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Gigabit Speeds

I've been here awhile

I've had the displeasure of upgrading two accounts to the Gigabit package. 

I understand the marketing gimmick of the term up to, but it's getting a bit ridiculous. 


Here is a snapshot of a speedtest done downtown by Bay and College. Straight lan, bridge mode. 




As you can see, the speeds are a far cry of true gigabit. I understand fully the limitations and expectations of the Docsis 3 technology. I would even deem constant speeds of 750-800 acceptable. 


I also have the package in Richmond Hill, where the speeds are about 80% of the above posted numbers. 


Service agents have showed up to both locations, followed by visits from their supervisor. 


The Richmond Hill service team advised me the maximum speeds that they have ever seen in the area is about 600Mb/s whereas the Downtown Toronto team advised me the the maximum they have personally seen is in the 650Mb/s range that was sustainable. To me, upload speeds are more important. The comparison between the two is full 50 as seen above to mid 30s in Richmond Hill.


If the agents are reporting that to the customers, knowing that the network cannot achieve anywhere close to their advertised speeds, why bother selling them as Gigabit. Should have rolled out publicly as 500u instead!


Spoke to the management team who advised me, since we are already on a highly discount bundle, there is nothing they can do. The analogy they gave me was you get what you pay for. 


So my frustration spikes, just because Rogers offered the 63U package and I take advantage of the deal, they have the audacity to justify the slower speeds because I'm on a "discounted" plan? In my opinion, that's disgusting.


I would advise anyone considering upgrading to the Gigabit package to steer clear until their systems can actually handle the traffic. 


*Edited Labels*

274 REPLIES 274

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I'm a senior contributor



Thanks for the reply.  Yes what you say makes sense but this is not what the guy on the phone was telling me.  Frankly I don't think first line techs really have any clue about things that are beyond their reach and are just trying to blow the customer off.  I used to be a manager at a call centre 20 years ago and know all about call stats 🙂


I find I get better information on their forum instead of calling support.  Unfortunately, we have to call them to resolve issues even though it feels like one is banging their head against a wall trying to explain things to them.  


Yes, my iPad Air 2 and Pixel devices will max out around 550 Mbps when the connection used to be fast and my laptop can easily get max speeds if the Rogers network can provide it.  My laptop is an i7, with 8 GB ram, 500 Gb Samsung SSD, Gigabit NIC and an Intel Dual Band AC network card.  I would not call these specs a slouch 🙂



Re: Gigabit Speeds

@Alex4161, have you checked your wifi environment recently to see if any of your neighbors has installed a new modem or router which might be interfering with your wifi network?

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I'm a senior contributor



Thanks for your reply.


My desktops are all being used via CAT 6 cable and not wifi.  


As for the wifi devices, running wifiinfoview, I see 39 networks in my area and I am the only one running 5.745 Frequency with a connection speed of 1733 Mbps on an 802.11n/ac setup.  Everyone else is on a 2.4 Ghz and none of my devices are using 2.4 Ghz and that radio is even turned off on the modem.  From what I see, there would be no issues with interference 

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I'm a senior contributor

I had a tech come by yesterday and he said my signal was very weak coming in and opened a ticket.  I had a Rogers tech put an amp on the line and he suggested I remove it.  The levels now look pretty bad:


Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM -4.600 7 36.387
2 855000000 256QAM -10.500 3 33.957
3 861000000 256QAM -10.900 4 33.487
4 579000000 256QAM -6.200 5 35.595
5 585000000 256QAM -5.300 6 35.780
6 849000000 256QAM -10.200 2 34.346
7 597000000 256QAM -4.500 8 36.387
8 603000000 256QAM -5.100 9 36.387
9 609000000 256QAM -5.900 10 35.595
10 615000000 256QAM -7.100 11 34.926
11 621000000 256QAM -7.900 12 34.484
12 633000000 256QAM -9.100 13 33.957
13 639000000 256QAM -9.000 14 34.346
14 645000000 256QAM -8.700 15 34.484
15 651000000 256QAM -7.700 16 34.926
16 657000000 256QAM -6.700 17 35.595
17 663000000 256QAM -5.500 18 36.387
18 669000000 256QAM -4.700 19 36.387
19 675000000 256QAM -4.000 20 36.610
20 681000000 256QAM -4.100 21 36.610
21 687000000 256QAM -4.800 22 36.387
22 693000000 256QAM -6.300 23 35.780
23 699000000 256QAM -7.400 24 35.084
24 705000000 256QAM -8.300 25 35.084
25 711000000 256QAM -9.800 26 34.346
26 717000000 256QAM -10.000 27 33.957
27 723000000 256QAM -10.000 28 33.834
28 825000000 256QAM -11.400 29 33.377
29 831000000 256QAM -10.600 30 33.957
30 837000000 256QAM -10.600 31 34.346
31 843000000 256QAM -10.700 32 33.957
32 303000000 256QAM -3.500 1 35.595
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES -3.599998
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 39.250 3 3200000
2 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 37.250 1 6400000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 36.250 2 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K



Re: Gigabit Speeds

@Alex4161 wrote:

I had a tech come by yesterday and he said my signal was very weak coming in and opened a ticket.  I had a Rogers tech put an amp on the line and he suggested I remove it.  The levels now look pretty bad:


Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM -4.600 7 36.387
2 855000000 256QAM -10.500 3 33.957
3 861000000 256QAM -10.900 4 33.487
4 579000000 256QAM -6.200 5 35.595
5 585000000 256QAM -5.300 6 35.780
6 849000000 256QAM -10.200 2 34.346
7 597000000 256QAM -4.500 8 36.387
8 603000000 256QAM -5.100 9 36.387
9 609000000 256QAM -5.900 10 35.595
10 615000000 256QAM -7.100 11 34.926
11 621000000 256QAM -7.900 12 34.484
12 633000000 256QAM -9.100 13 33.957
13 639000000 256QAM -9.000 14 34.346
14 645000000 256QAM -8.700 15 34.484
15 651000000 256QAM -7.700 16 34.926
16 657000000 256QAM -6.700 17 35.595
17 663000000 256QAM -5.500 18 36.387
18 669000000 256QAM -4.700 19 36.387
19 675000000 256QAM -4.000 20 36.610
20 681000000 256QAM -4.100 21 36.610
21 687000000 256QAM -4.800 22 36.387
22 693000000 256QAM -6.300 23 35.780
23 699000000 256QAM -7.400 24 35.084
24 705000000 256QAM -8.300 25 35.084
25 711000000 256QAM -9.800 26 34.346
26 717000000 256QAM -10.000 27 33.957
27 723000000 256QAM -10.000 28 33.834
28 825000000 256QAM -11.400 29 33.377
29 831000000 256QAM -10.600 30 33.957
30 837000000 256QAM -10.600 31 34.346
31 843000000 256QAM -10.700 32 33.957
32 303000000 256QAM -3.500 1 35.595
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES -3.599998
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 38596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 39.250 3 3200000
2 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 37.250 1 6400000
3 23700000 ATDMA - 64QAM 36.250 2 6400000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K



What are your speeds like? Do you live in a detached house, or in a building? 


Those signal levels are weak, and the SNR is low. SNR is the most important thing, my signal levels are a little weak (-8db) but I have very good SNR levels (38-40) and I get full gigabit speeds. 


I would suggest calling back in and having tech support run a signal check, it should fail and they should send a tech out to correct the issue. I was also ask if they can check other people on your tap/node so you can determine if it only affects you line, or everyone else on your tap/node. Also ask for a senior tech to be sent out since this is an ongoing issue. I don't like using amps since they amplify everything, including noise, it's better to find the root cause of the issue. 



Re: Gigabit Speeds

I've been here awhile
Load balancing Bell and Rogers....

My week-old 'gigabit' connection is pretty lousy.. Bell offers 50/10 and picks up the slack; Rogers promises 1000/30 and fails miserably. Here's my real world stats while downloading a 10 GB torrent with round-robin load balancing - graph is 6 minutes long.





Re: Gigabit Speeds

Both my Bell and Rogers modems are in bridge mode with wifi disabled. This is not an installation issue as there is 150 feet of wire lying in the snow going directly from your provided modem in my basement to your pedestal outside and the drop wire needs to be buried in the spring. This is a routing problem or a problem in my neighbourhood  so please escalate to the appropriate department.

Re: Gigabit Speeds

@stanzapaticky, can you try the following:


1.  Restart the modem with the connected router up and running during the modem restart.  Pull the power on the modem, wait for 10 to 15 seconds and plug it back in.  After the restart, run a speedtest using the Toronto Rogers or Montreal Rogers servers.  I would question what the load balancing would do in this case and how fast the router would react to a max load download.  In this case, the Rogers modem should be assigned the max load as it should have the higher data rate of the two available modems.  The router wouldn't know that unless there was a primary and secondary port setting in operation and/or you were able to set the max data rates expected from each modem.  Does the load balancing on the router limit the max throughput of all connected WAN ports to the lower limit of the Bell modem?  


2.  Run a separate test with the Rogers modem.  Disconnect the router, connect a pc and restart the modem.  After the restart, as soon as the pc has an IP address, run a speedtest using the Toronto Rogers or Montreal Rogers servers.  Disconnect the pc after the test as it's relying on it's own firewall for protection.  I'm assuming here that you have an antivirus program running that provides its own firewall.  Reconnect the router and restart the modem. 


One point to note, Rogers uses Native IPV6, Bell does not use IPV6.  Does your router accomodate that difference?  Have you disabled IPV6, or simply not enabled it in the router?  How does your router react to mixed mode (IPV4 and IPV6) dual WAN operation? 


Assuming that you can resolve the data rate issue with the Rogers modem, why run Dual WAN Load Balancing instead of fall back where the Rogers modem is the primary modem?  Just curious at this point ....


Please let me know what you find for the speedtests.  I'll be interested in the results of the second test.  If you don't want to run the test with the modem in Bridge mode, you can connect to the modem using and flip the modem back into Gateway mode by enabling the Residential Gateway Funtion which is found in the BASIC....RESIDENTIAL GATEWAY tab.  The modem will reboot back into Gateway mode with its previous settings intact.  Running a Factory reset to do the same will result in the user having to reset the various modem parameters after the reboot back into Gateway mode. 

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I've been around

Im on the 500 dl plan as of today andI'm receiving speeds as low as 5.97 mbps DL and 12 mbps Upload. This is unsettling and stressful on me calling and troublshooting this issue, I just ordered it you know what im saying.

Re: Gigabit Speeds

@JoeCarter416Fan, did you have the white CODA-4582 modem previously, or is the modem new as well?  Are the data rates that you indicated seen via ethernet or wifi connection? 


I hate to say this but, you will have to call in to tech support to ask for the following:


1.  ask the CSR to run a signal check on the modem to see if they downstream and upstream signal levels are within spec.  Ask specifically if the downstream DOCSIS 3.1 signal level is within spec.  


2.  ask the CSR to check on the modem provisioning, that is, to ensure that the modem is in fact provisioned to run at 500/20.


Just to note, there are some customers who experience slow data rates with the CODA-4582 modem, which will be running DOCSIS 3.1 on the downstream side.  I don't have any explanation that I can offer.  If this is the case, my personal opinion is to trade the modem in for a CGNM-3552 modem, which can handle those rates without any problems.  Please see my comments in the following post regarding the latency with Intel Puma 6 (Hitron CGN3xxx and CGNM-3552) modems versus the Intel Puma 7 (Hitron CODA-4582) modem. 

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I've been here awhile

I upgraded to the Gigabit from 250 mbps about a week ago. The fastest speed observed so far is 500 mbps but on average its only been around 250 mbps. Which is EXACTLY what I was getting with my old service from Rogers. Why ask umeto upgrade if Rogers can't deliver the speed as advertised. I would not really care if the speed was around 700-900 mbps. But this is unacceptable service, this is not what I paid for and not what Rogers advertised.


It is quite evident this is not an isolated concern. 


Fix this Rogers!!!!

Re: Gigabit Speeds

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hello @rpsjj,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


I can certainly understand your frustration. I'd be just as upset if I wasn't getting what I upgraded for. If you can provide a bit more info so we can better assess your situation.


Are your speed tests done through a wired or wireless connection? Is there a router connected to our modem? What, if any troubleshooting steps have you taken so far? Also, can you log into the modem and go to the DOCSIS WAN page and post the signal levels. We want to ensure they're within spec.


I'll tag in a few of our Resident Experts as well, for further input! @Datalink @gp-se @robindp @Gdkitty




Re: Gigabit Speeds

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

With more info on whether this is an ethernet or wifi issue and with the signal levels, we'll have more info to go on.  Please copy the Downstream and Upstream tables on the STATUS .... DOCSIS WAN page and paste them into a post.  The copy and paste process will paste in the text contents of the tables.  Ignore the data that resides above the Downstream table area as that is specific to the modem. 

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I plan to stick around

 What I found is that while the Hitron is a gigabit modem, the routing function is not up to speed. By disabling the router and using an external one, I was able to increase my speed by about 10%.  To measure speed I use 50 connections to usenet. I haven't been able to find a reliable speed test, even the Rogers speed test is wonky. My current speed varies between 100 and 110MB/s and I'm happy with that. Awhile back Google did a presentation at UofW on their gigabit offering and stated 100MB/s is the average speed which equals ~800mbps

Re: Gigabit Speeds

To test gig speeds don't use the Rogers speed test.  Use the Rogers Toronto or Rogers Montreal servers.  The Rogers Toronto server is a 10 Gb/s server, so, it has the horsepower to run a gig speedtest.  Don't know about the Rogers Montreal server.  The Beanfield Toronto and Montreal Fibrenoire servers are good secondary choices.  Fwiw, I've found that the modems, including the 4582 will show the same max speedtest data rates for both Gateway and Bridge modes.  I use a direct ethernet connection to the modem when its in Bridge mode to confirm the data rates.  If I see anything slower out a connected router, I'll have a careful look at the router settings to determine what the cause is.  Beyond that there is the issue of running an under powered router.   For an all in one router running gig service, I personally wouldn't recommend anything less than a 1.4 Ghz processor in the router.  There are routers on the market now with 1.8 Ghz processors.  If you're building something like a PfSense, OpenSense, Sophos UTM router, then you have a choice to use much faster processors. 

Re: Gigabit Speeds

I've been here awhile

Hello RogersCilio,


thanks for your reach out.


I've done the test through wired connections. I have not done much further as it's the holidays and tech support is almost impossible to get through during these days. 


Please see below if this what you wanted me to post of my DOCSIS WAN



Re: Gigabit Speeds



Can you please provide the entire table including upstream overview as well? 


You can refer to post 94 of this thread for reference.



Re: Gigabit Speeds

I plan to stick around

Hi there. I had The old modem from rogers up until a few days ago.. when ive had enough with the mediocre internet rogers provides.. Previously I was signed up for 250u.. Was i getting anywhere near that obviously not. What i was getting was averaging about 25-40 mbs.. Horrible. So i spoke to a customer service rep and he sent me to customer relations. They made me upgrade to the Gigabit modem. After a week or so, and being the holiday season Rogers didn't have any stock in my area for the modem. I asked how this modem was compared to the old one when i went to pick it up and they said it was way faster and the distance was superior.. I got home set it up. The distance isn't anything special, and upgrading to this modem, i now cant connect one of the main wireless laptops i use. It doesn't let me connect to my network, the only way i can get internet is through my extender. Does anyone know how to help ? Is there some sort of block or something going on ? ive even tried going to the main floor using the wifi to connect (The modems in the basement) IT attempts to connect and still doesnt. Previously id use the laptop on the second floor with the old modem in the basmenet and the connection was already so so at best.


If anyones had this issue or someone knows how to help. Please, thank you.

Re: Gigabit Speeds

@BritesDW is the modem sitting in the structured wiring cabinet in the basement with the door closed?  That won't help the wifi reception and will lead to the modem overheating.  The modem should also be sitting upright as all of the wifi antenna are at the top of the modem. Unless you use the wifi in the basement, that's probably the worst place for the modem to sit.  The modem can be located anywhere near a cable port upstairs, as long as you have cable running upstairs from the structured wiring cabinet.  So, I'm wondering if its possible to relocate the modem?  This also depends on whether or not you use the modem to connect to ethernet cabling that runs from the basement to ethernet ports upstairs.  This can be accommodated depending on whether or not you have structured wiring in the home, that's a wire bundle that runs from the structured wiring cabinet in the basement to each room upstairs.  The cable bundle usually consists of two RG-6 cables for satellite or cable TV, one Cat-5e cable for data and one Cat-3, possibly another Cat-5e for telephones.  If you look behind an existing wallplate upstairs, you might see the remaining cables tucked in behind the wallplate, waiting for the homeowner to discover and put to use.  The other end of the cables would be located in the structured wiring cabinet in the basement.  


So, if you could have a look at the cabling in the home and let me know what you find, perhaps its possible to relocate the modem so that the wifi supports your mobile devices.  Rogers techs won't fish cables thru the walls, but, if the cable already exists, perhaps they would move the modem for no cost or a small cost.  I don't know how that would work out, in terms of associated costs.  Perhaps one of the moderators could comment on that one. 


Could you also have a look at the following post, specifically the sections on wifi settings and checking the wifi environment for the best operating channel to use:


Re: Gigabit Speeds?

This modem has certainly been a headache and time waster for me since switching from 250u service to 1GB service this week.


I have returned twice as per Rogers tech and customer service, same issue persists.


Regardless of hard wired ethernet or WI-FI, I am maxing out tests at 200Mbps on a GOOD test, generally anywhere from 140-200Mbps.


Rogers seems clueless on the issue, even though its all over here, I dont know why they either deny the issue, or act as though its the first time they have heard of it?


Either way, my 250u service I Was hitting 350Mbps consistantly upon tests, and that was even on Wi-Fi let alone Ethernet wired.


All I know is I am overpaying for what I am receiving and certainly losing patience with the issue, and unsure of where to go from here.


I have an open ticket with Rogers, and supposed to here back within 48 hrs, however I dont assume anything will come of that either at this point.



Re: Gigabit Speeds

I plan to stick around
This is the 5th technician to come to my house since september. I have been getting 400 wired 200 wireless sometimes down to 200 wired 50 wireless and many times just down to 50.

The hours they come for my speed magically jumps up to 900. After a day or 2 it goes back down. I have one more senior person coming today just 3 days after the last person.

I for one have had enough of this and am waiting for bell to have an offer so that I can make the switch. I also plan to complain to the crtc for this fraudulent behaviour of selling people 1 gb and then being unable to deliver more than 20-30% of service.

Enough is enough.