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Rogers IPv6 Status

I've been here awhile



I'm wondering what the current IPv6 status is within Rogers.  A search on the forums only shows 10 topics over the past year that even mention IPv6, and there doesn't appear to be any official communications from Rogers since IPv6 day last year.


I know that Rogers (supposedly) supports IPv6 tunneling (although the only person to ask about it did not get any responses).

602 REPLIES 602

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I plan to stick around

@ffdhfhf wrote:
You can't specify a DHCP server to use even if he tells you which one unless you're on the same 'LAN' area the DHCP server is on.

And? I don't care. It's irrelevant.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

@busterb wrote:

Can you please let us know when the first 1 or 2 DHCP servers have been updated to allow for greater than a /64 for PD? Thanks.



I just got word that the deployment should be completed network-wide on Thursday (December 15, 2016) morning.



Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm a reliable contributor

Has it been deployed?  I tried to enable a /56 in pfSense but, according to Wireshark, I'm still getting a /64.  I'm in Mississauga.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm a reliable contributor

Disregard.  I now have a /56.  I don't know why it didn't work earlier.


Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I've been here awhile



I am running pfsense 2.3.2_1 on an SG2440 hardware platform.


I am not getting IPV6 natively running. I have a Hitron CGN3 in bridge mode. I am off the Bloor PHUB last I checked.


I have been through the config thoroughly. 


IPv6 Configuration Type: DHCPv6 

Use IPv4 connectivity as parent interface: ON

Request only an IPv6 prefix: OFF

DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation size: both /64 and /56 

Send IPv6 prefix hint: ON


I do see a IPv6 address assigned to the WAN.  


Can you suggest any options to further debug this? It looks like a Rogers issue.  I am getting a "no prefixes" response back from the DHCPv6 server:


Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: script "/var/etc/" terminated
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: removing an event on igb0, state=REQUEST
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: removing server (ID: 00:01:00:01:15:9b:b6:e5:00:21:28:5f:d2:b7)
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: got an expected reply, sleeping.
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: a new XID (44f624) is generated
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set client ID (len 14)
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set elapsed time (len 2)
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set option request (len 4)
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set IA_PD prefix
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set IA_PD
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: send solicit to ff02::1:2%igb0
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: reset a timer on igb0, state=SOLICIT, timeo=0, retrans=1075
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: receive advertise from fe80::217:10ff:fe90:c50c%igb0 on igb0
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option client ID, len 14
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: DUID: 00:01:00:01:1f:e8:63:61:00:08:a2:0a:f6:16
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option server ID, len 14
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: DUID: 00:01:00:01:15:9b:b6:e5:00:21:28:5f:d2:b7
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option IA_PD, len 71
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: IA_PD: ID=0, T1=0, T2=0
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option status code, len 55
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: status code: no prefixes
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option DNS, len 32
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: server ID: 00:01:00:01:15:9b:b6:e5:00:21:28:5f:d2:b7, pref=-1
Dec 18 00:03:16 gw dhcp6c[20790]: reset timer for igb0 to 0.978965
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: picked a server (ID: 00:01:00:01:15:9b:b6:e5:00:21:28:5f:d2:b7)
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: a new XID (44adb5) is generated
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set client ID (len 14)
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set server ID (len 14)
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set elapsed time (len 2)
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set option request (len 4)
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set status code
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: set IA_PD
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: send request to ff02::1:2%igb0
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: reset a timer on igb0, state=REQUEST, timeo=0, retrans=1030
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: receive reply from fe80::217:10ff:fe90:c50c%igb0 on igb0
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option client ID, len 14
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: DUID: 00:01:00:01:1f:e8:63:61:00:08:a2:0a:f6:16
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option server ID, len 14
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: DUID: 00:01:00:01:15:9b:b6:e5:00:21:28:5f:d2:b7
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option IA_PD, len 71
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: IA_PD: ID=0, T1=0, T2=0
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option status code, len 55
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: status code: no prefixes
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: get DHCP option DNS, len 32
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: nameserver[0] 2607:f798:18:10:0:640:7125:5204
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: nameserver[1] 2607:f798:18:10:0:640:7125:5198
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: make an IA: PD-0
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: status code for PD-0: no prefixes
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: IA PD-0 is invalidated
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: remove an IA: PD-0
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: reset a timer on igb0, state=INIT, timeo=0, retrans=280


Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

@EricCarroll have a look at the following posts to see if they can be of any assistance:


Just for the heck of it, connect a pc to one of the other ports on the modem.  Reboot the pc so that it picks up a new IPV4 and IPV6 address.  The modem will supply a secondary IPV4 and IPV6 address.  After the reboot do the following:


1.  Go to  If IPV6 is up and running on the CMTS and your pc is set to accept IPV6 ICMP, you should see a score of 19/20.


2.  Run an IPV6 trace to   tracert -6

      Ensure that the trace runs all the way to google's IPV6 address and that it doesn't start to time out

      somewhere and keep timing out to the end.  That would indicate a server configuration issue. 


If those two tests work, then you have IPV6 up and running. The next question is the Pfsense firewall.  Perhaps @JKnott can be of assitance.


Disconnect the pc so that its not exposed to the internet for any longer than necessary.


I would suggest the following:  DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation Size: 64 as indicated in Dave's post.  Its possible that a /56 isn't available from your CMTS just yet. 

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I've been here awhile

@Datalink, thank you.  I have done all those actions.


The bridged CGN3 is providing native IPv6 when connected to a PC and is providing an address to the WAN interface of the firewall.


The issue is with the DHCPv6-PD from the DHCPv6 servers. It appears to be explicitly sending back the "no prefixes" option, which means I don't get a prefix into the LAN side.

I have done this with a Zycel, Mikrotik and now pfSense firewall with the same results. It really looks like the DHCP server is not doing DHCPv6-PD properly. 

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

Ok, in that case it is something that Dave will have to determine.  He will need your modem MAC address so that he can determine the CMTS address easily.  That can be copied from the modem's Status page or found on the back of the modem.  Click on his name to bring up his public page, and click on the link on the right hand side to "Send this user a private message"  That will take you to the message composition page.  Add a title and the necessary details and hit send.  I'm sure that Dave will get back to you as soon as he can.  He's more than a little busy these days 🙂 

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm a reliable contributor

@EricCarroll wrote:

Can you suggest any options to further debug this? It looks like a Rogers issue.  I am getting a "no prefixes" response back from the DHCPv6 server:


What's your config on the LAN side?  You need to have IPv6 Configuration type set to "Track Interface" and IPv6 Interface set to "WAN".  The IPv6 Prefix ID is normally 0, but can be different for more than one /64 prefix.  I currently use 3 for a VLAN.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I've been here awhile

@JKnott wrote:

What's your config on the LAN side?  You need to have IPv6 Configuration type set to "Track Interface" and IPv6 Interface set to "WAN".  The IPv6 Prefix ID is normally 0, but can be different for more than one /64 prefix.  I currently use 3 for a VLAN.

Its laid out per Dave's post, and a bunch of others I found and tried. Yes, track interface, yes WAN as the interface tracked.


I did not try varying the prefix ID, because the debug log shows no prefixes being presented and thus the prefix id assignment failing. 


Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: make an IA: PD-0
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: status code for PD-0: no prefixes
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: IA PD-0 is invalidated
Dec 18 00:03:17 gw dhcp6c[20790]: remove an IA: PD-0

 I will give it a try but I am pretty sure it wont work.


In the meantime, its back to HEnet tunnel.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm a reliable contributor

You don't have to change the ID.  The default is 0.  I only used 3 for the VLAN, which gets it's own /64, in addition to the native LAN.  So, the native LAN has the default 0 and I chose 3 for the VLAN, as it's VLAN 3.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm here a lot

Did I setup ipv6 correctly?  None of the ipv6 test websites are detecting that I have ipv6 enabled, even though I am being issued an ipv4 and ipv6 address.  These are my settings; I have enabled ipv6 with prefix delegation on my router (cable modem is in bridge mode):




This is what it looks like, fully configured and running:




Should I select a different option from the IPv6 service type, instead of 'DHCPv6 with Prefix Delegation'?

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm a reliable contributor

@user-v5 Are you on the CODA-4582 or are you using one of the models from the CGN series?

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I am using a CGN3 in bridge mode.  And so, am setting up those ipv6 configuration options on my router.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

@user-v5 here's a reference post for IPV6 settings:


Ok, so, try this:


IPv6 Service Type:  Native IPv6 from ISP

Prefix Length:  /64 or /56   /56 is supported now.  By now all of the CMTS equipment should be ready for this.  If you try it and it doesn't work, switch to a /64

Request PD Only:  Enabled

Accept RA from:  WAN      I believe this is correct but don't quote me on this one


Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I'm a reliable contributor

The settings from your router seems fine you should be getting an IPv6 address even with DHCPv6 w/ Prefix Delegation. I'm assuming that you ran an IPv6 test on this site while you are connected to your router? Also, did you reset the modem in order to to enable IPv6? If you did and I would reccomend rebooting the router. You should also try selecting Native IPv6 address from ISP if the above doesn't work.

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

I've been here awhile

The CGN3 settings fine. Either native ipv6 or dhcp6 delegation can be selected on the router behind the CGN3. So the question is what type of router you have behind the CGN3?

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

Aside from that, the CGN3 will need to be factory reset at least once in order for the modem to pick-up the IPv6 configuration.



Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

Hi Dave,

I'm having an issue.

CGN3AC Modem firmware
Case #C119642714 spoke to Peter.

The issue is when I power cycle the modem, I get an IPv6 address. When the lease expires 7 days later, it sits there expired on 'searching....'. if I manually within the 7 days lease release/renew, it does the same thing.

Ever seen that before?

Rogers support just told me, "replace the modem".

Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

On the Gateway have you tried change the DHCP Lease time to "Forever"


Re: Rogers IPv6 Status

@Basherdurch this might be a CMTS issue instead of a modem issue.   Unfortunately Dave is rather busy these days.  He would need your modem's MAC address via private message to check the CMTS parameters and files.  If you did go ahead and swap the modem and ended up with the same result, my bet would be some issue with the CMTS which Dave or one of his co-workers would have to check.