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WiFi file sharing and Hiltron 4582 USB access

I've been here awhile

In our home we have a laptop and PC with Windows 10, an iPad, and a couple of older iphones.
My router is a Hiltron 4582, hardware version 1A, software version is

I am trying to
i) set up my network to file share between devices, and
ii) use the router USB as a shared storage location for all devices.

I'm not a techie, but can usually fumble my way through resolving most things as they arise. 
So far I've been partially successful on both but have the following issues.  

I have been able to to get my laptop and PC so see each other and access each other through Windows File Explorer.  However this only seems to work when both devices are connected to the network via LAN. When my laptop is connected via WiFi, and my desktop is connected via LAN.  My laptop cannot see my PC, but my PC can see my laptop. 

How do I get my WiFi connected laptop to see my LAN connected PC?

Is it possible to get WiFi connected iOS devices to see Windows Laptop or PC?

FYI, my PC does not have WiFi capability (LAN only)

I would like to be able use the router USB port to store shared files to be accessed from Windows 10 laptop, Windows 10 PC, ipad and iphones.

I have been able to get the router mounted USB stick to be viewed with Windows Explorer on my Windows PC and laptop. My problem is that I can only do this when my laptop is connected to network using LAN. When my laptop is connected to network using WiFi, it loses connection to USB stick. I hoping that the solution to ISSUE 1 will solve this as well.  I've seen in several posts that people had difficulty connecting to router USB, so I'll summarize my method below:

-Format USB stick as FAT32 and insert into the router USB port.
-Log into router config software
-Set 'Shared Status' to ENABLE
After about a minute, the USB light on the front of the router is illuminated, and the disk column in the USB STORAGE tab shows 'file://'

Mapping the Network Drive was not intuitive. Many posts I reviewed indicate that their disk was identified as 'file://'. Mine did not state 'diska1'.   

I was able to MAP the drive to my laptop by using the following method:

-opening Windows Explorer,
-Right Clicking the 'This PC' icon
-selecting MAP Network Drive,
-In the folder field enter '\\\' (note the slashes '\' are inverted from the'/' shown in the router information}
-Click the 'Browse' button
-selected diska1. 

I can now see the contents of the USB stick from Windows Explorer on my PC.

Would I be able to connect a USB hard drive with this method?  (Are there any limitations to the size?)

Interestingly, when I right click the router disk in Windows Explorer, it says the disk is NTFS format. I'm not sure why, or if this matters.

I'm now having problems mapping the USB drive to the iphones and ipad. 

On the iphone (iOS 14.4.1) connected to internet using WiFi,
-open iOS 'Files' app,
-click the '...' button and select 'Connect to Server'. 
-Enter Server ='smb://' <ENTER>,
-Check 'Registered User', and enter the router username and password.
I got connected to the router, but get an error stating 'Content Unavailable',
Might this issue be resolved with same solution to ISSUE 1 above.


On the ipad (iOS 12.5.2) which it says is up to date?), also connected to internet uisng WiFi
-open iOS 'Files' app,
Unlike the iphone, I can't seem to find a '...' button, or any other way to connect to the server

Are there any significant security issues with this File Sharing between devices or between device and router mounted USB.  I have changed router password from the factory default, Firewall is enabled, Firewall level set to 'Typical' and  Ping from WAN ='Deny'


Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,


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Re: WiFi file sharing and Hiltron 4582 USB access

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @cschnurr!


Being able to utilize network file sharing with your gateway would be great! Though sadly Rogers doesn't offer support specifically for this. You may want to check out this thread here, for any relevant information that might be pertinent. As an alternative, should you decide to use your own router or a NAS you may have better/more intuitive options.


If there is anyone in the Community that is familiar with this inquiry I'm sure they'll be happy to jump in :).



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