Rogers, you pushed Firmware overnight found a bug in WiFi. As an example for an AP name It fails to work with dots '.' now, I have to switch my AP name to _ or -. Is this intentional?
I'll restart the moment now and confirm the output..that fixed it, though both lights are light blue so no ODFM/ODFMA for me yet... The modem showed these errors in log on start:- Missing Mandatory MDD TLV on primary DS Channel- RNG-RSP CCAP Commande...
[CODA-4582U] No OFDM/OFDMA available - Information from DOCSIS 3.0 corrupt messed up:
Looks like the info being reported is.. um messed up or corrupt. The modem went down around 2:30am this morning (when Rogers seems to do maintenance), I can see D... Just got rolled out to Production, hope the new (Linux) kernel being used might expose more features, like Wireguard for VPN use if Hitron went more bleeding edge kernel now that would be great to expose on the modem UI! Though I'm on the...