03:58 PM
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05:09 PM
I tried unplugging modem and 3rd party router.
This problem seems to happen more frequently. I am now entering the info into my phone (notes) - time/day of disconnection and duration.
It went down Tuesday and now today. I don't recall how long it was out last time. Maybe 30 min or 1 hr total?
I also use a wifi Smart TV.
It has reconnected a few times only to drop 5 mins (estimate) later. Sometimes the speed is normal but often, the connection is at a much lower speed suggesting a problem.
I am wondering if there's an issue.
*Added Labels*
10-08-2020 11:22 AM
You folks are not alone. Same here in Markham.
My internet had been stable until late Sept. A case was opened ever since then with a tech came onsite. Due to COVID-19, he did not come into my house but he found bad connector outside in the pole and he replaced. Sound familiar with some other people had posted here.
Internet keeps dropping throughout the day usually it comes back up in a minute or 2. This already causes damage as we are all working and learning from home.
The modem is on bridge mode. When the internet is dropped off, my wireless devices are still connecting to my router so the connection to my router is good. It is just no internet.
Contacted Rogers via Live Chat this time the agent said connecting the modem to UPS, power bar is not recommended and causes issue. Really?
My connection is now under monitoring so I am not allowed to even get my modem replaced. No ETA provided when the investigation will be ended. It is getting very annoying now.
10-08-2020 11:59 AM
In my case,
All wired and wireless devices stay connecting to router but just lose internet connection.
Some times all the lights look normal but some times all the other lights gone except the power.
Before the onsite tech came on Oct 4 replaced the "bad" connector in the pole on the street, Speedtest was inconsistent. It is quite consistent with dl above 700 ul 16 (some time 24). I would say the speed is OK when there is no internet drop.
Yes. Rebooted the modem many times. I contacted via Live Chat and the agent ran a test from your end to my modem he found signal problem in my neighborhood.
10-08-2020 12:36 PM
10-08-2020 12:41 PM
What did they do to fix your problem? Replaced you with a new modem?
12:49 PM
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09:07 AM
I am on modem number 3 now. To date, I have had filters installed on my line. Then removed stating I did not need them. I have had techs into my home testing speeds, hardware, software. A new line drop to my home, LOTS of tech visits with each one stating something different and no one ever correcting the problem. Then, the last tech that showed up put a new big silver filter on my cable inside the box on the exterior of the home. That fixed my speed and service to my modem. I have a very large home. it's 6000 sq ft on three levels. The pods are positioned in my home to try to spread the signal. They are terrible. they cut in and out constantly, they give me terrible speeds (much less than what I am paying for) and generally give my entire system fits.
The same tech stated that a mesh network system is needed for my home in order for the ignite system to work correctly in my home and provide me with the speeds I expect (and pay for). Rogers is unwilling to provide me with a mesh system to make THEIR system work correctly and expect me to pay for that. NOT HAPPENING. They are going to provide me with the hardware to make THEIR system work as intended. I would be twice as angry if I was paying for gigabit speed and using these pods and only being able to max out at 200mbps. They are a farce IMO.
02:00 PM
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04:06 PM
Two days worth of shotty wifi. 500u. Work great when it works. My son is in the middle of class when the internet goes down. What am I to do now? I've done everything in the videos and feeds and so far nothing is helpful.
04:47 PM
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05:54 PM
Hello! We were a long time (10+ years) customer and after frustrating internet during covid we left. Not long after trying Bell and failing we took the step and got Ignite.
We have had it less than 48 hours and it drops. Almost twice an hour in fact. It's not reliable and it's worse than before and worse than Bell.
Should I just get rid of it altogether? I've put those stupid terminating caps on and everything.
10-08-2020 06:26 PM - edited 10-08-2020 06:29 PM
I have been experiencing this same issue for the last few weeks as well (non-Ignite). They sent someone around who claimed there was a rusty connector at street level and asked me to check connectivity now. ?? Am I supposed to be able to summon an outage? Anyway, he left and the back office people said the line signal is good, they don't see any drops on their side, alluding it is my router (I'm in bridge mode as well). Yesterday we had 10-20 outages, each lasting about 2 minutes. Today were were 'lucky' and had only 5-6 outages.
How does one crack this nut??
10-08-2020 09:50 PM
10-09-2020 05:18 AM
10-09-2020 05:28 AM - edited 10-09-2020 05:30 AM
ECH1414, what would you move to? Bell again? You will not get your legacy system back now once you switch to ignite.
07:06 PM
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07:32 PM
Hi I have the following modem
10-11-2020 01:08 PM
So, in my case, I laid my hands on another router to take the place of the one I had this side of the cable modem (swap out TP-LINK AC1200 with oldler Netgear R6200). It's been 3 days and no drops yet (fingers crossed). Solved my own problem; Rogers not responsible.
10-11-2020 01:20 PM - edited 10-11-2020 01:21 PM
@kootybug try this:
modem ---> unmanaged gigabit switch ---> TP-LINK AC1200
just to see if isolating the router from the modem has any effect. Then if the router is close to the modem, still in that configuration with the gigabit switch, move the router so that its not so close to the modem. I'd go at least three feet, preferably six feet or more. Then if that works, remove the gigabit switch but keep the same distance. The question here is:
1. is there an issue between the modem and the TP-LINK AC1200 router; or
2. is there an EMI impact on the modem if the router is too close to the modem.
Hopefully this will help determine where the problem might be.
What modem do you have? The product sticker on the back of the modem will show the modem model number.
12:11 PM
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02:04 PM
I have been having internet connection disruption from August 2020 onwards. I have opened many tickets to get this fixed. It is a challenge for the past few months. I was told to change the modem and has done few times. However, there was no improvement. I was told to upgrade my modem and I have done it as well to 500 mbps. I still have the intermittent connectivity issue. The modem got rebooted automatically periodically. Field technician is also noticed the issue and he did the diagnostic during all these past incidents reported. As per the diagnostic, Roger technician has identified issue is in our area.
we are all working from home for the past few months and internet is critical essential service. I was told many times by Rogers that there is work going on in my neibourhood but there is no clear answer as to what work and when it will be resolved.
I called today tech support as well ( spoke with Al - Manager -Reference # 1561745446) and on Friday work order # W233395661500 (Bikram). I was told that there is rebuild going on from today morning until 4:30. There is no communication as to the impact to affected customer.
When I asked Al - manager - to notify me when there will be service interruption. He said that they don't send anything in writing. This is really concerning considering that if we (customer) doesn't know when the connection will be dropped/disconnected due to planned maintenance/unplanned maintenance, it is impossible for us to use alternative internet (such as using Mobile phone data plan). This is impacting our deliverables and our call with executives goes bad (disconnection of VOIP calls - due to Roger internet disruption).
I have been hearing similar issue from my neighbors as well.
How can you help us to get solid internet connection ? what is the current status and how/when will this issue be resolved? can you send us advance notification if there will be any planned maintenance that will potentially impact us?
please provide an explanation as to the issues we have been facing from August onwards?
10-13-2020 08:24 AM
To do that, I would need to go out and buy a gigabit switch (I just don't have them hanging around). I'm good for now. It works, and that's the main point.
10-13-2020 08:29 AM
Ok, understood. I'd try moving the TP-LINK AC1200 router further away from the modem, just to see if there's an EMI impact on the modem from the TP-LINK router. Never know, maybe there's a slightly higher wifi power output or slightly different antenna radiation pattern that is causing an EMI issue with the modem.
10-13-2020 12:12 PM
Thank you for being a part of our community and congrats on your first post with us. 🙂
I totally understand where you are coming from with regards to needing a strong and reliable internet connection. I also need internet for work purposes and both of my children do online schooling from home as well. These days, it's a necessity for many of us.
It sounds like we've tried quite a few different things to get to the bottom of your spotty internet issue, to no avail. That is definitely concerning. 😟
I would recommend visiting our Rogers Service Interruptions board to see major outages that are currently ongoing. If you are still having issues and you do not see anything listed there for your location, you may send us a Private Message so we can check into this further for you. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please check out our blog.
10-13-2020 12:16 PM
Good luck. I made my final call to technical support and the office of the president. I called Bell today and have an appointment to get their fibe gigabit service installed in my home next week. After that, It's box up the rogers garbage and bring it back. I am done fighting with them to provide me with proper services which I am paying for. After almost 20 years with them, I shall no longer pay any more money to this hack job of a system.
10-15-2020 10:39 PM
same here. internet keeps dropping and has got worse since summer.
I dont have an option of bill fibe here otherwise would have switched in a heartbeat. docis network is old and needs replacement
10-15-2020 10:53 PM
Spoke to my neighbor and he has been experiencing the same thing - internet drops a few times a day throughout the day. 3 times already today as I am aware of coz the modem is just right beside me. All the lights on the modem look normal but no internet. The case I opened still active. Rec'd text msgs from Rogers from time to time repeating the same thing - working on my case with delay.