03:58 PM
- last edited on
05:09 PM
I tried unplugging modem and 3rd party router.
This problem seems to happen more frequently. I am now entering the info into my phone (notes) - time/day of disconnection and duration.
It went down Tuesday and now today. I don't recall how long it was out last time. Maybe 30 min or 1 hr total?
I also use a wifi Smart TV.
It has reconnected a few times only to drop 5 mins (estimate) later. Sometimes the speed is normal but often, the connection is at a much lower speed suggesting a problem.
I am wondering if there's an issue.
*Added Labels*
03-02-2021 06:54 PM
My cuts out 2 or three times a day. We have to unplug and replug. Rogers wont fix without a visit fee which we have paid before. Doesn't matter how much I pay it does not get fixed.
03-03-2021 05:25 AM
After numerous calls for technical support and visits from technicians during the last several months, all of which could find nothing wrong, and all of whom recommended different solutions, I finally relocated my home office to the room with the modem and connected directly to the modem with an ethernet cable. That seemed to resolve the internet dropping problem except when the computer restarted or "woke up"; then I would have to wait a minute or two for the internet to be available. Then yesterday, something changed; internet is now immediately available when the computer wakes up, and download is between 25% to 100% faster than before. I didn't change anything, and I hope that this continues. If I have time, I may test whether wi-fi has become reliable again.
03-04-2021 12:10 PM - edited 03-04-2021 12:11 PM
Whoever has CODA 4582 and had his OFDMA disabled, do you have lower speed test results?
I used to measure ~ 450-480 speed on 300/20 package.
Now for at least 10 days I measure 215 the most. I measure by directly connecting laptop to modem in DMARC point
Does it mean that it is the impact of OFDMA being disabled? But it does not make sense, since OFDA was upstream, and downstream should not have been impacted.
Please let me know.
03-04-2021 01:55 PM
Actually the opposite for me, @doctor80. Before OFDMA was disabled, I'd consistently get 300/15 on a wired connection and about 230/15 on a wireless connection. Since OFDMA was disabled, I'm getting over 400/15 on both wired and wireless.
Also, disabling OFDMA was definitely the fix for my issues... no noticeable drops on PingPlotter and smooth video calls/gaming in the last two weeks.
03-04-2021 02:27 PM
03-04-2021 04:44 PM - edited 03-04-2021 04:45 PM
Internet has been solid since OFDMA was shut off for me. No drops that we've noticed. 14.5 days since I last rebooted the modem.
03-04-2021 06:44 PM
03-04-2021 07:28 PM
03-04-2021 08:13 PM
If you factory reset, it will re-enable for a brief time - perhaps even a day or so - but will eventually be disabled again, if it was disabled and Rogers wants it disabled in your area.
03-05-2021 07:51 AM
04:56 PM
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08:23 AM
for about ~2 weeks now I started seeing the following problem: during Microsoft Teams call, I stop hearing the other side for few seconds, and then it continues. Few minutes later, the same audio issue repeats. And this happens on both iPhone and PC
Kid is using Zoom / Google, and experiencing similar issue - audio/video just periodically freezing during the class
Nothing changed on our side - network configuration, network load, etc. - and was working relatively well, but March 4/5 it became unbearable to the point that I could not do my meetings anymore.
- Ignite Gigabit service
- Modem: CODA-4582U in bridge mode, current FW (signed up to get
- Routers: ASUS RT-AX86u, in mesh mode, running latest Merlin FW
- wifi clients using AX/AC; AX connects at 2402Mbps, AC clients connect at 650Mbps, wired at gigabit
(very close to the router)
Called Rogers support, they say my line is good, and there are no issues in my neighborhood.
Am I the only one having such problem?
***Edited Labels***
03-09-2021 12:24 PM
Just to update on my previous posts in this thread, for my specific issue, which I believe many were having but not everyone:
This issue may finally be resolved. A couple weeks ago there was an outage on my street I think for an hour or two and I found a Rogers tech outside. He said there was some kind of intermittent signal issue and he was going from box to box to isolate it. (I asked what could cause this and he mentioned wet wires and other things that could affect the wire/signal)
I am not sure what he ended up doing, but I believe I have not seen the intermittent disconnect issue that I was consistently having since he was on the street. I will keep monitoring to be sure.
So it seems its possible that there is an actual issue beyond the local home environment which could be causing this, but Rogers seems totally unaware of it or they have no way of detecting it until it gets worse. (Its also possible it was a coincidence or that issue is not actually resolved yet.)
03-09-2021 04:55 PM
Unless we're neighbours, it's interesting that my issue also got resolved at the same time. I'm wondering whether there was a common issue that has now been corrected. At least the dropping has not occurred since and my download speed has doubled.
03-11-2021 03:45 PM - edited 03-11-2021 03:53 PM
After exactly one month (Feb. 11) of OFDMA being disabled, with flawless internet, it has unfortunately been re-enabled on my Hitron today. I will resume my PingPlotter monitoring for drops.
Has anyone else had OFDMA turned back on?
03-11-2021 04:02 PM - edited 03-11-2021 04:06 PM
Yeah they turned it back on today for me as well. Not sure what the point is.
Also the packetloss is back after being completely gone for a month 🙂
03-11-2021 04:14 PM
mine has been turned back on as well. Let's see what happens now....
I wish somebody from Rogers would come on here and let us know what improvements they made in the interval being switched off to now. With three people working from home, it's been bliss not having the constant disconnects, now the anxiety starts again.
03-11-2021 04:20 PM
03-11-2021 04:22 PM
I just use pingplotter, as it's a lot easier to catch packetloss than command prompt. Every rogers tech will tell you to use command prompt, but it's a complete waste of time.
03-11-2021 04:29 PM
Yeah, PingPlotter to (Google DNS) and just let that run.
It's almost like they set 1 month as the timeline to trial OFDMA being disabled and just let it lapse... I do not want a return to the state of affairs in January.
03-11-2021 04:33 PM
03-11-2021 04:36 PM
I personally use google.ca, you can also use like posted above.