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Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been around

Hello, need assistance with an on going issue since Rogers Ignite was installed over a year ago. Internet, phone and TV are all using the Ignite service, and I am experience daily drops in Wifi. When Wifi disconnects, it will last about 5 minutes, TV will also go black, phone continues to work along with any wired devices. This has occurred almost daily for the past year, sometimes multiple times a day.  The issue often resolves itself within 5 minutes and pods will begin flashing after the Wifi reconnects. After a couple minutes they stop flashing.

About 3 times per week, everything will disconnect including wired/ wireless devices and phone line/ TVs. The Xb6 modem will flash yellow, and eventually flash white then turn solid white. I have called Rogers numerous times, without receiving any information as to what could be causing this issue (I am always told the connection looks good from their end after a 1-2 hour conversation). We have tried using pods/ not using pods, moving modem and pod locations, disabling any device not in use, unplugging modem. The modem and pods have been replaced, TV boxes have been replaced. We even upgraded our internet to the Ignite Internet 500u package for a month to see if that would make a difference, which it did not. We have had more tech visits than I can remember, each time we are simply told everything appears to be ok. We really need some assistance, as this is getting ridiculous at this point, we simply cannot call Rogers every day and request a tech is sent out only to be told the exact same thing as before. When the internet is connected the speed is great, however it is not reliable. 


Copy of downstream/ upstream: 

IndexLock StatusFrequencySNRPower LevelModulation
Channel Bonding Value
645 MHz
627 MHz
849 MHz
855 MHz
861 MHz
579 MHz
585 MHz
591 MHz
597 MHz
603 MHz
609 MHz
615 MHz
621 MHz
633 MHz
639 MHz
651 MHz
657 MHz
663 MHz
669 MHz
675 MHz
681 MHz
687 MHz
693 MHz
699 MHz
705 MHz
711 MHz
717 MHz
723 MHz
825 MHz
831 MHz
837 MHz
843 MHz
350 MHz
40.2 dB
40.4 dB
36.9 dB
36.4 dB
35.6 dB
40.8 dB
40.7 dB
40.7 dB
40.6 dB
40.6 dB
40.5 dB
40.3 dB
40.3 dB
40.4 dB
40.2 dB
40.1 dB
40.0 dB
40.0 dB
39.8 dB
38.8 dB
39.7 dB
39.5 dB
39.6 dB
39.5 dB
39.0 dB
39.1 dB
38.7 dB
38.7 dB
36.7 dB
36.9 dB
37.0 dB
36.9 dB
40.0 dB
4.4 dBmV
5.0 dBmV
-1.1 dBmV
-2.0 dBmV
-3.6 dBmV
5.7 dBmV
5.6 dBmV
5.6 dBmV
5.6 dBmV
5.3 dBmV
5.2 dBmV
5.0 dBmV
4.9 dBmV
4.8 dBmV
4.5 dBmV
4.2 dBmV
4.2 dBmV
4.2 dBmV
4.0 dBmV
3.8 dBmV
3.6 dBmV
3.6 dBmV
3.6 dBmV
3.6 dBmV
3.0 dBmV
2.9 dBmV
2.5 dBmV
2.6 dBmV
0.5 dBmV
0.3 dBmV
0.3 dBmV
0.6 dBmV
3.7 dBmV
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
IndexLock StatusFrequencySymbol RatePower LevelModulationChannel Type
Channel Bonding Value
30 MHz
36 MHz
39.8 dBmV
41.0 dBmV


Any information/ assistance would be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you


Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I plan to stick around

I've been with Rogers for almost a year now (longer if you consider i was using a service that leases their lines) and have recently (3-4 months now) been getting super spotty internet speeds and connections which have only gotten worse as time goes on.


I left it because it usually would go out early in the AM (2am onward) and didn't effect me until recently.... Almost everyday now, speeds barely hit beyond 1.0 mbps (on 300u) and if they do, it's literally for an hour or two and then dips back to the above.


I've called and had 2 techs come out,  one only did what he could from the outside (no inside work because of covid) but his suggestions to try on the inside didn't do anything at all. The 2nd tech never showed up and was supposed to bring a new modem for me to try (using coda 4582).


I'm just at wits end now... i'm tired of coming home from work and can't enjoy gaming or netflix without it cutting out randomly or buffering every few minutes... i'd just like to get some information as to what the problem actually is because it only got worse recently.


been reading forums so i'm going to post stuff some people ask for ahead of time.


Docsis Wan


DOCSIS Overview
Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES -9.400002
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 25300000 ATDMA - 64QAM 43.000 2 3200000
2 36996000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.250 4 6400000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.500 3 6400000
4 22100000 ATDMA - 64QAM 39.250 1 3200000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@RRwest I don't have much time at the moment, but taking a quick look at your signal levels, the DOCSIS 3.0 downstream channels (1 to 32) aren't too bad.  The signal levels are a little high but they're ok where they are.  There is a high frequency roll-off above 750 Mhz, but thats typical on the Rogers network.  


The DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM downstream channel is a mystery as there isn't enough detailed info to really determine the health of the OFDM channel.  


The big problem as I see it is the upstream channels.  You should have three or four upstream channels depending on where you live.  You're only running two upstream channels.  There is one area near Hamilton (?)  I believe that was bought by Rogers, from Shaw.  I seem to remember a recent post where that area was only running two upstream channels, which was proving to be a pain.  


So, you're signal levels are a bit of a quandry.  The downstream levels from what I can see aren't too bad, but there's no customer access to the OFDM internal data, and, you're missing one or two upstream channels.  Usually you would see downstream and upstream problems at the same time.  Its possible that there are problems with the OFDM channel, but, there isn't enough data to determine that.  If that's the case, its possible that you have problems in the lower 500 Mhz band of the cable system.  That's where the DOCSIS 3.1 OFDM downstream and DOCSIS 3.0 upstream channels run.  The OFDM channel runs from 350 Mhz up to approx 442 Mhz, the upstream channels run in the 5 to 42 Mhz range.  


What I would do is check the signal levels and if you see that you're only running two upstream channels, call tech support, advise the Customer Service Rep that you've had ongoing problems with the stability of the cable service and that at the present time you're only running two upstream channels.  Ask the CSR to check your neighbours modems to see if you're a "one of case" or if this is a wider problem that also affects your neighbours.  The discussion should go from there.  Also ask the tech to check the noise history to see if it shows anything that might explain the disconnects.


1.  If you're a "one of case" would you happen to know when the external cable was replaced?  I'm assuming that you're in a house. 


2.  Are you in a house or apartment/condo/highrise type of building?


3.  If you're in a house, does the external cable run underground to a nearby pedestal which you should be able to see from your front yard, or does it run overhead to a nearby utility pole?


4.  Are you using any type of power bar, not a UPS, but a power bar of any type?  If so, can you disconnect the power bar completely, from the wall socket and from any connected equipment and run your equipment off of the wall socket with extension cords if necessary.  


5.  Does the modem RG-6 connect to the wall cable port directly, or are you running the cable thru any type of power bar?  The cable should connect directly to the wallplate cable port. 


Can you download Winfi Lite from  and load that on windows laptop or desktop that connects via wifi. When its runnng, select the wrench symbol from the second row to bring up the lower display area.  When that secondary display area is up, select "Spectrum" to see the graphical display of the nearby networks.  Select RSSI in the upper text data area to sort the networks by their received signal level.  Any of the column titles can be used to sort the data up or down by selecting any of the titles to activate the column sort.  So, sort the data via RSSI, so that the highest RSSI value is at the top, that should be your network.  Take a screen shot using Ctrl +Alt +Prt Scr ( Ctrl Alt PrtScr) simultaneously to dump the screen image to the clipboard.  Paste that into something like Microsoft Paint, wipe out your network name (SSID) then save it a post in the forum.  That will show which neighbours you're competing with.


Ok, I'm going tag @RogersAndy to have a look at your signal levels, specifically the OFDM channel.  I'd still like you to call tech support in the mean time, but, Andy should be able to look at your signal levels in the next day or two hopefully.  I don't know when he's going to be on duty again.  When you're logged into the forum, can you use the link for his name to navigate to his public page.  Using the link to "Send this user a private message", as you have done for me, send Andy the MAC address of the modem.  That should be found within the modems status data somewhere, and on the bottom of the modem.  With the MAC address on hand, Andy can locate the modem and have a look at the signal data.  


When you have total disconnects, is there any regular time when it occurs, morning, afternoon or night?  Does it occur during rainy days, or windy days (underground or overhead cable dependent)?  Just trying to figure out if there is any predicable indication for a service outage. 


I'll be interested in the wifi screen shot, but, personal opinion, for anyone suffering from wifi issues, my advice is to go back to basics:


1.  turn off or disconnect the power from the pods:

2.  turn off any Band Steering in the modem;

3.  rename one of the wifi networks in order to separate the 2.4 and 5 Ghz networks;

4.  check the Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) for the 5 Ghz wifi networks.  Disable it if its enabled. 

4.  connect your mobile devices to one of networks, as appropriate for device and data rate that you're looking for:

5.  turn off any Auto channel setting for both networks.  Park the 5 Ghz channel in the 149 to 161 channel range to run the higher power levels outputs in that channel range, and park the 2.4 Ghz network on a channel, 1, 6, or 11 that might have the least competition, both from a number of networks on those channels and where you have the largest amount of power level (RSSI) separation from any other network.  Ideally, you would have at least 40 to 50 dBmW separation between your network and anyone else.  As that separation decreases, the wifi adapter will recognize the other networks and end up sharing the channel due to co-channel interference.  In a typical neighbourhood, its pretty well impossible to run on any 2.4 Ghz channel without running into interference and channel sharing situations.  For that reason, I don't run any band steering as the 2.4 Ghz band has at least 40 to 50 other networks running, so its a write off.  I run most everything mobile via 5 Ghz network.  Anything that doesn't run 5 Ghz is stuck on the crowded 2.4 Ghz band.  


Ok, so, that might be a pain for a period of time, but, the question is, does any of that resolve the disconnect issues?  


Fwiw, we've seen issues in the past with failing wifi and ethernet adapters in mobile devices which cause what appears to be a modem failure, as it prevents the modem wifi or ethernet network from running properly.  Fix the adapter and the modem problems are solved.  Not saying thats the issue here, but, keep an open mind.  


Ok, that's it for now.  That should keep you busy for a little while 🙂

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

@iyatos56 if the signal level table copied correctly, you have some pretty severe signal problems.  Immediately following the table headings just below, you should show 32 channels, with all of their data:


Downstream Overview

Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID

Signal noise ratio (dB)



Are you not seeing any channel data here at all??


Looking at the OFDM Overview, I would guess that your signal levels for the OFDM channel are very low, but, it appears that the OFDM channel is still hanging in there, which would be the only reason that the modem is still providing downstream data.  


The upstream data is higher than normal for this modem but well within spec.  The normal signal output levels for this modem are in the 30 to 32 dBmV range, so, your upstream signal levels are still ok.  


The upstream OFDMA channels are not enabled at this time.  Rogers is still working on it. 


Ok, so, it looks like your cable signal levels above 500 Mhz are totally absent, which is very odd.  There is probably a high signal level loss in the 200 to 500 Mhz range, which is where the OFDM channel is running.  The upstream channels run below 42 Mhz, so, thery're higher than normal but within spec.  


Fwiw, here's the signal path to the Cable Modem Termination System, which controls the modems that are connected to it as well as providing data services to those modems:


The path to the CMTS is as follows:


1.  Modem to cable ingress splitter or amp  (a splitter or amp  will be present if you have more than one Rogers service running)


2.  Splitter to external demarcation point (something like this which shows fibre instead of cable:


3.  Demarcation point to local tap (pedestal or utility pole)


4.  Local tap to neighbourhood node


5.  Neighbourhood node to CMTS 


From modem to local tap, this is RG-6 cable.

From local tap to neighbourhood node, this is hard cable

From neighbourhood node to CMTS is fibre optic.


Normally if there is an issue, that issue is with the external cable run from the external demarcation point to the local tap.  This is usually resolved by replacing the external cable and/or its connectors.  The external cable and its connectors don't last forever and have to be replaced every few years.  That might be a couple of year, it might be 15 years or more, don't know what the real average happens to be.  So, replacing that cable and its connectors is fairly routine.  There is always the possibility of problems further upstream, starting at the local tap (pedestal or utility pole) or further beyond.  If for example the external cable was replaced completely and the issues persisted, that points to issues further upstream.  


Normally the cabling in the home remains stable and trouble free, but, there is always the possibility of an in home cable issue.  


Ok, so, you've asked for a tech visit a couple of times, with only one of them showing up.  Normally after two visits, you can request a senior tech (real Rogers tech).  You could ask for a senior tech this time around.  Given that your cable system is looking like there is a problem on the go.  


What I would do at this point is call tech support and ask the Customer Service Rep to run a signal check.  Given what you posted, it should fail automatically, leading to a discussion of getting a tech out to your home.  


Once the tech is onsite, he or she will need to check the cabling from the local tap to the demarcation point at the side of the house.  The tech should be able to tell you if that cabling is ok.  He or she should disconnect the external cable from the cable ground block which is contained in the external enclosure and test the signal levels at that point.  If they prove to be ok, then the cable end in the enclosure should probably be replaced if they haven't been so already.  


At this point, you should connect the modem to the cable that enters the home and fire it up.  The question at this point is, what are the signal levels at this point.  If you can log into the modem via wifi, then you can see those levels no matter where the modem is sitting.  The tech will be able to see those levels via the laptop that he or she will have on hand.  


The question at this point is whether or not you're running any other services in the home, which would require a splitter or amplifier.  If you have more services, beyond internet service, look at the incoming cable to see what you have on that cable, a passive splitter or powered amplifier.  I'd like to know what device is installed, splitter or amplifier and what port the modem cable is installed on.  Both splitter and amp will have a model number printed on the front of the device.  The splitter will have a signal loss indicated on the ports, such as -3.5, -7 or other depending on what type of splittter it is.  The amplifier will have port numbers and possibly a VOIP port marked.  Again, if you have an amplifier, please let me know what the model number is and what port the modem cable is connected to.  


Fwiw, here's what the signal level table looks like for that modem with firmware version loaded.  I suspect that you're running version 2.10.36T6 as indicated on the STATUS tab:


Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 QAM256 -0.500 7 36.386
2 849000000 QAM256 -2.700 2 35.595
3 855000000 QAM256 -3.200 3 35.083
4 861000000 QAM256 -4.000 4 35.083
5 579000000 QAM256 -0.700 5 35.779
6 585000000 QAM256 -0.299 6 36.386
7 303000000 QAM256 0.599 1 36.609
8 597000000 QAM256 -0.299 8 36.609
9 603000000 QAM256 -0.400 9 36.386
10 609000000 QAM256 -1.000 10 35.779
11 615000000 QAM256 -0.900 11 35.779
12 621000000 QAM256 -0.700 12 35.779
13 633000000 QAM256 -1.099 13 35.779
14 639000000 QAM256 -1.000 14 35.595
15 645000000 QAM256 -0.700 15 35.779
16 651000000 QAM256 -0.799 16 35.595
17 657000000 QAM256 -0.700 17 35.779
18 663000000 QAM256 -0.700 18 35.595
19 669000000 QAM256 -0.099 19 36.609
20 675000000 QAM256 0.099 20 36.386
21 681000000 QAM256 -0.099 21 35.779
22 687000000 QAM256 0.200 22 36.386
23 693000000 QAM256 -0.099 23 35.779
24 699000000 QAM256 0.400 24 36.609
25 705000000 QAM256 -0.200 25 35.779
26 711000000 QAM256 -0.099 26 35.779
27 717000000 QAM256 0.099 27 36.386
28 723000000 QAM256 -0.500 28 35.595
29 825000000 QAM256 -1.900 29 35.595
30 831000000 QAM256 -2.200 30 35.595
31 837000000 QAM256 -2.299 31 35.595
32 843000000 QAM256 -2.599 32 35.595
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
1 4K 290600000 YES YES YES 0.500000
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 22100000 64QAM 38.510 1 3200000
2 36996000 64QAM 39.270 4 6400000
3 30596000 64QAM 38.520 3 6400000
4 25300000 64QAM 39.260 2 3200000
5 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000
6 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000
7 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000
8 0 QAM_NONE - --- 1600000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2K
1 DISABLED 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2K


So, if you move the modem for test purposes, this is what the table should look like with all of the values present in the table  In this particular case, the signal to noise ratios for the DOCSIS 3.0 downstream channels (1 to 32) are just slightly low and the upstream DOCSIS 3.0 signal levels are a little high, still well within spec, but higher than normal.  The modem serviceability rate is actually pretty good.  Failures can happen, but I wouldn't expect it and the serviceability rates show that swapping the modem as a normal course of action doesn't make sense.  


Ok, so, I'd have another look at the modem signal levels again to see if the channel data for channels 1 to 32 is still missing, and if so, call tech support for a signal check and request a senior tech.  If you reboot the modem and the missing channel data returns, in good shape, that is a good indication of an external cable problem.  If  some or all of the upper channel data is still missing, then you do have a cable problem that will require a tech to resolve.  While your chatting with tech support, ask the tech rep to check your neighbours modems to see if your a single case, or if there are problems with the other modems as well.  That would point to a problem at the local tap (pedestal or utiliey pole) or perhaps further upstream.  


Hope this helps. 

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I plan to stick around


maybe you're looking in wrong direction.  Can you ping or traceroure that ip address on your network ?

you can try Coda Admin panels, there is an option to ping , or simply open an terminal on your computer and > ping ? 

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I plan to stick around


Are you not seeing any channel data here at all??

No, its empty, don't know if its because i'm in bridge mode or not.

the tech that came claimed the signal to the house was strong, and he changed the outside cabling... it's from there he doesn't know why its acting the way it is.

The question at this point is whether or not you're running any other services in the home, which would require a splitter or amplifier. If you have more services, beyond internet service, look at the incoming cable to see what you have on that cable, a passive splitter or powered amplifier. I'd like to know what device is installed, splitter or amplifier and what port the modem cable is installed on. Both splitter and amp will have a model number printed on the front of the device. The splitter will have a signal loss indicated on the ports, such as -3.5, -7 or other depending on what type of splittter it is. The amplifier will have port numbers and possibly a VOIP port marked. Again, if you have an amplifier, please let me know what the model number is and what port the modem cable is connected to.

I don't have easy access to the room (basement aprt) but I can get access later if needed. From memory, I know that its connected to an powered amplifier with 4? (maybe 6 in total) outputs on it, the rogers highspeed is connected to the VOIP line which i believe was at -4.5.

I havent tried moving the modem because the line its connected to runs from another room into mine (jack - splitter - my room and the room its in), I'm going to try and run the wire directly to the line into my room but don't know what the item is called that joins the two lines and where to buy it.

Thanks for taking the time to reply

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I plan to stick around



This is what my Docsis looks like after removing the splitter and joining the two cables.


DOCSIS Overview
Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
4 579000000 256QAM -7.500 5 30.647
5 585000000 256QAM -9.500 6 30.764
7 597000000 256QAM -10.200 8 30.476
8 603000000 256QAM -9.400 9 30.647
9 609000000 256QAM -10.300 10 30.312
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES -6.900002
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 25300000 ATDMA - 64QAM 39.000 2 3200000
2 36996000 ATDMA - 64QAM 39.000 4 6400000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 40.250 3 6400000
4 22100000 ATDMA - 64QAM 37.000 1 3200000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K


Also, the landlord is using Bell internet and TV,  not sure about their phone line.

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile

Flashing amber light


I have been experiencing this problem for a few week, alothougt it’s only last 2 or 3 minutes. But tonight it’s been two or three hours and counting. The internet(wifi or direct) will no connect. We have the ignite modem, and it’s flashing amber. I’ve tried to reset it numerous times still nothing. Anyone have any ideas?

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

@iyatos56 thats slightly better, but, its still bad.  You need to keep backing up towards the amplifier, testing section by section and finally disconnect the amp and plug in your modem to check the incoming cable signal levels.  Keep using the modem as a test tool to check the signal levels at each point where there's a connection point for that cable.  


While your testing, check the cable itself, if you can.  Look for any sharp bends in the cable, which shouldn't happen with a cable system.  While you can gently bend RG-6 cables, it does have a minimum bend radius of 2.5 inches.  You don't want to bend that any smaller than that as it can break the cable.  


When you do gain access to the amp, see if you can figure out how many cables are actually using that amp.  There might be some cables connected that aren't actually in use, due to use of Bell's system for example.  So, if its at all possible, see if you can figure out which cables are really in use.  Its possible that a smaller amp or perhaps a splitter might be more appropriate, just depends on how many cables connected to the amp are actually in use.  


Fwiw, gaining access to the amp to check the signal levels is doing everyone else a big favour.  If there is a signal issue with the inbound cable, then everyone will be affected, so, if there are any arguments or pushback for access to the amp, point out the problems with the signal levels and how that affects everyone. 


To connect the two cables together, you need an F-81 connector.  Looks like this:


I'm assuming that you managed to find one to connect the cables together.


Please keep posting the signal levels as you run your tests. 

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

@Angela25 are you running the new Ignite TV service or running the traditional Digital TV service with Nextboxes.  


There is a difference in the modems that are used.  The Ignite TV service uses the Arris or Technicolor XB6.  The Digital TV service uses Nextboxes, but there are a variety of modems that are used with the various internet plans.


The modems that Rogers uses can be seen here:


Can you let me know which modem you have.  If its one of the black Hitron CGN3 or CGN3xxxx modems, the exact model is found on the back of the modem on the product sticker.  


Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile
Hey ya it’s the arris xb6

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

@Angela25 can you follow the instructions shown here by @mozerdold and myself to post the signal levels from that modem.


Hopefully that data might show why you're experiencing the disconnects.

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile

Almost daily at 3:30 p.m. my internet fails.    First call to service the technician indicated that there was interference on the line which she determined was not in my house.  A repair was initiated and I received an automated call the next day advising the issue had been fixed.   For months, I had absolutely no problem.    Recently, the problem has returned.    The latest suggestion from customer service was to send me another modem.   I haven't installed it yet but still feel it must be a problem with Rogers line as absolutely nothing has changed in the house to cause any issues.    I am not a techie.   Could they have provided me with a poor quality splitter for the cable?   Any suggestions???

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

Hello and welcome to our Community @Richard8801!


I would highly recommend that you install the replacement modem that we sent to you as your first step. We only send replacement modems after exhausting our troubleshooting steps.


If the issue persists after installing the new modem, please return to the forums here and I will have some further recommendations and support for you! 🙂




Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile
Replacement modem has been installed. Same problem. Technician suggested when an outage occurs, unplug the modem and call support so Rogers might be able to see what happened to cause the outage.

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily



Thanks for your post!


An ongoing technical issue can be bothersome


We'd like to take a closer look at this for you and run some tests. Please send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can locate your information on our file and get started.


If you aren't familiar with our private messaging system please click here


Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile

For the last 2 weeks, my wifi has been terrible. The tv boxes in the living room and bedroom literally disconnect like 5+ times a day. My phone which will be in the same room, literally 2 feet away from the modem will sudden have no signal coming from wifi. While this is happening, my wired connection to my computer works perfectly fine. I have internet that is working perfectly.


I have had ignite Since January roughly, and my boxes and modem have been in the same spot the entire time. I haven't moved anything. I have touched nothing. This issue just cropped up completely randomly out of nowhere.


Please help, as this is basically making TV service unusable. 


I will add that I have had intermittent internet disconnects from wired as well, but this has been very rare compared to the frequency of my wifi issues. I suppose its possible the entire internet is cutting out and I'm just not noticing it, but it doesn't seem like it because I will have horrible problems trying to reconnect to the wifi even when the internet is up and running fine. I do a speed test and I'm getting my near 1 gig download and high up load, it just struggles to reconnect to the wifi. 


ndexLock StatusFrequencySNRPower LevelModulation
591 MHz
279 MHz
849 MHz
855 MHz
861 MHz
579 MHz
585 MHz
597 MHz
603 MHz
609 MHz
615 MHz
621 MHz
633 MHz
639 MHz
645 MHz
651 MHz
657 MHz
663 MHz
669 MHz
675 MHz
681 MHz
687 MHz
693 MHz
699 MHz
705 MHz
711 MHz
717 MHz
723 MHz
825 MHz
831 MHz
837 MHz
843 MHz
350 MHz
41.1 dB
40.5 dB
42.2 dB
42.2 dB
41.7 dB
40.7 dB
40.7 dB
41.5 dB
41.5 dB
41.0 dB
40.5 dB
41.0 dB
41.4 dB
41.5 dB
41.0 dB
40.8 dB
40.6 dB
40.8 dB
41.3 dB
40.9 dB
41.5 dB
41.2 dB
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41.4 dB
41.6 dB
41.5 dB
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42.0 dB
42.0 dB
41.9 dB
42.2 dB
40.8 dB
1.3 dBmV
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4.5 dBmV
4.3 dBmV
3.4 dBmV
0.9 dBmV
0.8 dBmV
1.6 dBmV
1.9 dBmV
1.3 dBmV
0.9 dBmV
1.3 dBmV
2.2 dBmV
2.2 dBmV
1.9 dBmV
1.8 dBmV
1.5 dBmV
1.9 dBmV
2.2 dBmV
2.4 dBmV
2.4 dBmV
2.3 dBmV
2.1 dBmV
2.2 dBmV
2.6 dBmV
2.9 dBmV
2.8 dBmV
2.4 dBmV
4.6 dBmV
4.6 dBmV
4.2 dBmV
4.5 dBmV
0.0 dBmV
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
256 QAM
IndexLock StatusFrequencySymbol RatePower LevelModulationChannel Type
Channel Bonding Value
21 MHz
25 MHz
32 MHz
38 MHz
39.8 dBmV
40.8 dBmV
40.8 dBmV
40.3 dBmV

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @tgen85!


Welcome to the community!


I can commiserate with the poor WiFi situation for sure, having experienced some dreadful wireless situations in my time. I can wholeheartedly appreciate wanting to get this resolved as soon as possible so you can enjoy your IgniteTV experience as intended. There's a few things we'd need to know to better assist if that's alright. Can you confirm the following for us?


  • Are you using Rogers provided Eero Mesh system or WiFi pods?
  • Alternatively are you using your own router or mesh network?
  • Have you spoken with support regarding this issue? Have pods been recommended?
  • If you're using pods has a technician been scheduled to assist you with addressing this issue?
  • When you're connecting a device, like a cell phone, in the home are you receiving full bars of connectivity, or less than in most of the home?
  • Is your modem located someplace central to where it's being used most and clear of obstruction? (ex. Not in a cabinet or on a floor)

Thanks so much, this should give us a better direction to assist!



Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile

I'm not using any mesh system or pods. I'm using the router that Rogers provided me with 3 boxes for ignite tv. The one for Ignite TV and gbps internet.


I did speak to support twice today and they sent a technician in the second time. They swapped out the ignite TVs boxes with new ones and did some other stuff. So far, the TV hasn't disconnected but my wifi download speed is very bad since this was done. Getting like 15mbps. The technician said not to restart the modem for some reason, not exactly sure why.


When I use my cellphone, I'm getting full bars.  What happens though is the tv box will disconnect, screen will go black, and I have to restart the TV box. During this time, my computer which is connected via wire works fine, but when I'm trying to use my phone during this time over wifi, it does not work. Says no connection. There is an exclamation mark beside the wifi logo on my phone and pages and things just don't load.


My modem it out in the open in my room. It has been in the same spot since I got the service almost a year ago. Nothing is blocking it. Nothing was moved. Nothing was changed. That is what's so confusing about the whole thing. It just randomly started happening out of nowhere in the last 2ish weeks.

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

I've been here awhile

Still suffering the same issue but I spoke to a great person via live chat and he went through a bunch of stuff with me for a while. He is going to have the modem replaced and hopefully that will fix the issue.

Re: Internet and Wifi Disconnecting Daily

Glad to hear it @tgen85!


If you encounter any further difficulties, please don't hesitate to reach back out and shoot us a PM.


Please PM us @CommunityHelps. If you're not familiar with our PMing process, you can find instructions here.




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