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Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been here awhile

I have been dealing with this for months and months, I work from home and rely on a stable connection for call after call after call.  The modem lights says white, the app says great speeds, but doesn't matter, whether wifi or hard wired the connection drops.  Again the modem says good, and white light and rogers says no issues reported, all looks good.  I have replace all of my ethernet cables at a cost, even though it is not that as wifi drops also.  When it disconnects takes from 2-5 minutes to reconnect devices.  Months and Months of this and to no avail, techs have checked outside, inside everything - what to do - Rogers takes my money promptly every month and I lose money from work with this connection but I pay a lot for it!  This is just beyond ridiculous...can anyone help please????


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Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I plan to stick around

Ive been dealing with a similar issue, suspected its an OFDMA issue they've added in.

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been here awhile

Same here, it’s driving me crazy! They refuse to do anything to fix and just keep sending techs who basically shrug 

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting


Hello @melc32 ,


We appreciate you joining us in the community and for sharing your internet connection concerns. Having your signal drop randomly, especially while working, is certainly not ideal. 😞


It sounds like the dropped signal is happening across multiple devices, simultaneously, is that correct? How often is the connection dropping? Does it only happen during certain times of day/night? Has your modem been swapped since this issue began?


@Smols & @Trencher69: I understand you are facing a similar issue as well. Feel free to share some more details about what is happening at your end and what troubleshooting steps have already been completed, without success.


I'll also tag in some of our Resident Experts to see if they have any ideas that they can share: @-G-  @Datalink  


Thank you,




Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been here awhile

that is correct, ALL devices whether hard wired or wifi -- happens anytime, all over the place no rhyme or reason, modem been swapped 3 times.  Tech support been in numerous times - all the same answer "it's not us it's you"

unacceptable when we pay for a service and the service is not stable!


Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

@RogersYasmine wrote:

I'll also tag in some of our Resident Experts to see if they have any ideas that they can share:

The first place to start is to go through troubleshooting steps in


You want to make sure that you signal levels are within acceptable norms and that the uncorrectable codewords errors are all zeros (or close to zero) across all channels.


I'm not sure what to say about the dropouts that last for minutes at a time.  When this happens, I would log into your Gateway with a web browser, go to "Gateway > Connection > Rogers Network"  and check your stats.  Do things look normal or do you see something that looks like this




or this


ChannelStats 2023-09-17 9AM.png


where some or all of your channels drop out?


If your service is dropping out, even of your modem does not completely lose registration, somebody at Rogers should be able to see it, and see whether it affects just you or everybody in your service area.  A level-1 tech support agents will likely not have access to these stats but their support teams will... and the @CommunityHelps team can investigate as well.


The Casa DAA / R-PHY nodes can be very unstable in some configurations .

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been here awhile

I've  been a customer of Rogers for at least 4 decades and NOT once have I found most solutions viable for repairs, They were "however" time consuming and frustrating and in the majority of all issues it was resolved bat Rogers end NOT by the customers!  I've been having this disconnecting and connecting issues for almost a year BUT it's pointless as all Rogers wants if my over $300 a month that would be half that and twice the service if in the EU. FIX YOUR PROBLEMS and STOP passing off to the customers!!! One disappointed decorated veteran here,.......................... 

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

Hello, @mindom2004.


Thank you for joining this thread and sharing concerns about your Internet service. It's disappointing that your long-standing loyalty to Rogers has been met with such inconvenience.


We want to investigate the intermittency you are experiencing. Please send @CommunityHelps a private message so we can access your modem and work with you toward a resolution. We detailed more info about our private messaging in this blog




Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I plan to stick around

I'm having a similar problem here. I am losing connection to the internet constantly. I disconnect the Wi-Fi and reconnect and voila it's back for a while. Last night we were unable to watch anything on the tv that we had previously recorded. We would experience multiple audio drop outs and video stutters. I rebooted the gateway and the pods. No difference.

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

Greetings @Flash!


I can absolutely understand why this would be extremely inconvenient. 


Is this issue impacting both Ethernet and WiFi connections? Or just WiFi?


We'd be happy to take a closer look to see what is going on! Please feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  



Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I plan to stick around

I googled the error codes in my event log.
I get lots of results from xfinity in the states and Shaw and Rogers here in Canada.
The posts are years old. Certainly someone has solved this it's been going on for a long time. I sent a private message to this board and have yet to get any real help.

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I plan to stick around

It affects everything. My internet drops, tv freezes, audio on tv drops, rewind or fast forward freezes. It's not every time but it's way more than is acceptable.

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been around

Happening to me several times a day, it is very critical when it occurs. Twice I am in important meetings, and another during an online exam.

Notes for technicians: Packet loss test spikes just before and after, internet goes "fully" down after about a minute, for 1-2 minutes at a time. It comes back up and usually does this a few times in a row. This happens connected via ethernet or not. Yes... I am connected directly to the Rogers modem (it's a 2 ft Cat6e cable).


My area has low download speeds for Bell but two Neighbours already switched because the issue has affected their ability to work from home.

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

Greetings @Invis and @Flash!


I understand that these intermittent issues are very inconvenient. I would like to find out why this is happening to your connections.


If you would kindly PM me @CommunityHelps, I'd be happy to look into this matter for you further. I'll need to run some tests and investigate the history of this issue if there is any documentation already on your account. 


For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.  



Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been here awhile

I am having the exact same issue. and I can't leave them because I am stuck for 2 years, and they won't consider it as "no Service provided" 

bringing the 4th or 5th technician tomorrow. 

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I've been here awhile

I am going insane from this exact situation I am experiencing and I just started in May and already experiencing the worst service 

Re: Intermittent Disconnecting & Reconnecting

I plan to stick around

The tech just left my house...

He replaced the gateway and so far everything is working. 3rd gateway. I had too strong of a signal going into the gateway and he changed  something on the cable and it works. Haven't had a drop out in an hour of use which before I would have had many. Here's hoping it will continue. Good luck.

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