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The Community Testing Lab (Closed)


New: We’ve got an amazing opportunity for you to test our upcoming Gateway! Participants will also have the chance to provide feedback to our team and make an impact on the user experience of Rogers customers. 


Eligibility criteria: 

  • Be subscribed to Rogers Ignite Internet and have a speed tier of 1 Gigabit (GB) or above 
  • Have an account (it’s free to sign up!) on the Rogers Community Forums 
  • Agree to test the new Gateway and provide feedback via surveys by the deadlines 


  • Be among the first to try out our newest Gateway
  • Meet new people and take part in networking opportunities 
  • Share feedback with our product and development teams 
  • Gain access to dedicated moderators throughout the entire trial 

How to sign up: 

Sign ups for this opportunity is now closed. Please check back for upcoming testing opportunities.


Any questions or concerns? Feel free to PM us @CommunityHelps. 


What is the Community Testing Lab exactly?

The Community Testing Lab is an exciting opportunity to get involved! This program consists of dedicated Community members who are customers (and not Rogers employees) that have exclusive access to development teams to help shape products and customer experiences.


Meet our latest Community Testing Lab members:












Why Become a Community Testing Lab member?
As a part of the Community Testing Lab, you may get early access to new products/hardware, access to exclusive private boards, and direct access to interact with and provide feedback to our development teams.


How can you become a part of the Community Testing Lab?
We're always on the lookout for new members to invite to the Community Testing Lab program. To be part of the program, you need to have a positive helpful attitude and be an active member of the Community! As a member, you will participate in testing and tinkering as the feedback and support you provide will help make sure our customers continue to get the best service and end-to-end experience from us. 


Would you like to be part of the Community Testing Lab? Feel free to reach out to us @CommunityHelps via PM!



Re: The Community Testing Lab (Closed)


Hello Community,

After how successful our first Community Testing Lab went, we're back with another opportunity! We're looking for even more members to participate. Whether you're a new customer or a seasoned pro, we’ve got an amazing opportunity for you to test our upcoming Gateway! Participants will also have the chance to provide feedback to our team and make an impact on the user experience of Rogers customers. 


Eligibility criteria: 

  • Be subscribed to Rogers Ignite Internet and have a speed tier of 1 Gigabit (GB) or above 
  • Have an account (it’s free to sign up!) on the Rogers Community Forums 
  • Agree to test the new Gateway and provide feedback via surveys by the deadlines 


  • Be among the first to try out our newest Gateway 
  • Meet new people and take part in networking opportunities 
  • Share feedback with our product and development teams 
  • Gain access to dedicated moderators throughout the entire trial 

How to sign up: 

Sign ups for this opportunity is now closed. Please check back for future opportunities! 


Any questions or concerns? Feel free to PM us @CommunityHelps. 


Re: The Community Testing Lab (Open)

Happy Friday, Community!


Enrollment to be part of this round of testing closes, August 8th! Please sign up ASAP for this exciting opportunity to test our latest Gateway and get exclusive behind the scenes access to the Rogers team!




Topic Stats
  • 2 replies
  • 1 in conversation