I plan to stick around
since ‎05-22-2020

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Hello There, on all  of my Apple devices ( macBook Air, iPad and Apple TV ) the download speed test results are drastically slower by comparison to the download speed tests done on other ( non-apple ) devices on my home network. My Linux computer and...
HelloI've tried to enable Mail Forwarding specifically for  one of my disposable Rogers e-mail addresses but Im going nowhere with it ;  the idea is to either FILTER out   e-mails from a specific 'From' e-mail address and forward these to my cell pho...
Hi Im trying to follow the instructions from League of Legends support to open port forwarding on the Coda modem.   League of Legends support recommends opening incoming ports: UDP 5000 -5500 , 8088 TCP 8389-8400, 8088, 5222-5223, 2099   I tried to s...
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