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Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

I plan to stick around

Within Gmail there is the option to Check mail from other accounts (using POP3):  


Well we have had our rogers emails "sent" to our gmail account this way successfully for now 4 years. 


I changed my rogers email password this past weekend and just realized several days later that gmail wasnt  checking the rogers mail account successfully. So of course I went into the settings and entered the revised password but still not luck. And I noticed while in the settings it was the yahoo server showing. 

Doing some searching I found the new settings

I have no idea how I got by all this time w/o changing the servers and using the app password.


So I did all that and things seemed to be fine but after awhile I could see in the gmail settings that it times out and hasnt been able to check successfully. I re-enter the password and all is good for a time and then again the timeout. Any ideas? Can I apply a new app password and see if that helps?


***Added Labels***


Re: Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @21Rouge.


Given the intermittency of the email connection issue you're experiencing I would definitely recommend applying a new app password. I'm glad to hear though that you were able to get it at least partially working. I haven't used this feature myself but I do know that in the past there have been scattered issues with some email programs not being able to process the email from other accounts. Can you ocnfirm for us which email program you're using?



Re: Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

I plan to stick around

Thanks for the reply. Gmail 

Re: Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

I plan to stick around

Given the intermittency of the email connection issue


This is what happened overnight (as seen within the gmail settings):


Time Out.PNG

Re: Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

I plan to stick around

 I would definitely recommend applying a new app password.


How does this work ie must one first delete the previously named PW that shows on the App Password page?

Re: Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

Hello, @21Rouge.


Yes, you can add another app password and delete the previous password. The app password becomes invalid once you delete it. 



Re: Intermittent Email Syncing issue on Gmail App after Password Update

I plan to stick around

It kinda works.......eventually but it isn't unusual to see this within gmail "Accounts and Imports":


Connection Error.PNG

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