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Upgraded from legacy 1Gbps to 1.5Gbps ignite now Internet is unreliable.

I plan to stick around

Going from the Hitron 4582u to XB7 about a week ago and ever since my internet has been very flaky...  reduced speeds, increased latency.   Its only been a week but I notice much more buffering on netlifx at night and sometimes long pauses hitting websites.  Ive lost connection on MS Teams calls on work.  This worked fine prior, so I am wondering if there is something going on.  Almost want the Hitron back!


I am not using the XB7 as a gateway, I changed it to bridge mode and use my eero pro 6 mesh system (which I used before).  Only change was the cable modem.


Putty my line stats in here:

Index 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 33
Lock Status Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked   Locked
Frequency 591000000 597000000 603000000 609000000 849000000 855000000 861000000 579000000 585000000 279000000 615000000 621000000 633000000 639000000 645000000 651000000 657000000 663000000 669000000 675000000 681000000 687000000 693000000 699000000 705000000 711000000 717000000 723000000 825000000 831000000 837000000 843000000   352800000
SNR 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.983261 38.605377 37.355988 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.983261 38.605377 38.983261 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.983261 38.605377 38.605377 38.605377 38.983261 38.605377   38.84 dB
Power Level 10.300003 10.099998 10.099998 9.900002 10.300003 9.699997 9.400002 10.099998 10.300003 5.699997 9.900002 10 10.5 10.599998 10.5 10.599998 10.800003 10.599998 10.599998 10.5 11.199997 11.300003 11.400002 11.5 11.800003 11.699997 11.699997 11.300003 10.5 10.199997 10.5 10.5   6.900002 dBmV
Modulation QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256 QAM256   OFDM




1 2 3 4
Lock Status Locked Locked Locked Locked
Frequency 21100000 38700000 32300000 25900000
Symbol Rate 2560 KSym/sec 5120 KSym/sec 5120 KSym/sec 5120 KSym/sec
Power Level 42.5103 44.520599 44.270599 42.770599
Modulation 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM 64QAM


CM Error Codewords


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Unerrored Codewords 17000 16875 16719 16605 16482 16349 16219 16105 15926 15794 15680 15558 15358 15246 15126 14974 14844 14685 14514 14371 14247 13974 13858 13736 13469 13312 13041 12889 12650 12500 12229 12109 49
Correctable Codewords 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uncorrectable Codewords 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


In the logs I get the same error everyday at the same time.  All seemingly revolving around DHCPv6/IPv6...


DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2023/2/10 01:11:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2023/2/10 00:56:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24 2023/2/10 00:56:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2023/2/9 01:11:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2023/2/9 00:56:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24 2023/2/9 00:56:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2023/2/8 01:11:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 82 2023/2/8 00:56:44 Critical
DHCPv6[10397]: 72001011-DHCPv6 - Missing Required Option 24 2023/2/8 00:56:44 Critical


Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Upgraded from legacy 1Gbps to 1.5Gbps ignite now Internet is unreliable.

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@BuddyRich your downstream QAM channels (1 to 32) are too high, in terms of their signal level.  The upstream is also high, but, within limits.  That's a very odd combination.  Are you in a house or apartment/condo/highrise?


If you're in a house, can you read thru the following post, specifically part 2 and then check the cabling in the basement to see what's present?  Please let me know what you find:



Re: Upgraded from legacy 1Gbps to 1.5Gbps ignite now Internet is unreliable.

I plan to stick around

In a detached house.  Wires are underground in this neighbourhood.  Cable is just a regular RG6 cable from the outside to the modem though its attached to a grounding block similar to the other post but nothing else.  (ie no splitters, etc...).  No other coax...  This was a self install (no tech visit) as it was just a 1Gbps legacy with Hitron to 1.5Gbps /w Ignite.




 If both signals are "high" I could try putting a splitter (if I still have one kicking around) in there but would that degrade the upload signal too much, as you said its also high but within limits?


What confuses me is the hitron worked fine with the same linestats and I believe both the XB7 and it use the Intel Puma 7 chipset...





Re: Upgraded from legacy 1Gbps to 1.5Gbps ignite now Internet is unreliable.

Its possible that you have a Technicolor XB7.  I believe there are Arris and Technicolor versions.  I don't have the model numbers at my fingertips at the moment.  I suspect that the Hitron 4582 might be more tolerant, or, handle less than optimal signal levels better than the XB6, 7 or 8.  Don't quote me on that, just a thought at this point in time.  


If you had a two port (output) splitter you could use that to drop the downstream signal levels.  That will push up the upstream signal levels by 3.5 dB, which would still be ok as there is room until you hit the 52 dBmV limit.  A larger splitter would drop the downstream levels by 7 dB and push up the upstream levels by 7 dB, which would put the upstream levels into the failure point.  If the upstream levels were sitting in the normal 36 to 40 dBmV range, you could use a larger splitter, but, since their already high, that limits the manoeuvring room above their current levels and limits the size of the splitter that can be used.  That's where a Forward Path Attenuator comes into play, to drop the downstream signal levels and leave the upstream levels where they are.  Unfortunately, it looks like Rogers doesn't use Forward Path Attenuators.  One of these days I'll have to have a conversation with a Rogers tech to see what the exact policy is and what Rogers tech have on hand.  There has to be a better solution other than using a splitter to address situations like this.  Ultimately, the best solution is to address the cause of the high signal levels at the source, which is the neighbourhood node or possibly in a downstream amplifier. 

Re: Upgraded from legacy 1Gbps to 1.5Gbps ignite now Internet is unreliable.

I plan to stick around

It is the Arris.

From the hardward info panel in the admin gui:


Vendor:ARRIS Group, Inc.
Hardware Revision:10
I guess I will log a call with Rogers.


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