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What are good signal levels

I plan to stick around

Hi everyone!


I'm currently on the Hybrid Fibre 150 package and I'm using the Hitron CGN3ROG modem/router. I was wondering what are good downstream and upstream signal ratios? If someone could provide a range that would be great. I'm also wondering what were the best signals you have seen coming from the router? Here is a screen shot of my current signals:









***edited labels***

186 REPLIES 186

Re: What are good signal levels

I'm a senior contributor

Now my levels took a nosedive again.  Is there someone that can look into this for me please?





This menu displays both upstream and downstream signal parameters

DOCSIS Overview
Network Access Permitted
Subnet Mask
DHCP Lease Time 😧 06 H: 07 M: 56 S: 54
Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 657000000 256QAM -3.300 17 35.780
2 849000000 256QAM -5.700 2 35.780
3 855000000 256QAM -5.600 3 35.780
6 585000000 256QAM -0.500 6 36.387
8 597000000 256QAM -0.100 8 37.356
9 603000000 256QAM -0.700 9 37.356
10 609000000 256QAM -1.600 10 36.610
11 615000000 256QAM -2.500 11 36.387
12 621000000 256QAM -3.000 12 35.780
13 633000000 256QAM -4.000 13 35.780
14 639000000 256QAM -4.600 14 35.084
15 645000000 256QAM -4.600 15 34.926
16 651000000 256QAM -3.900 16 35.780
17 303000000 256QAM 1.200 1 35.780
18 663000000 256QAM -2.400 18 36.610
19 669000000 256QAM -1.800 19 37.356
20 675000000 256QAM -1.200 20 37.356
21 681000000 256QAM -1.500 21 36.610
22 687000000 256QAM -2.300 22 36.610
23 693000000 256QAM -3.600 23 36.387
24 699000000 256QAM -4.700 24 35.595
25 705000000 256QAM -5.700 25 35.595
26 711000000 256QAM -7.200 26 34.484
27 717000000 256QAM -7.500 27 33.834
28 723000000 256QAM -7.600 28 33.957
29 825000000 256QAM -6.900 29 34.926
30 831000000 256QAM -6.100 30 35.780
31 837000000 256QAM -6.200 31 35.595
32 843000000 256QAM -6.300 32 35.595
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
1 4K 275600000 YES YES YES 1.400002
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.750 1 6400000
2 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 38.750 3 3200000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.250 2 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K

Re: What are good signal levels


I would advise you to remove the Amplifier and call Rogers then have them check your line stats. I would ask them to compare to a neighbour so they can see if this is an area wide issue, or just your connection. Also don't mess around with the connection, if Rogers put an AMP in then leave it alone. 


It's best to have a tech come out and equalize the line. then you don't touch it. Rogers knows how to set the coax up, when a customer plays with it you can be putting a lot of noise and ingress into the cable plant which ruins the experience for everyone.


The spec is -10 to +10, 0 is optimal but not required, my line stats are actually around -7, but I've never had an issue getting full gigabit speed (950mb/s), don't think you need the line right at 0 to get full speed, that's not how DOCSIS works. SNR is much more important, and buy playing with the line you can be causing major SNR issues for everyone on your TAP/NODE/CMTS.


Re: What are good signal levels

I'm a senior contributor



Thanks for your reply.


It turned out that Rogers was fixing an area issue at the distribution box for most of the day and now my levels look good.  I have the amp as the way the wiring is without it, I get a 10 dB loss on the line and it puts things pretty weak to the point that the OFDM Downstream won't lock.



Downstream Overview
Port IDFrequency (MHz)ModulationSignal strength (dBmV)Channel IDSignal noise ratio (dB)
OFDM Downstream Overview
ReceiverFFT typeSubcarr 0 Frequency(MHz)PLC lockedNCP lockedMDC1 lockedPLC power(dBmv)
Upstream Overview
Port IDFrequency (MHz)ModulationSignal strength (dBmV)Channel IDBandwidth
130596000ATDMA - 64QAM40.50016400000
238596000ATDMA - 64QAM43.50033200000
323700000ATDMA - 64QAM40.00026400000
Channel IndexStatelin Digital AttDigital AttBW (sc's*fft)Report PowerReport Power1_6FFT Size

Re: What are good signal levels

I'm a senior contributor

Some guidelines for 


I came across some info about docsis 3/3.1 signal levels and wanted to know if this info is correct:



Docsis 3.0 and 3.1 Signal Levels

Downstream (Rx) Receive Power Level:
This is the amount of signal received by the modem from the transmitter in the cable company head-end.
For all modems DOCSIS 3.0 / 3.1:
-7 dBmV to +7 dBmV "Recommended"
-8 dBmV to -10 dBmV / +8 dBmV to +10 dBmV - "Acceptable"
-11 dBmV to -15 dBmV / +11 dBmV to +15 dBmV - "Maximum"
Lower than -15 dBmV & Higher than +15 dBmV - "Out Of Spec."
SNR (signal to noise ratio) levels:
This is how clear the signal is at either the modem receiver (downstream SNR) or the receiver in the cable company head-end (upstream SNR).
DOCSIS specifications list minimum CNR (carrier to noise ratio) levels not SNR levels. The SNR levels listed here are based on commonly recommended MER levels for digital cable signals. Not all QAM demodulator chipsets accurately calculate SNR levels that approximate actual MER levels, so these levels may vary depending on which chipset and/or firmware is used in the equipment.
*There is no upper SNR limit.
For all modems DOCSIS 3.0 / 3.1:
256 QAM: 30 dB minimum. 33 dB or higher recommended.
64 QAM: 24 dB minimum. 27 dB or higher recommended.
16 QAM: 18 dB minimum. 21 dB or higher recommended.
QPSK: 12 dB minimum. 15 dB or higher recommended.
Downstream SNR levels are read at the modem on the downstream data channel and can be viewed using the modem diagnostic screens.
Upstream SNR levels are read at the CMTS on the upstream data channel, not the modem or the modem diagnostic screens. The end-user cannot get the upstream SNR directly. Only the provider can read the upstream SNR level, directly from the CMTS. Also, the upstream SNR level provided by most CMTSs is not specific to any single modem, but is an averaged, aggregate level from all modems on that upstream channel on the upstream port.
Upstream (Tx) Transmit Power (a.k.a. Return Signal) level:
This is the amount of signal transmitted by the modem to reach the receiver in the cable company head-end.
*Recommended Upstream signal levels are +35 dBmV to +47 dBmV (DOCSIS 3.1)
*Recommended Upstream signal levels are +35 dBmV to +49 dBmV (DOCSIS 3.0)
50 dBmV maximum for SC-QAM (DOCSIS 3.1)
52 dBmV maximum for A-TDMA & TDMA (DOCSIS 3.0)
53 dBmV maximum for S-CDMA DOCSIS 2.0 (All Modulations)
54 dBmV maximum for 32 QAM and 64 QAM. (A-TDMA DOCSIS 2.0)
55 dBmV maximum for 8 QAM and 16 QAM. (DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1)
58 dBmV maximum for QPSK. (DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1)
A cable modem running a higher upstream modulation rate may downgrade itself to a lower modulation rate (i.e. 64 QAM to 16 QAM or 16 QAM to QPSK) if the upstream transmit level is higher than the maximum signal level allowed for the higher modulation rate and the CMTS is configured to allow such a change. This downgrade can cause slow speed, packet loss, and connection loss issues depending on the condition of the upstream channel.
A house or drop amplifier will NOT fix an upstream signal problem because most house amplifiers don't amplify the upstream signals; they only pass the upstream signal through with some loss.
Important notes concerning signal levels:
1. Signal levels not within the specifications listed above can cause slow speeds, connection problems, and connection loss due to packet errors, packet loss, and/or constant packet re-transmission.
2. It's recommended to have the modem's signal levels at least 3dB away from the maximum/minimum levels listed above due to normal temperature related signal variation. If the modem's signal levels are at the maximum or minimum limits, they may be out of spec. if the temperature changes significantly. Signal levels that vary more then 3 dB in a 24-hour period usually indicate a problem that should be looked into.
3. Excess splits, bad connectors, and/or poor quality cabling will certainly effect cable signal levels and will cause problems.

Re: What are good signal levels

Hello @Alex4161,


Thanks so much for posting all of this useful information.


You're spot on with the signal ranges that you've posted. I have double checked them with the tools at our disposal when investigating potential RF issues.


The important notes you've posted are also very informative. We appreciate all of your valuable contributions to the Rogers Community Forums. Robot Happy





Re: What are good signal levels

I'm an enthusiast


general sluggish internet


internet just dosnt seem to be up to par latly just wondering if maybe time for another tech visit 🙂


Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 609000000 256QAM -8.300 10 32.321
2 849000000 256QAM -14.400 2 30.154
3 855000000 256QAM -13.500 3 30.824
4 861000000 256QAM -13.000 4 31.136
5 579000000 256QAM -6.500 5 33.063
6 585000000 256QAM -5.500 6 33.487
7 591000000 256QAM -5.500 7 33.487
8 597000000 256QAM -6.600 8 33.377
9 603000000 256QAM -7.100 9 32.963
10 303000000 256QAM -1.600 1 33.487
11 615000000 256QAM -8.800 11 31.915
12 621000000 256QAM -9.200 12 31.404
13 633000000 256QAM -9.500 13 31.335
14 639000000 256QAM -9.200 14 31.689
15 645000000 256QAM -8.900 15 31.994
16 651000000 256QAM -8.400 16 32.237
17 657000000 256QAM -7.700 17 32.963
18 663000000 256QAM -7.500 18 33.487
19 669000000 256QAM -7.300 19 33.487
20 675000000 256QAM -6.800 20 33.957
21 681000000 256QAM -7.100 21 33.834
22 687000000 256QAM -8.200 22 33.063
23 693000000 256QAM -8.800 23 32.963
24 699000000 256QAM -9.700 24 32.585
25 705000000 256QAM -10.100 25 32.321
26 711000000 256QAM -11.200 26 31.335
27 717000000 256QAM -11.700 27 31.136
28 723000000 256QAM -11.900 28 30.885
29 825000000 256QAM -14.500 29 29.620
30 831000000 256QAM -15.000 30 29.269
31 837000000 256QAM -15.200 31 29.441
32 843000000 256QAM -14.600 32 29.807
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
1 4K 290600000 YES YES YES -2.700001
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 37.250 1 6400000
2 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 41.750 3 3200000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.000 2 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K

Re: What are good signal levels

I'm an advisor

@hiho wrote:


general sluggish internet


internet just dosnt seem to be up to par latly just wondering if maybe time for another tech visit 🙂


Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 609000000 256QAM -8.300 10 32.321
2 849000000 256QAM -14.400 2 30.154
3 855000000 256QAM -13.500 3 30.824
4 861000000 256QAM -13.000 4 31.136
5 579000000 256QAM -6.500 5 33.063
6 585000000 256QAM -5.500 6 33.487
7 591000000 256QAM -5.500 7 33.487
8 597000000 256QAM -6.600 8 33.377
9 603000000 256QAM -7.100 9 32.963
10 303000000 256QAM -1.600 1 33.487
11 615000000 256QAM -8.800 11 31.915
12 621000000 256QAM -9.200 12 31.404
13 633000000 256QAM -9.500 13 31.335
14 639000000 256QAM -9.200 14 31.689
15 645000000 256QAM -8.900 15 31.994
16 651000000 256QAM -8.400 16 32.237
17 657000000 256QAM -7.700 17 32.963
18 663000000 256QAM -7.500 18 33.487
19 669000000 256QAM -7.300 19 33.487
20 675000000 256QAM -6.800 20 33.957
21 681000000 256QAM -7.100 21 33.834
22 687000000 256QAM -8.200 22 33.063
23 693000000 256QAM -8.800 23 32.963
24 699000000 256QAM -9.700 24 32.585
25 705000000 256QAM -10.100 25 32.321
26 711000000 256QAM -11.200 26 31.335
27 717000000 256QAM -11.700 27 31.136
28 723000000 256QAM -11.900 28 30.885
29 825000000 256QAM -14.500 29 29.620
30 831000000 256QAM -15.000 30 29.269
31 837000000 256QAM -15.200 31 29.441
32 843000000 256QAM -14.600 32 29.807
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
1 4K 290600000 YES YES YES -2.700001
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 37.250 1 6400000
2 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 41.750 3 3200000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.000 2 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K





Call Rogers tech support, there is a serious issue with your line. Spec is -10 to +10, and SNR should be around 38-40


Ask the tech to check the signal levels, they should fail right away, ask them to check your neighbours incase it's a neighbourhood issue.


Re: What are good signal levels

I'm an enthusiast

Dang i was afraid of that a few months back i just finished a 1 1/2 yr battle with rogers about bad signal issues that was finally fix something to do starting at the tap and back to somewhere 🙂 and lately i am starting to see some of the same probs that i had before but i wanted to check here about my sig before laying in the supplies for what maybe the long haul once again with rogers..

Thanks for confirming that there is something wonky going on but who knows maybe its the new fangle coda white modem or something simple like that i hope.

Re: What are good signal levels

I'm an advisor


@hiho wrote:

Dang i was afraid of that a few months back i just finished a 1 1/2 yr battle with rogers about bad signal issues that was finally fix something to do starting at the tap and back to somewhere 🙂 and lately i am starting to see some of the same probs that i had before but i wanted to check here about my sig before laying in the supplies for what maybe the long haul once again with rogers..

Thanks for confirming that there is something wonky going on but who knows maybe its the new fangle coda white modem or something simple like that i hope.


Call up Rogers, they don't monitor signal levels, so you need to call in so they can check your area. Swapping Modems won't make any change, you need a tech visit to correct the signal levels.

Hopefully they fix the issue fast, 1 1/2 years is a long battle ... lol


Re: What are good signal levels

I've been here awhile

Abnormal downstream power level


I just switched to 500u and I'm not impressed.  Did I get a bad modem or I need a tech visit to my apartment?  Thank you.


This menu displays both upstream and downstream signal parameters

DOCSIS Overview
Network Access Permitted
IP Address  
Subnet Mask  
Gateway IP Address  
DHCP Lease Time  
Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM 7.800 7 40.366
2 855000000 256QAM 8.300 3 40.366
3 861000000 256QAM 8.400 4 40.366
4 579000000 256QAM 8.000 5 40.366
5 585000000 256QAM 8.000 6 40.366
6 849000000 256QAM 8.200 2 40.366
7 597000000 256QAM 8.200 8 40.366
8 603000000 256QAM 7.900 9 40.946
9 609000000 256QAM 8.400 10 40.946
10 615000000 256QAM 8.100 11 40.366
11 621000000 256QAM 8.800 12 40.946
12 633000000 256QAM 8.800 13 40.366
13 639000000 256QAM 8.600 14 40.366
14 645000000 256QAM 8.700 15 40.946
15 651000000 256QAM 8.800 16 40.946
16 657000000 256QAM 8.800 17 40.946
17 663000000 256QAM 8.600 18 40.366
18 669000000 256QAM 8.700 19 40.366
19 675000000 256QAM 8.500 20 40.946
20 681000000 256QAM 8.500 21 40.366
21 687000000 256QAM 8.500 22 40.366
22 693000000 256QAM 8.400 23 40.366
23 699000000 256QAM 8.400 24 40.946
24 705000000 256QAM 8.100 25 40.366
25 711000000 256QAM 8.300 26 40.366
26 717000000 256QAM 7.700 27 40.366
27 723000000 256QAM 8.000 28 40.366
28 825000000 256QAM 7.600 29 38.983
29 831000000 256QAM 7.800 30 40.366
30 837000000 256QAM 8.000 31 40.366
31 843000000 256QAM 8.100 32 40.366
32 303000000 256QAM 7.800 1 40.366
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES 8.199997
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 38595785 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.750 6 3200000
2 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 33.500 4 6400000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 33.500 5 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K





Removed IP info

Re: What are good signal levels

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hi @fguan,


Welcome to the Community Forums, and thanks for your post!  


I'm sad to hear you're not too impressed with your recent upgrade, but you've definitely come to the right place for support.  Our Resident Experts @gp-se @Datalink and @Gdkitty have been a wealth of information in this thread, and are awesome in general! Perhaps they can suggest some guidance? 


If you'd like us to access your account to take a closer look, please send us a private message at @CommunityHelps next time you're online. Our private messaging system is explained in this blog.




Re: What are good signal levels

I've been here awhile

Thanks Shaun, I PMed my account number to @CommunityHelps for a closer look.  Here is a speed test result shows the drop of the speed happened in the middle of the test.  TiP Measurement Summary:: Min 13.16 Mbps | Middle Avg 116.15 Mbps | Max 184.06 Mbps | 173% Variance.

Re: What are good signal levels

I've been here awhile

Signal test, ping test, and high utilization test all came back fine. What else should I look into? 


I still see significant fluctuations in every single speed test and I can feel it when I watch youtube or even browse the web, I sometimes have to refresh the page in order to continue.  


My highs can reach 5xx.xx Mbps but the lows in between the peaks are 1x.xx Mbps to 3x.xx.  see

Re: What are good signal levels

I plan to stick around

How is this looking?


Someone tell me if you see issues 

Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 597000000 256QAM 2.600 8 40.366
2 579000000 256QAM 2.000 5 40.946
3 585000000 256QAM 2.200 6 40.366
4 591000000 256QAM 2.300 7 40.366
5 303000000 256QAM -0.700 1 38.605
6 603000000 256QAM 2.800 9 40.366
7 609000000 256QAM 2.900 10 40.946
8 615000000 256QAM 2.800 11 40.366
9 621000000 256QAM 2.600 12 40.366
10 633000000 256QAM 2.500 13 40.366
11 639000000 256QAM 2.700 14 40.366
12 645000000 256QAM 2.700 15 40.366
13 651000000 256QAM 3.000 16 40.946
14 657000000 256QAM 3.200 17 40.366
15 663000000 256QAM 3.300 18 40.946
16 669000000 256QAM 3.000 19 40.366
17 675000000 256QAM 3.500 20 40.366
18 681000000 256QAM 3.400 21 40.366
19 687000000 256QAM 3.600 22 40.366
20 693000000 256QAM 3.000 23 40.366
21 699000000 256QAM 3.600 24 40.366
22 705000000 256QAM 3.500 25 40.366
23 711000000 256QAM 4.300 26 40.946
24 717000000 256QAM 4.000 27 40.366
25 723000000 256QAM 4.600 28 39.900
26 825000000 256QAM 2.800 29 39.500
27 831000000 256QAM 2.200 30 39.900
28 837000000 256QAM 2.300 31 39.500
29 843000000 256QAM 1.500 32 39.900
30 849000000 256QAM 2.100 2 39.500
31 855000000 256QAM 2.000 3 39.500
32 861000000 256QAM 2.100 4 39.500
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.500 2 6400000
2 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.750 3 3200000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.750 1 6400000

Re: What are good signal levels

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

That generally looks pretty good, should be no issues.

(only weird anomaly is #5, which for some reason is a neg signal when all the rest are positive in that range)


Which modem is that?  It should have the other listings as signal as well?

Re: What are good signal levels

I plan to stick around

CGNM modem hitron 

Re: What are good signal levels

I plan to stick around
My package is 250/20. Prior to a week ago day and night I would get consistent 90’s down and solid 20 up.
Then starting mid afternoon until midnight my upload only tanks to about 4-6 up. Ping and jiter tank too.
I switched modem at request of tech support, the issues continue. My test methods are on all my platforms, wired and wireless.
Strong argument on my end is that prior to a week ago, I never had swings, no lag, very good ping times.
It was discovered when I had unnormal lag in my gaming, started a week ago.

Re: What are good signal levels

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

That sounds more like a local node issue.

That as it starts getting busier, the node is not able to handle it.

Either an area oversold?
Or that something is failing/not able to handle the stress of the load.

Re: What are good signal levels

I plan to stick around

Hopefully they see it 

Re: What are good signal levels

I've been here awhile

Got 500u plan, but only getting sub 200Mbit.....


Alright so I used to have ignite 250, and I got around 300 downstream using the black hitron modem.

Now I upped to the 500, and when i go to speedtest I get 600 initially, then it rapidly drops down to 150~200....what gives?


Also let me give some info:

Hitron Coda 4582, using hardwired ethernet into laptop with gigabit ethernet card so no bottlenecks on my computers end.


What could be the issue?

Also interestingly once in a while I get a 600Mbit measurement but ONLY if I use the Rogers Toronto server on the Ookla speedtest site, and even then it's not always consistent.


Now the other change I made was I got a 4k nextbox which splits off of the same coax as the router? Could that be the issue??

I have attached the ranging tables.

Any other ideas? I run the modem in IPV4 only, but I also ran the old one in IPV4 solo mode as well so I don't think that would be it.


Thanks guys, looking forward to figuring this one out!


Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM 0.900 7 38.983
2 855000000 256QAM 0.000 3 38.983
3 861000000 256QAM -0.400 4 38.983
4 579000000 256QAM 0.800 5 38.983
5 585000000 256QAM 1.000 6 38.983
6 849000000 256QAM -0.200 2 38.983
7 597000000 256QAM 1.000 8 38.983
8 603000000 256QAM 1.100 9 38.605
9 609000000 256QAM 1.200 10 38.983
10 615000000 256QAM 1.500 11 38.983
11 621000000 256QAM 1.400 12 38.983
12 633000000 256QAM 1.700 13 38.605
13 639000000 256QAM 1.800 14 38.983
14 645000000 256QAM 1.800 15 38.983
15 651000000 256QAM 1.900 16 38.605
16 657000000 256QAM 1.700 17 40.366
17 663000000 256QAM 1.700 18 40.366
18 669000000 256QAM 1.600 19 40.366
19 675000000 256QAM 1.600 20 40.366
20 681000000 256QAM 1.200 21 38.983
21 687000000 256QAM 1.100 22 38.983
22 693000000 256QAM 0.500 23 38.605
23 699000000 256QAM 0.900 24 38.983
24 705000000 256QAM 0.300 25 38.983
25 711000000 256QAM 0.600 26 38.983
26 717000000 256QAM 0.200 27 38.605
27 723000000 256QAM 0.800 28 38.983
28 825000000 256QAM 0.600 29 38.983
29 831000000 256QAM 0.700 30 38.983
30 837000000 256QAM 0.500 31 38.983
31 843000000 256QAM 0.400 32 38.983
32 303000000 256QAM 1.700 1 38.983
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES 2.500000
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 13700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 33.250 4 6400000
2 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.500 6 6400000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.500 5 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K



Re: What are good signal levels

I'm an advisor

@anyad wrote:

Got 500u plan, but only getting sub 200Mbit.....


Alright so I used to have ignite 250, and I got around 300 downstream using the black hitron modem.

Now I upped to the 500, and when i go to speedtest I get 600 initially, then it rapidly drops down to 150~200....what gives?


Also let me give some info:

Hitron Coda 4582, using hardwired ethernet into laptop with gigabit ethernet card so no bottlenecks on my computers end.


What could be the issue?

Also interestingly once in a while I get a 600Mbit measurement but ONLY if I use the Rogers Toronto server on the Ookla speedtest site, and even then it's not always consistent.


Now the other change I made was I got a 4k nextbox which splits off of the same coax as the router? Could that be the issue??

I have attached the ranging tables.

Any other ideas? I run the modem in IPV4 only, but I also ran the old one in IPV4 solo mode as well so I don't think that would be it.


Thanks guys, looking forward to figuring this one out!


Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM 0.900 7 38.983
2 855000000 256QAM 0.000 3 38.983
3 861000000 256QAM -0.400 4 38.983
4 579000000 256QAM 0.800 5 38.983
5 585000000 256QAM 1.000 6 38.983
6 849000000 256QAM -0.200 2 38.983
7 597000000 256QAM 1.000 8 38.983
8 603000000 256QAM 1.100 9 38.605
9 609000000 256QAM 1.200 10 38.983
10 615000000 256QAM 1.500 11 38.983
11 621000000 256QAM 1.400 12 38.983
12 633000000 256QAM 1.700 13 38.605
13 639000000 256QAM 1.800 14 38.983
14 645000000 256QAM 1.800 15 38.983
15 651000000 256QAM 1.900 16 38.605
16 657000000 256QAM 1.700 17 40.366
17 663000000 256QAM 1.700 18 40.366
18 669000000 256QAM 1.600 19 40.366
19 675000000 256QAM 1.600 20 40.366
20 681000000 256QAM 1.200 21 38.983
21 687000000 256QAM 1.100 22 38.983
22 693000000 256QAM 0.500 23 38.605
23 699000000 256QAM 0.900 24 38.983
24 705000000 256QAM 0.300 25 38.983
25 711000000 256QAM 0.600 26 38.983
26 717000000 256QAM 0.200 27 38.605
27 723000000 256QAM 0.800 28 38.983
28 825000000 256QAM 0.600 29 38.983
29 831000000 256QAM 0.700 30 38.983
30 837000000 256QAM 0.500 31 38.983
31 843000000 256QAM 0.400 32 38.983
32 303000000 256QAM 1.700 1 38.983
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES 2.500000
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 13700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 33.250 4 6400000
2 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.500 6 6400000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 35.500 5 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K




Signal levels look really good, have you tired running the speed tests during non-peak hours? It could be congestion causing your slow speeds. Are you able to get your max upload speed on the speed tests?