08:42 AM
- last edited on
04:23 PM
Hello Community,
We are currently offering our users an exclusive opportunity to participate in an upcoming trial of the new firmware for our Rocket Wi-Fi Modem (CGN3ACR, CGN3AMR and CGN3ACSMR) and Rocket Gigabit Wi-Fi Modem (CGN3552 and CODA-4582). For details of this program, please see this thread.
This thread will be used for feedback regarding the firmware. We've invited @RogersSergio, @RogersSyd & @RogersBob from our Networking team to participate in this thread. Your feedback is very valuable and will be used to enhance the firmware before it is released publicly.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support.
07-12-2018 05:46 PM
Seems like Comcast already offer 2GB Down and Up.
Also I found this
Look at Comcast_Jessie's reply.
This only means that DOCSIS 3.1 modems have the capability of handling faster speeds, if you are on our Starter package you would not need a DOCSIS 3.1 compatible modem. At this time DOCSIS 3.1 capabilities are reserved for our 500 Mbps and 1Gbps speed tiers. Additionally, your business location must be in range of a DOCSIS 3.1 enabled headend and have a DOCSIS 3.1 enabled modem (which you do have). If your business does meet all three of these qualifications you will be automatically on our DOCSIS 3.1 network for both upload and download.
So it seems Comcast already offer it, since when? not sure.
07-13-2018 05:59 AM
That 2GB up and down isn't DOCSIS but pure glass. Here's an interesting read of someone getting it set up! Although 2GB up and down means you need 10GbE connectivity.
07-13-2018 05:17 PM
I know it was a big loss when Dave left and I am continuing to push to get additional representation back on the forums because you are right, your feedback and input is invaluable. That said there are at times challenges trying to align on priorities and I do apologize that we have not done a better job with this.
Although I cannot provide complete visibility to the D3.1 challenges or roadmap I can say, as with the current D3.0 firmware there are issues that need to be worked out before pushing out code that supports D3.1, not just from the device perspective but also on the network side (we want to make sure that we won't have to roll that code back...). Code is currently under test and as soon as we have confirmed its performance we will be pushing it out... i know this is not what you want to hear... but it's still going to take a bit more time.
On the other side.. we are continuing to work on the D3.0 firmware which has not gone very well. We had successfully rolled out the 35T2 firmware only to encounter a network impacting issue that forced us to roll it back.
I am working with our vendor to fix these issues so we can move forward with getting out the latest updates as soon as possible... still a few weeks out.
And the above is just on the CODA... we are also working on new code for the AC devices and the CGN3ROG units.
07-14-2018 02:12 PM
Totally agree @JohnBeaudin ....Few months ago I had speeds of over 1GB and close to 50Mb down without Netflix streaming issues. Now rolled back to 34T6 two months ago.....pings are terrible and cannot even get 400MB with plenty Netflix streaming issues. @RogersSergio has promised to fix these issues - which we have - but not delivered. As a PM he's simply a broker of information between us, the developers and Rogers management. He's not a Network Architect like @RogersDave , who could give us Technical details and insights we loved. This is why most of us liked this Forum we signed-up for 2 plus years ago, we had patience and tolerated Rogers. Now it's regressing back to the early days....and just a matter of time for all of us to look at options. Rogers enough lip service....It's time to deliver.
07-14-2018 03:07 PM
@RogersSergio thanks for the update on all this - I am not a beta tester, but have followed the process closely from the beginning.
I can relate to your situation as a Project Manager - this is the first time I picked up on what your role is. I have been project manager in many large projects over the year, even trained way back when under PMP training. I often felt a bit like a powerless monkey in the middle of management, the consumer (stakeholders as they like to say), and the development team and engineers and all other professionals involved.
Much of what is going on you can't communicate to the "users", in this case, Rogers customers, some who have kindly agreed to be involved in the process of beta testing, and it appears they are starting to grow in frustration and any desire to be a part of the process.
They just want to see a stable functioning basic system - go ahead and develop and test, but it is not unrealistic that customers should be able to see stable Internet performance standards in place, and of course as a beta tester, one would expect to get hit by surprises now and then, but just in my opinion, it is time to step back, stabalize what is going out to the general user, and keep the beta users up to date, and maybe that is best in a private forum.
As a final question, what is the current firmware on the Coda white box - regular user and beta user.
Again, thanks for the clarifications, and I don't envy your situation at this moment, but maybe if you could emphasize that people who are paying good money for services are getting frustrated as you iron out the bugs, and maybe dedicate some time to getting a stable delivery to all regular users of download and upload speeds, wifi performance - do we have ability for USB data services or not (turn it off and announce if we don't), and since they now have acknowledged that a gateway alone, no matter what level it is can often lead to performance in output, and maybe when a customer contacts saying that they are having issues with WIFI, a tech comes and tests signals of WIFI, adjusts placement of the modem if that solves the problem, or recommends the wall to wall solution.
And possibly narrow down the beta testing and develop a communication line for that group. As a beta tester, having been one before, not with Rogers, I expect that things may not go as predicted, but you can always opt out, but they need to be able to opt out to a stable well functioning solution while Rogers figures out the future.
Just my opinion.
07-16-2018 05:45 AM - edited 07-16-2018 07:05 AM
I don't know how hard you or Rogers are working on firmware updates for your Internet modems, but from a customer's perspective it's not hard enough.
According to Page 1 of this post, Your production firmware for the CODA is 8 months old and for the CGN3X series, 9 months old.
That makes me wonder whether all the beta firmware since then are unworkable or not required or whether no effort has been made to incorporate them into production. Or has the page simply not been updated?
According to Page 1, 33T3 is the production version for the CODA. Yet a hardware reset of the CODA leaves you with 34T6 (beta), not 33T3 (production). I though a hardware reset of the CODA puts you back to the production version. Have you just not updated the page? And if 34T6 is production, why hasn't had the bridge mode disappearance act (can't access it from after a few days without rebooting) been addressed in 3 months?
What is going on? It appears that Rogers won't dedicate the resources required to address issues that are so critical to the successful operation of their network?
Rogers is a large corporation not a small startup and their President has said he is very committed to customer service.
07-17-2018 12:04 PM
so ya, when the 2.4G drops, the SSID keeps broadcasting, but I cannot get any internet thru it, and the DHCP assigns an IP completely out of range to my devices.
I can still use my wired devices fine, and I can connect to the 5Ghz and access the CODA login and refresh the wireless channel to get back the 2.4.... but this is very annoying as the 5 G doesnt reach my garage so I need to constantly come into my office to reset the wifi almost twice a day now.....
Im just completely disheartened with these problems, I cant believe after 1.5years of testing and feedback, the development team cant come up with better firmware.
07-17-2018 12:25 PM
Id also like some kind of time line on the next update, as its been 3 months since we've had anything, as the May update was rolled back. even still its been almost a full 2 months since that update.
As manager of a business myself, if I had told one of my departments that there was serious issues with somthing, and it took them more than 1 month to fix it, never mind 2 or 3, and they were not giving me atleast WEEKLY, DETAILED reports as to why and whats been worked on, i'd be replacing those employees very quickly.
As others have mentioned, Rogers is not a small start up, and the CEO has said he is dedicated too customer service, so why are customers being left in the dark and not getting their issues fixed after now, 1.5years, all the while, we are paying for service we are not getting, and we are not being actively saught out by Rogers for a discount for our troubles and efforts to help, we have too call and demand constantly to just get $10 off....
I've been writting a long letter too the CRTC about Rogers and their sales and customer service practices, and I am interested if anyone else would like to be involved with this and help me add more details and direct customer experiences. If i recieve enough interest, I am willing to purchase a website to post the finished letter and allow the public to view and digitally sign if they also agree, like a petition. Im out of ideas for any other way to show Rogers we mean business.
07-17-2018 12:39 PM
Put the CODA in bridge mode and buy you won router dude.
07-17-2018 01:00 PM
@Makaveli99 wrote:Put the CODA in bridge mode and buy you won router dude.
@you can lead a horse to water but it’s not possible to have the horse drink that water if they chose not too .... I agree that getting your own router is the best choice BUT many here want to believe that Rogers and it’s Gateway suppliers will produce a quality integrated device. ... will NEVER happen. However, @Makaveli99, you are one lucky dude because you still have firmware 35T1 which firmware in BRIDGE mode was the best firmware ever produced by Hitron.
07-17-2018 08:26 PM - edited 07-17-2018 08:27 PM
07-18-2018 05:48 AM
@AOD999 wrote:
@mozerdoldI also still have 35T1 in bridge mode
WOW, another LUCKY dude --- I tried to get 35T1 back but I was denied multiple --- Grrrrr
NOT FAIR in any way shape or form
So @RogersSergio why can some keep 35T1 and I can not ???
07-19-2018 07:08 PM
I understand everyone's frustration both in the code being delivered as of late along with the lack of support on the forums. I know the value everyone brings and I have been, lets say vocal, on both items internally.
We are working hard to get things back on track and I know everyone is tired of hearing it (quite frankly i am tired of saying it). I will continue to be an advocate for everyone on the forum and hound people till we get issues resolved.
With respect to firmware... for CODA devices both beta and regular users are currently on the latest "stable" code (yes i know... funny choice of words 😉 );
07-19-2018 07:36 PM
Thank you for flagging a few updates that I missed on page 1, I will keep a closer eye on the updates going forward to avoid mistakes like that in the future.
You are right that there have been challenges in rolling out firmware over the past year (especially on the AC devices).
With all large networks there are a lot of activities and moving pieces and sometimes they don't always work well together. That by no means is an excuse, we do need to get these issues figured out and deliver the fixes and updates impacting our customers and there is no excuses for not doing so in a timely manner.
I will say that we are close to addressing a number of issues and to be completely honest, there are still a number of issues (intermittent issues are very challenging) that are still a work in progress.
I welcome your criticisms and recommendations, any and all feedback helps me drive the message that we need to continuously look to improve.
07-19-2018 07:38 PM - edited 07-19-2018 07:41 PM
@RogersSergio, @mozerdold Why do some of us with CODA devices still have 35T1 and have not been rolled back? When 35T1 personally for me works perfectly.
07-19-2018 07:43 PM - edited 07-19-2018 07:44 PM
Thanks for the update, Rogers is one of the biggest ISP in Canada and I am pretty sure you guys want to stay competitive and don't want Bell to stay too much ahead, I have confidence that you guys will eventually sort these issues out and improve the quality of your network. We're still a long way from D.1 on upstream, hopefully sometimes in 2019.
Keep up the hard work, and don't forget to keep us informed once in a while like you just did 🙂
07-19-2018 07:46 PM
07-19-2018 07:53 PM
Same thing, right now Bell's fibre is not offered in my town, however Rogers offer gigabit speed, so I am with Rogers for now, Last I heard Bell will deploy FTTH next year in our town, so it will be a choice to make at that time.
07-19-2018 07:58 PM
Lets pull back the curtain a little...
With any firmware rollout (or rollback) there are always various factors that affect whether the firmware is able to successfully download to all the devices (network related, turning devices off during upgrades, etc.)
Not to say this is always the case but for beta testers we set your devices to ignore the on-boot upgrades; sometimes this gets cleared over time but if you are one of the individuals that falls into this category and your device may not have been reachable at the time of the downgrade you may still have this firmware.
This firmware does impact the network especially when everyone has the code... when its a smaller number of devices the impacts are much lower... so the push to clean up is lower on the priority list. Since some of you have stated how well it performed we have been a little lax in pushing for completing the cleanup... instead we are focused on getting working code.
Unfortunately pushing this code would add to the problem so we are not able to so at this time.
07-21-2018 09:13 AM
We appreciate you being our advocate but it has been many months without any salient info or results. Downspeeds continue to worsen but Up speeds are holding. This is after the rollback months ago. Still waiting to hear back from promises to investigate. Most of us were willing to pay 100 - 150 for Rogers Gb internet. Then we read the following in Friday's Toronto Star.
"In June, Bell was offering a gigabit-per-second home internet package with unlimited data for $79.95 in parts of Toronto where its fibre-to-the-home service is available.
About the same time, Rogers dropped the monthly cost for its gigabit service for new customers to $79.99 for 12 months, from $152.99, across its full network in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland".
My speeds were great 3 months ago and occasionally above 1gb.....now below 300mb but still paying for Gb speed ??
Please speak to Joe Natale and have something done for your loyal customers before they start leaving.
07-24-2018 03:15 PM
I know this has been a long time coming; and I still need to update the firmware tracking post but I wanted to post this as soon as possible.
We have NEW firmware for both CODA and AC devices.
CODA update (36T2) will get us back to the same Intel SDK that we had with the 35T1 (except without the issue that was negatively impacting the network)
AC update (39T2) includes a fix for the WiFi issue where on a device reboot WiFi disappears and needs a reboot to get it back.
To start we will be looking to rollout the 39T2 firmware for AC devices tomorrow; anyone running an ac device that has any time restrictions please let me know else we will look to start our roll out tomorrow into Thursday
I am still clarifying the CODA roll out timelines... if anyone wants to be part of the initial testers please shoot me a note and i will make sure you're at the top of the list.