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Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

This is a warning for the incoming wall of text. This has been a long and frustrating saga. 


On November 23rd 2021, I decided to transfer over from Telus' EPP to Rogers PP. I switched over for the new customer deal with BYOD plans. 


I am a member of the CAF and qualify for both Rogers and Telus’ corporate discounts of 30%. On the 23rd, the necessary passcode was sent, used to validate my account and the sim card was shipped. The plan that I selected was 20 GB unlimited (restricted afterwards) for $50 before taxes and after the discount was applied (so 71.43 before discount and taxes).  


This initial sim card was never delivered. 


On Dec 7th, I decided to follow up because I hadn't yet received my sim card. It was then that I found out that the sim card had failed to deliver and had been sent back to its Ontario warehouse. No delivery notice was ever left by Purolator (shipping company that was used) nor did they call me. 


I called Rogers corporate support and spent 2-2.5 hrs dealing with a representative A* D* . They told me that a new sim card had been ordered and that they would follow up with me. I was also informed that I qualified for a Black Friday deal of $100 off over 2 years and that they would either credit that full amount onto my account or adjust the monthly rate accordingly. I left the call pretty happy and feeling pretty good about Rogers’ customer service.


I was wrong. I had been lied to.


A* D* never followed up with me. I also suspect that the Black Friday promo was a second lie. It wasn't recorded in the ID # by that rep according to the escalation rep I spoke to today. If Rogers has a recording of that call, they'll be able to confirm that I was offered that as an additional promo. It’s not been a month yet so if a recording was made it probably still exists.


After a couple days (9th) I got the second sim card in the mail. I proceeded to transfer my old phone number from Telus to Rogers. I was happy and thought this process was done... sadly it was just beginning. 


On the 11th I received a Bill from Rogers much bigger than I expected. It was then I found out that the second sim card was actually for a second account that also had the wrong plan. I spent 4-4.5 hours waiting then dealing with 3 different customer service reps of which the first two started the conversation telling me that I was speaking to the right person to fix my problems. They were wrong and in general this is a really bad practice. First it was Corporate then Billing then Activation for the departments. From what I was told, activation was actually needed to help me because both of the accounts were brand new. In the end, I had the second account completely cancelled out and I was to go in person to a Rogers store to pickup a sim card for the first account.  The cancelling wasn't done correctly/all at once. I had to use the Support chat later that night (~1 hr) in order to get the full cancellation of the second account to occur for the pending bill. 


Side note: I actually reached out to A* D* on the 11th as well. I asked for assistance by emailing their Rogers email. I was ignored/never responded to. 


On Dec 12th I picked up my Sim card from the store. I asked the rep who activated the Sim Card in the store to just double check that both the corporate 30% discount and the Black Friday promo were on my account. They typed something into their terminal and then assured me that they were. This was a lie. 


Today on Dec 29th I received an email for my Rogers Bill. It has 3 mistakes. 


  1. My billing period started on Nov 23rd instead of from Dec 12th which was when the sim card was activated for the account.
  2. The 30% Corporate Discount wasn't on the account 
  3. The $100 Black Friday Promo wasn't on the account (if it even actually exists)


I then called Rogers’ support after 8pm. This is important because Rogers corporate support stops working at 8pm while the rest of Rogers support works later. The first Rep that I spoke to assured me that though they couldn't help me the escalation team could. I spent another 1.5 hrs waiting for the escalation rep and then going through the problems with them. It was only about ~an hour and 25 minutes into the conversation that I was informed that they couldn't actually fix the problem for the future and that I would need to call again. They could only adjust the current bill start date... incredibly frustrating. I told them not to bother because it wouldn't actually fix the problem. 

Final kicker problem. My passcode for the corporate discount is also expired apparently both A* D* and the last rep from the Dec 11th call never actually applied it. This was told to me by the escalation rep. I’m currently out of province and without access to my work computer so cannot confirm (for the 3rd time) a passcode.


In summary, every single one of my experiences with a Rogers CS rep is that they either cannot help me or make some mistake that just creates another problem. I've also been deliberately lied to by at least two employees (A* D* and the rep from the store). I feel that I've been incredibly patient with Rogers dealing with this process. Total time dealing with reps and then writing this Hail Mary attempt of a summary is ~10 hours at this point. I've decided to sleep on figuring out what I am going to do. Currently leaning towards cancellation of my Rogers account and requesting a full refund. 


I just wanted a corporate plan. 


*** Edited Labels ***


(Removed Interaction IDs - Keep personal info private - RogersTony)



Accepted Solutions

Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Update 6. Finally update. 


Sorry to anyone who has been following this issue for not responding sooner. I've been busier with work than expected following Winter leave. 


I ended up accepting Rogers' offer to apply the promo as a lump sum to the next billing period (Jan's). This promo did get applied so my worry over it not  going through/erroring turned out to be unfounded. All three issues have now been resolved to my satisfaction. If there is an issue resolved badge/sticker or something please feel free to slap that onto this post (@moderators). I'll click the accept solution button as well. 


To anyone who read through all this Cheers,  Saga over.  


Stay safe. 

View solution in original post


Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning


Hello, @SM121


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


Its really disappointing to hear about your recent experience after switching to Rogers. We definitely want to take a closer look at this for you and try to find a solution that is acceptable to you.


Please send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can get started on this for you.


Not familiar with our private messaging system? No worries, click here.








Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Hello RogersTony,


Sorry for not responding sooner. I chose not to as I'm spending time with family/celebrating new years with them and didn't want this situation impacting my mood during these last few days. 


I've sent a PM as instructed. Please let me know via the PM system or in this post if anything can be done. 


Thank you and try to stay safe. 

Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

Hi @SM121,


I hear you! I hope you had a great holiday season with your family :). I have checked, and we have not receive a private message from you.  Did you send it @CommunityHelps?


You can learn about how to send a PM here.


Take care :).




Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Hello RogersZia i did send a PM to @CommunityHelps as instructed. I do not know why it is not showing up for you. Below is photo proof. I sent it at 9:03 PM eastern time on the 1st. 



Edit: Looks like the embed of my picture doesn't work on the forum. Capture.JPG


Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@SM121 wrote:  ...Looks like the embed of my picture doesn't work on the forum. 

It usually takes a few minutes for the moderators to approve any pictures. This is done to minimize spam.  Yours is still not approved, but perhaps it's because you included some personal information in the picture?

Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

I'm not sure. I didn't think so. No reason has been given and I can't seem to edit the post anymore. I've finally gotten a response to my PMs so trying that route. 

Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Well so far Rogers support here is of no actual help. Honestly, not surprising just disappointing yet again. To any future customers of Rogers good luck. I've had none of it so far dealing with the various support teams.



They clearly did not read my post even though it was linked in my PM to the @CommunityHelps account and it was requested to be read in that PM. After "reviewing" my account they have told me to 1. reapply for the corporate discount (As my Original post states I've done this process 2x with Rogers CS reps already via phone calls and I am currently out of province without access to my corporate email). I've also been told to 2. just wait until my next billing period to see if the Black Friday Promo is on it and then re-contact support if its not... My current Bill needs to be fixed along with changes going forward. Clearly did not read my post since they didn't even mention the billing period start issue.





I've decided to post this because it seems like keeping things public is the only way I'll have a chance of getting an actual resolution to these problems. I've already listed out the three current problems with my account. Here they are again with further explanation

  1. My billing period started on Nov 23rd instead of from Dec 12th which was when the sim card was activated for the account. So my billing period start date needs to be adjusted to Dec 12th.
  2. The 30% Corporate Discount isn't on the account. I currently do not have access to my corporate email due to being out of province for the Holidays. I've also done the passcode validation process twice before with Rogers by providing the passcode to Rogers CS Reps on support phone calls. Validation is how my sim card got sent to me in the first place.
  3. The $100 Black Friday Promo isn't listed on my current bill. There is no evidence that it is on my account at all. I'm not going to just hope that it is on future bills. Hope is not a strategy. It needs to be applied now either as a lump sum or as a monthly reduction otherwise I'm going to consider this issue not resolved.

Any Rogers Support staff please assist with these. I've already filled out your form and verified myself with @RogersRahul  I'm not trying to be a jerk. I just want these three problems fixed.

Thank you.

Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Update 3.0:


Each # corresponds to the respective issue in the post above. 


1. I've now been told that the activation date and billing period don't necessarily have to align with each other.... I can't believe this to be a reasonable response for my situation. Nov 23rd to Dec 12th is 19 days. That's the majority of the billing period where I was unable to use a service that I am to pay. This inability also was not due to any fault of my own. It was caused by a combination of failure to deliver by Purolator (company hired by rogers) and Rogers Employees. The billing period start date needs to be adjusted.  


2. I've now been told that I can send a proof of employment to via my personal email. I have no idea what qualifies as proof of employment for Rogers. The CS Rep that I have been conversing with in PMs has yet to provide this instruction. Does anyone here know what I need to send in to them? 


3. I've been told that it can take 2-3 billing cycles for the promo to reflect on the bill and the previous offer of applying it as a lump sum if it doesn't show up on the next bill was made again. Since my current bill needs to be corrected anyways the Promo as a monthly reduction or lump sum should be applied immediately when that correction is made. Wait and see is not acceptable to me. A potential future offer has been phrased as if I am getting an exception/ a favor done for me. That is nonsense. I do not want to have to call again in a month. 


To reiterate what I'm asking for:


1. Adjust Billing Period to start on Dec 12th which was the first date on which the service could actually be used due to delays by Rogers Employees or hired companies.  

2. Provide instruction for how I can verify employment so that my current and future bills can be corrected.

3. Apply Promo on current bill as either the monthly reduction or as a lump sum. Due to previous Rogers Rep mistakes I am not willing at all to trust/accept any claim that it has been applied for future bills if I cannot verify it on the current bill.


As before, any Rogers Support staff that can assist with these issues please do so. I've already filled out your form and verified myself with @RogersRahul  I'm not trying to be a jerk. I just want all three of these problems fixed.

Thank you.


Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Update 4.0: 


Issue #1: After both a private and public response from me this issue has been resolved as I requested. The 19 days were credited. 


Issue #2: 

I've received instruction on what qualifies for proof of employment.  For future reference if anyone ever

encounters a situation similar to this the qualifying objects are as follows:

  • Work badge with Company Logo
  • Paystub (with financials omitted)
  • Letter of employment

I've emailed a picture of the front of my Military Identification card which is the closest thing that qualifies for the first bullet point. The automated email response said that they will respond within 24 business hours which is kind of weird phrasing. I'm not sure if they mean within a day or within 3 days because their business hours are only 8 hours a day from 10am to 6pm EST. Since, they are currently closed so I don't expect to receive anything back until at least tomorrow. I'll update when I hear back. I'm also not sure if the discount is going to apply retroactively to my bill once the passcode is applied. I guess I'll have to wait and see on this one. May be another hurdle in the end. 


Issue #3:

Offer has been made again to lump sum it if the discount isn't on the next bill. This is still an unacceptable answer to me. If the bill has to be adjusted anyways once the corporate discount is applied then I don't see why the monthly promo reduction cannot be done at the same time. It just doesn't make sense to me at all / how can it take 2-3 billing periods for a promo to apply. I truly do not believe that this is an unreasonable ask by me especially after all of the hoops I've jumped through. My main reason/stubbornness on insisting on this being applied now/retroactively to the first bill is because of the mistakes that have been made/efforts to correct I've undertaken. I really don't want to have to revisit this in a month. 


To anyone whose read through all this Cheers, Maybe some light at the end of the tunnel now. 


Stay safe. 



Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Update 5.0:


Passcode was received the following (this) morning and has now been applied to the account. So 2 of the three issues have now been hopefully solved.


Conversation/investigation over the promo is still ongoing.

Re: Rogers Preferred Program Nightmare / Warning

I plan to stick around

Update 6. Finally update. 


Sorry to anyone who has been following this issue for not responding sooner. I've been busier with work than expected following Winter leave. 


I ended up accepting Rogers' offer to apply the promo as a lump sum to the next billing period (Jan's). This promo did get applied so my worry over it not  going through/erroring turned out to be unfounded. All three issues have now been resolved to my satisfaction. If there is an issue resolved badge/sticker or something please feel free to slap that onto this post (@moderators). I'll click the accept solution button as well. 


To anyone who read through all this Cheers,  Saga over.  


Stay safe. 

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