doesn't stay lit. Can detect the network on my iMac but it says it can't connect to the router. On with support now, but I can't imagine how this is going to get fixed. Traded in my CGN2 this morning which worked fine. Maybe a hardware issue... We'll see!

Sounds like a provisioning problem, or I guess hardware... 

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I've been here awhile
All fixed up. The guys at the Rogers Store didn't complete the work order. Andy via FB messenger got me rolling. Dealt with him a few times. Great dude to deal with!!

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

@VinceMc there are problems with connecting a router to a CODA-4582 with anything prior to Firmware version  The modem would not connect to a D-Link router for example due to some unique way that the D-Link router communicates with a modem.  That problem should be resolved in V2.0.10.23, so, what you should do is request .23, which is outlined below.  Do you have something other than a D-Link router?  If so, can you specify the make and model number so that this can be examined.  


To request V2.0.10.23, have a look at message # 471 (top post) on the following page for instructions on requesting an earlier trial version.  In your case, its the same procedure, just a different modem and firmware version.


When you are sending the private message as indicated in that post, also log into your modem and copy the HFC MAC address and modem Serial number and paste that into the message. The HFC MAC Address and modem Serial Number can be found on the STATUS page that is displayed when you log into the modem. The Cable Modem MAC Address and S/N can also be found on the back of the modem.  Put "Request V2.0.10.23 for CODA-4582" in the message title.  That might take a day or two to load onto your modem. That will also place your modem on the trials list, so that updated versions of the firmware will be loaded when it becomes available, instead of waiting for the network wide general release. 



Edit:  I see that the issue has been resolved.  If you interested in the trial version, don't hesitate to request it.  Here's the change log and issues log:


Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I've been here awhile
Thanks very much!! I will certainly look into that as well. 🙂 Glad to be up and running. On the 100u plan and my old speed on the CGN2 was about 60ish dl. Up to a about 120 now which is more than advertised. A happy camper. 😛

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware


@timfolkins wrote:

.19 was bliss for me.


.23 has been a nightmare.


I'm now down to 2h reboots in order to get the signal levels back to normal.


As a reference note - all was great on my 250 plan - rock solid.

Do you experience any issues when the signal levels change? or is this strictly a cosmetic thing? I'm on .23 and haven't had any issues, in fact it fixed a lot of issues I was having with .19



Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

Yes - download speeds decrease from 900+ to 15


So I'm glad .23 was great for you. For me... it's been back to dial-up.


Signal levels (downstream) go from a sweetspot +-1.0 to > -11


No 3.1 in my area yet.

This only started with .23


If it was cosmetic I wouldn't care in the least. But this is dismal.


Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

@timfolkins wrote:

Yes - download speeds decrease from 900+ to 15


So I'm glad .23 was great for you. For me... it's been back to dial-up.


Signal levels (downstream) go from a sweetspot +-1.0 to > -11


No 3.1 in my area yet.

This only started with .23


If it was cosmetic I wouldn't care in the least. But this is dismal.


Have you tried swapping the modem or sending a PM to @CommunityHelps to see if they can remove you from the Beta program and put you back on .19?


Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

Wow .. Finally .. Modem went down for 10min and came back up .. Logged in and guess what ?? DOCSIS 3.1 !!!!


North Brampton 


CODA Black Dot .23 FW Bridge to Asus RT-87U on Asus DDWRT-Merlin





Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I've been here awhile
Hey thanks for the reply. Is it possible for me to be put on the beta firmware? If so, whoever handles that please count me in.

Thank you

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

      Got internet installed yesterday, speeds were great till this morning. Pings went sky high, on a speed test would was hickuping big time, from 1 to 250 back to 10 or so, back to 200, back to not moving at all.  Reboot and back to normal. Still on .13

     i guess crazy ride just starting for me 🙂

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

@tonytoronto After 24-48 hours the modem will update it's firmware to the latest network wide release which is version .19


You can try disabling the 2.4Ghz WiFi band and see if the speeds improve, as a troubleshooting step.


Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

  Thanks for the info. The modem ended up getting .23 this afternoon, so far so good, lets see what happens overnight.  The 2.4 radio was going to be my next step, already setting up a AP and  was going to leave wi-fi off in the CODA.

   When it works, seems like decent router with decent Wi-Fi, hopefully big bugs will be fixed.


 thanks again.

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

undefinedJust got DOCSIS 3.1 here in Whitby.. .23 firmware. Latency has nearly halved..


Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I'm a senior advisor

@coder_1990  Nice to see results reported from Whitby.  I too am from Whitby, and I have been waiting until there was some stability and a final beta moved to production, and even then I will wait a bit before considering moving up.


Nice to see though.  Congrats.



Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I've been around

I have same issue reboot needed 3 times daily. Call tech support daily swapped 

coda 4582 yesterday same problem. Plugged directly in wall old ignite modem rarely needed reboot. Could be a dual band issue 2.4 may cause interference.

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I'm a senior contributor

That's really promising, can't wait to get D3.1 in my area!

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

Is .23 beta f/w or stable release?


I got .23 right now and ran a speedtest yesterday and noticed my speeds were consistent through the day in regards to hitting the roof at 750 (when I used to get 950) and then slowly decents to 625-650.  I would like to say I've had this f/w for a few days but it's hard to say.


Will the logs tell me when the f/w has been pushed to the modem?  I think I noticed some downtime Sunday evening figuring it was just the modem getting updated.

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

@markopascurrently the .23 is still considered beta firmware as .19 is currently considered the stable release and has been pushed to all other Rogers devices.


Yes the logs will show you that the software update has gone through (Unless your backlog has already been filled with other messages since the upgrade). I can't fully remember what the log message states but it is pretty obvious (Something along the lines of "NMS software downloading" followed by an install message). Few things you can check is the uptime on the device to find out if the device rebooted after an update or if it just had a service blip from upstream.

Re: Rogers Hitron CODA-4582 Hardware

I plan to stick around

@Hybrid_Noodle wrote:

@markopascurrently the .23 is still considered beta firmware as .19 is currently considered the stable release and has been pushed to all other Rogers devices.


Yes the logs will show you that the software update has gone through (Unless your backlog has already been filled with other messages since the upgrade). I can't fully remember what the log message states but it is pretty obvious (Something along the lines of "NMS software downloading" followed by an install message). Few things you can check is the uptime on the device to find out if the device rebooted after an update or if it just had a service blip from upstream.

I'm not gonna let one day hold me back on the speed decrease, I will check again today and verify.


My main concern on getting the newest firmware was so that I can start using my DLink router ever since I moved to this new CODA modem, the previous modem never had that issue but it was holding me back from getting those gigabit speeds.