MyRogers & Rogers Apps
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Forum Posts

Order Tracking on MyRogers app broken

The Order Tracking feature on MyRogers app is giving me, constantly, the 'ol "Something went wrong: We're experiencing a problem on our end" alert. Is this a known thing? What's the fix if not?   **Labels Updated**    

jhalmos by I've been here awhile
  • 1 replies

MyRogers Upgrade Fail

We have tried for months now to get the app or browser to respond properly when trying to do an upgrade on our account. We have spent a lot of time on the phone and in stores and still have not yet had this resolved. We have tried multiple devices La...

Resolved! Site won't let me upgrade phone.

I tried to upgrade my phone on the myrogers app, and it would have a "Sorry! Something Went Wrong." error when I clicked checkout. So I switched to desktop, used 2 different browsers, and am getting the same error on the page before the one with the ...

dnkghs by I've been around
  • 1 replies

Resolved! Small Business - reserve a device

So I have a small business account with business self serve... but when I go to reserve a device (making sure i am good to go for the next iPhone launch ) it redirects me to, which I do not have a log in for and am not sure how to cr...