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Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been here awhile

A little rant, but more so, reaching out for some WiFi help/advice.....


Started with Ignite bundle 5/7 ago and running 1gbs; express set-up went smooth, added devices to the Gen2 gateway with ease  - including my Canon laser Printer, its listed as a device on my network.  Or so I thought,  the printer seems to be on the network but will not print from cell phones x2 or laptops x2 with using wifi  "no airprint printers found".  Before Ignite, all was good using the legacy set-up.  


I have tried everything suggested by Canon, even information from this community forum.  Still no luck.  Last few nights, tried to get some help from Ignite Tech support - Road Block!!.  Tele support waits >2hrs; via text - agent minimizing the situation, confrontational language, and essentially indicated my situation does not pertain to Rogers products or services, so bugger- off and speak with Canon.  


Kindda feel let down by a company who offers a deceptive gold standard Ignite WiFi Promise to bundle customers.  Then asks us to contact an Ignite Tech expert to chat if the promise is not kept - I am unable to wait for hours nor do I want to feel invalidated by some joe typing away on a keyboard.


Any advice, help, suggestions are seriously welcome at this point.  Perhaps Rogers reviews this content, if so, thanks for the community forum registration badge.   leonjulie. 


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Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I plan to stick around

Hi Maggieuu

At first I tried to connect wireless to the Ignite modem.  Both printers (HP CP1025NW & HP MFP1217) would not connect.

As recommended from another person on this forum,  I got a Rogers POD from a Rogers technician and the MFP1217 connected right away and the CP1025NW connected with a bit of effort with both of them being connected via ethernet cable to the POD.


I did set static IP addresses for the printers and this worked for a few weeks.


As an update, both printers stopped working and I could not get them back on line to connect via the Ethernet port.

I unplugged both printers from the Ethernet port and reset the wireless connection to the factory default.  This time both printers came back on line and they have been working for 2 weeks now using a wireless connection.

I do have a static IP address set for the printers which is out of the range of DHCP range for wireless connections.


Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I'm here a lot

Thanks jeffb22.   Please tell us how you set the static IP address.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I plan to stick around

Hi Par1

You will need to access the modem/router ( as the admin

Go to Connection > Local IP Network and check what the begining DHCP address is and what the ending DHCP address is.

You may want to select an IP address for you printer outside of this range.

Then go to Connected Devices and under the Online Devices-Private Network box, there is an option button called Add Device with Reserved IP

Click on that.

Fill in the fields and save


Your next step would be to set the IP address you selected in the step above for you printer.  How you do that is to check your user manual or online.  I use HP printers and you can either set a static IP address from the printer itself or you set it from software that you can download from HP's site.


The you need to add the printer so that your computer(s) see the printer using the add printer function.

If you are not skilled or understand IP addresses it may be best to contact someone who is to make this process easier.  




Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I'm here a lot

Thanks Jeffb22.   The modem/router will only allow IP addresses within the DHCP range.  Tried one outside the range and got an error message and it would not save it anyway.   Tried a static IP within the DHCP range and the Epson wireless manual setup routine but the printer would still not connect.   So far the only thing that works (half-assed) is a direct plug-in via network cable to a wireless extender access point.   Sometimes my devices (eg. Ipad) still have issues (such as long delays) when trying to print.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been around
If you are using router mode, go to Rogers router setting ( and disable firewall (custom setting) and then retest. I haven’t got time to figure out the exact port to enable yet.

This is pretty stupid of Rogers part to screw up.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been here awhile

I have the same problem both with my printer and one of my Echo Dots….. Their wifi is not reliable it seems. Grrrr. Marilyn

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been here awhile

Similarly, I had no problems with Bell - and now with Rogers - problems.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I'm a reliable contributor

I realize this is old, but I recently had the same issue after upgrading my modem. I discovered that it was a wifi range issue. It wouldn't connect if I was on one side of a wall. I fixed it by raising the modem to a higher spot. Try moving either your router or printer so that they're closer to each other.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

when you change modems even if its from the same company, your printer needs to be "told" to connect to the new modem, you have to program it to connect to the wifi network and password for it to print, most people do not know theyre required to do this nor do they know how and that results in a lot of complaints about this topic.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been here awhile
I already did the printer steps you've suggested and it did not work. How did I solve my wireless printing issue? Gave up and attached the cable so I could print stuff. Kind of inconvenient but oh well

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I solved my printer problem by buying a new printer. 🫤. I then gave my old printer a new home by freeing it on the curb and finally someone took it. 🙂

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I've had the same printer for 10 years and have changed internet companies several times, changed modems several times and moved to different cities and neighbourhoods and I have always been able to still use my wireless or network printing feature just fine no matter who my company is or where I live.

To each his own

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I plan to stick around

i can see I'm late to this party but i finally solved the issue.


i printed out my LAN settings and discovered that i had a 192.168.X.X ip address. i read somewhere that doing a hard reset for my canon mx470 would fix that. so i googled how to do a hard reset, went through that procedure and re-printed my LAN settings. BOOM! new ip address of 10.x.x.x! easy right? nope!


i tried to reconnect to the LAN via the auto scan method and nada. after a long sleepless night of trying just about everything, i went into my Rogers modems site (link i got from one of these forums because typing in the IP address into the browser bar did nothing), i was able to access WPS settings, selected push button method (PIN method did not work for me), went to the printer and scrolled over to WPS (Push button), paired the 2 devices, and wouldn't you know, the printer spit out pages i tried to print earlier!


grabbed my phone and opened the Canon Print app and noticed that the IP address had changed on there as well. I then deleted all versions of the printer on my laptop and added a new printer. it detected the new printer and i tested it out printing a test page, used the scan feature, and i can finally say everything works again!

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Great work. I wish more people would try these troubleshooting steps.

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been here awhile

need help with the same thing. What is the modem link? I have a mac Air and bought a new canon colour laser printer bc ignite wouldnt let my old laser printer connect. Sorry but could you break it down on how to bypass like you said? 

Re: Unable to Wireless Print After Changing to Ignite Modem

I've been around

Thanks for this post. I fixed my printer issue just by changing the default 10.0.0.X DHCP IP addresses range of new Ignite Modem back to the old 192.168.0.X in the admin page. And it seems also solved my VPN keep reconnecting every 10-15 minutes issue too. Still monitoring...

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