i can see I'm late to this party but i finally solved the issue. i printed out my LAN settings and discovered that i had a 192.168.X.X ip address. i read somewhere that doing a hard reset for my canon mx470 would fix that. so i googled how to do a ha...
@TelekIm in a bungalow, the modem is a room away.I've downloaded the android WiFi analyser and will run it when im back home.Ill have to look back through these posts to see how i get in the firmware trial list. If i recall, it seems to have helped/f...
I have not, no. I'm currently not home to check. Pardon the question, but what will the wifi checker do?I rebooted the modem by unplugging. Before I left the house I noticed one of the lights were flashing still. Looked like a window, 4th from the ri...
ThanksI'll stick to the 2.4G. I had thought about getting an adapter to support 5G, but if my internal card can only handle 2.4G, then it's just a waste.of money.I am thinking of getting another modem, or hooking my router back up. This loss of WiFi ...
Is that why I just lost my wifi? I can see other networks, not mine though.A reboot didn't help.Rogers needs to get on this asap and fix these issues, like yesterday!