Hello. I have Adv Wi-Fi Mdm on Ignite 250U.Hardware Version 1ASoftware Version it a couple months ago, 2.4GHZ and 5GHZ worked fine until I changed the 2.4 band to N only. All my N devices could not connect to the 2.4 band after a couple...
Rogers did a widespread changeover to Casa CMTS in all areas. I think its all changed over. From what I recall, that's when the new firmware was required to be compatible with the new CMTS. They needed the new hardware to support gigabit services a...
T3 Timeout ( Ranging Request Retries Exhausted )Explanation: The cable modem has sent 16 Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) messages without receiving a Ranging Response (RNG-RSP) message in reply from the CMTS. The cable modem is therefore resetting its cabl...
Good afternoon. I have been waiting to switch from the advanced CGN3ROG to the CGN3AC. It took a long time to find a reliable CGN3ROG so I am being cautious before switching. I'll probably have a tech come out and install one and test it thoroughl...