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Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around

Hi - When will it be possible to add Rogers' email account to Outlook? If I can add a Yahoo email account, why is it impossible to add Rogers?

*Your insight is appreciated.


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111 REPLIES 111

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around

As I have stated multiple times, the “new outlook” is NOT the same as Outlook. And when you use it, you do NOT have access to PST files.

I DO subscribe to Office - yes, I pay real money.

Take a look in your control panel (add/remove programs) and check out your installed programs. You will see MS Office, which will be a very large number (hundreds of MB), and you will also see the new Outlook - which will be something like 16kb… why is it so small? Because it is WEB BASED!!

I don’t want to - nor should I have to - toggle between interfaces just to get my Rogers email!!!!

Rogers should be supporting the PAID version of Outlook that resides on my PC - not the web-based “new” Outlook only!!

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

@Squidsurprise wrote:

As I have stated multiple times, the “new outlook” is NOT the same as Outlook. 

Stating it multiple times does not make it correct.  I have taken a screenshot of my Mac Applications and there you can see my Outlook App with 2.41 GB.  You can also see that it was used today a few minutes ago.


This has also been explained by @Avid- in the post above yours and in his previous post(s).  When I do a backup of my computer using Time Machine, to an external HDD, I can see all of my Outlook files on that HDD, including recent ones, (e-mails, appointments, calendar events, contacts, etc) on the backup.  


Outlook AppOutlook App

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around
This is for MAC - I’m talking about Windows… kindly verify your comments are accurate for Windows before continuing to post.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

@Squidsurprise : Still not willing to understand or realize that you're not correct?  The PC version was actually updated a month or two before the Mac Version.  Links below: (September 2023).  there are other posts as well in various threads corroborating this) (December 2023)


Perhaps @Avid- has a PC.  

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around

Hi again.  Yes, I am working from a Windows 11 based PC.


As did 57, I checked my installed apps.  Outlook is listed and like Squidsurprise has indicated, it lists as having 20 something KB app space.  If you check MS 365 (Office), you will see its space is over 260 MB.  I speculate that the relatively small "Outlook" app interfaces with the main MS365 app and thus we get the full functionality and integration of the MS suite, including Outlook.  Have a great day!  🙂

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around
It certainly interfaces with the main Outlook app but… but since it doesn’t use PST files, while you have access to all of your past emails form other accounts, you can’t view any “offline” Rogers emails - nor can you move them to PST files for archival purposes.

While this is certainly partly MS’ fault for wanting access to all of your data on the cloud, Rogers SHOULD still allow their accounts to be read on “regular” Outlook.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around


Realised that you are using Windows 11 based PC - I purchased Windows 11  when I purchased the new laptop, but find that the 'definition / or the contrast' is blurry - just wondering if it is just me? or is it Windows 11? - that it is blurry and difficult to see the wordings on screen?


Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

@Squidsurprise & @Avid- : Here's an experiment.


1. Disconnect your computer from the internet. Unplug your Ethernet cable and turn off WiFi.

2. Confirm by launching a browser - should see nothing.

3. Launch Outlook.  If it launches, it's on your computer.

4. View/open your e-mails. If they exist and open, they are on your computer.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around

Very good 57.  That is exactly what I did prior to my last post.  It worked as I knew it would - accessed messages in my inboxes, storage folders and PST file.  Oh, I'm using a Windows 11 PC just in case that is questioned again.  

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around
I don’t think you understand my point… yes, my emails are on my computer - even offline as the OST files are on my PC…. But… the OST file is NOT an archive - OST files will synch with your email server once you are online… and they can’t be used to move emails back and forth, etc…

Outlook uses PST files for that - but the “new” Outlook doesn’t use PST files. When you switch to the new outlook for the first time, it will even warn you of this!

Again, Rogers simply refuses to support any offline email client - they refuse to fix their app password generator. Since they have recently discontinued creating new emails completely, we can only assume they have no plans of doing anything about this in the future either.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

@Squidsurprise : I don't think anyone on this forum cares about any of that. They want an e-mail client that can fetch and send e-mails from the Rogers/Yahoo servers to/from their computer. 


The latest subscription version of Outlook does that. The Web-based version of Outlook does that, if you don't mind the ads. Thunderbird does that for PCs and might eventually for Macs. Mail for Mac computers doesn't work without an App PW at this time.


We are all aware that Rogers will not do anything to fix the App PW issue, as was mentioned in many of my previous posts.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around
That you continue to defend Rogers is inane. We are all paying Rogers money… a simple service like email should be accessible in any email client I want - not to mention probably the best (and most expensive) one!

If more people were like me and complained, perhaps Rogers would actually fix this.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I'm here a lot

I have had this ticket opened since July of last year.   Rogers has confirmed (but not advertised) that it will NEVER support setting up a new email on Outlook.   I have confirmed through two separate sources at Rogers that they do not intend to resolve this issue, and (new) Outlook support is being phased out.   If you change your password or get a new device, your Outlook support is gone forever.    I encourage everyone to escalate this as it is absurd to revoke such a critical service.  In fact, it introduces risk, because now you cannot change your password without losing functionality.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@kops wrote:

1. Rogers has confirmed (but not advertised) that it will NEVER support setting up a new email on Outlook.   

2. I have confirmed through two separate sources at Rogers that they do not intend to resolve this issue, and (new) Outlook support is being phased out.   

1. I believe you may have been confused when discussing this with Rogers.  They have officially ended new e-mails per the following FAQ.  This should not affect current e-mail users/e-mail addresses, although the writing appears to be on the wall for Rogers e-mails (although that may take years)


2. As I mentioned in the following reply to you, the "new" subscription version of Outlook (part of MS365) does work and has been confirmed to work by several people on this forum.  The App PW has not been required for this Outlook subscription (New format/version) since late in 2023.


In light of the above FAQ, which hints at "the writing on the wall for Rogers e-mail", when it comes to support from Rogers for e-mails, anything outside of Webmail may be "problematical."


Because of these issues a number of people have been migrating their e-mails to Gmail or Yahoo! Mail (not Rogers/Yahoo!), or to their own domain.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around


The arrogance of Rogers no longer astounds me.  This behaviour demonstrates less and less commitment to loyal customers,  It may be time to switch ISP to Fibe, or at least migrate email services to Microsoft offerings.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around

hey Resident Expert - seems like you are very knowledgeable with IT stuff - esp with Rogers email, etc.

yes - i am trying to migrate to outlook email (and hopefully I will be able to scrrap off soon) - am still trying to navigate the new laptop - together with Office 11, and also trying to get help on my new laptop.


Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I've been here awhile

I just spoke to Rogers Technical in Toronto. Once your account has been phased out that's it, they no longer support desktop apps getting email, get on web, finito...ugh

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@OldTechGuru wrote:

I just spoke to Rogers Technical in Toronto. Once your account has been phased out that's it, they no longer support desktop apps getting email, get on web, finito...ugh

I responded to your comments in the other thread.  See:


You are correct that Rogers will not provide any technical support for those e-mail clients, however, the appropriate e-mail clients will work.  Based on the following FAQ, Rogers seems to be phasing out e-mail, although that may take years:

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around

Hi. I have a bit of a variation on this problem. Is there a way to find my old/existing app generated passwords?


I have a few rogers email accounts. They were all working fine since I had previously used the app generator to set them up, so I didn't need access to it. However, I bought a new computer. In trying to setup POP3 accounts I ran into the same problem everyone else is experiencing (I think). I enter all the info, including the actual PW for the email account but the setup fails. I think this is because it wants the app generated PW not my normal PW. But the POP3 accounts worked fine on the old computer, which is now decommissioned. I do have access to my PST file on the new computer. 


Is there any way to use the PST file to find my previously generated app passwords for my various account? They were working fine so it seems like I could just enter them at setup if I could figure out a way to find them.  Thanks!

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I do not use Rogers email, and that is why I have avoided wading into this particular swamp until now. However, I keep seeing new threads, about the same issue, popping up again and again.


The problem is NOT that Yahoo's app password generator is broken for Rogers email accounts.  The "problem" is that email providers are deprecating old, less-secure methods of authenticating to their service.  Microsoft is doing the same thing.  My email client was also using an app password to authenticate to Outlook... and one day, it simply stopped working.  The Outlook service simply would not allow me to authenticate that way.  (Microsoft eventually sent me an email, that I should have received to warn me before they revoked my access via an app password.  Nevertheless, by September, nobody will be about to access Hotmail/Outlook with an app password.)


This change is good, from a security perspective, because is requires email clients to obtain Access and Refresh tokens in a secure manner.  However, for some services (e.g. FastMail) it requires that the mail client be registered in order to access the service.  You can also (sometimes suddenly) run into interoperability issues between the client and the service.  e.g. Yahoo! did some weird, quirky things last year with their OAuth2 implementation that broke some 3rd-party email clients.


This, unfortunately, also means that you will no longer be able to use old, unsupported email clients, that have reached their end-of-life, to access some (and eventually all) of your favourite email services.  You will need to migrate to a more modern alternative, that supports the authentication methods and dialogs that are in use today, and that is still getting active support from its developers to keep up with future changes.


The other problem, at least from my perspective as a non-Rogers email user, is that the communication and support for this issue has been poor, to say the least, with customer-facing support teams not having a full understanding of the underlying issues and unable to support customers effectively.  Yet another "red herring" here is Rogers (apparently) moving away from using Yahoo! as their mail provider; it's probably not directly-related to this little fiasco, and probably has more to do with changing relationships at a business level given that Yahoo! has been through so much turbulence and so many ownership changes over the years.

Re: Using Rogers email account in Outlook

I plan to stick around
It's a rogers issue as it's not only outlook with the issues. Also Mac is email doesn't work.
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