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Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

When I tried to generate an App password to connect to Outlook.

I receive the following message:

Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later.

I tried calling Rogers Support I was told I would have to wait between 20 to 30 mins...

Not happy!


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Re: Can't create App password

I'm here a lot
Does anyone think it is possible that this is tied to the prelude to migrate Shaw accounts over? It's crazy that this has been going on for 2 months but downright suspicious said nobody at Rogers is stating with the issue really is.

As some had mentioned when this first took place after a few calls I managed to find a helpful technician that was able to generate the passwords for me and told me at the time that while people can't do it from their computers they do have the ability to do it internally. After having to reinstall Windows I am now faced with the problem again and after three calls to text service someone offered to help me by doing it in their offices as they had done not long ago for someone else. What they found confirmed what an earlier technician told me and that it is not working for them internally anymore either.

So not only is Rogers not explaining what the issue is but they are not even telling their technical support people what is going on and either not notifying them that the issue has become worse to the point that they can't access the system, or just shut them off from being able to do so as well.

It truly is mind-blowing that this hasn't been in the media and that there is no definitive explanation.

Want to get infuriated? Call them and they will tell you they will establish a ticket for you...

Re: Can't create App password

I'm here a lot
Actually there is no point to have a ticket established. This morning I got an automated call telling me that my issue ( incorrectly identifying it as a ignite TV issue) had been resolved. As there was no ticket for such I thought perhaps miraculously they had solved my problem, but alas they had just cleared the ticket and the technician told me they don't believe they are opening tickets on this issue as it is too widespread and that they had been told that they are trying to resolve a back-end issue

Re: Can't create App password

Honestly speaking... Initially when this issue started, it really crippled me as well. Fast forward a month later, I changed my email to Gmail, sent an email blast to all my contacts notifying them of the change of address (and tbh, nobody in your contact list remembers your email address, and specially on Outlook when u r sending an email, you just type the first letter of a contact it automatically generates all email addresses starting with that letter), I got new business cards for $19.99, I switched my TV, Internet, and phone provider and am actually saving $300/month. I am extremely satisfied and have peace of mind!!

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

OK folks, after some further digging is seems the problem is over a year old and is with Yahoo. However, that side is fixed now - so where is our solution?? Useless service for one of the most expensive services in the world.


Note: I have now migrated my email and am on the line to get the account removed from Yahoo - long wait for that even (basic service).

Tomorrow I will give Retention one chance to fix other issues i have and then its bye bye Rogers.

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

Congratulations!!  My building has a contract with Rogers. So, I could switch to another company, but I'd still have to pay $46/month as a member of my non-profit, non-equity housing co-op. And now that Rogers took over Shaw, that option also is not available. This is what happens when there is no competition.


Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

I did a quick scan of my financial records and since 2013 i have spent ~63K on various Roger services; but that still does not warrant proper service apparently.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been around

This has been going on since the beginning of March!!

Three(!) months later it's still not fixed, really???

Why does Rogers think they can get away with people not being able to use their Outlook for so long??

And the solution is to log into the web client, right, because we love the interface NOT

Your developers are a joke.

I'm thinking Rogers might have had a security breach of some kind on some of their servers (not all of their customers are affected by this "bug") or ransom attack that hasn't been mitigated yet. They had NO explanation other than "Unknown Error" until they only recently decided to finally inform there customers properly by another banner that "we're working on it". I CERTAINLY HOPE SO, WHAT ELSE ARE YOU GUYS DOING ALL DAY??  Starlink, here I come!!

I will deprecate my Rogers email and get a non-internet provider-dependant email address. 

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor
This is why my landline and cell phone service are with other providers. Sure I might save money by bundling, but then I’d be totally dependent on a non-dependable company!!!

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

So at this point, I'm pretty sure that this is a Yahoo problem and not a Rogers problem.  Contacting Yahoo is more frustrating than contacting Rogers.  However, I did have some luck in getting some communication via @YahooCare on twitter.  First they suggested I contact Rogers, but when I shared that I knew it was a Yahoo problem, I got this response: "Due to some recent changes designed to improve the safety of our platforms and member privacy, we’ve made the process to create App Specific Passwords more secure. This can result in some difficulty when trying to set up an ASP from a new device. Please ensure that you try creating an app password without using an Incognito browser and use a browser where you have signed into that account in the past, for at least a couple of days. If this is not successful, there may not be a workaround."

When I expressed my frustration and disbelief that there was "no workaround", I received this response: "We’ll share the feedback on how this experience has been for you internally. Thanks again for letting us know."

Obviously, this does not solve the problem, nor does it look like a solution is imminent, but I wonder if this twitter account receives a lot of similar complaints, they might be inclined to escalate the issue and do something.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been around

The App Password generator has been down now for months.

I can not believe a company of this size, with its pool of talented resources can not figure out

how to reconfigure its own security password system.


If this continues, I will have no other recourse than to switch to Bell.

a 20 plus year customer of Rogers.

Very disappointed in their attention to this matter.

Re: Can't create App password

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I agree that this situation is reprehensible, but it's not necessary to go to Bell, which may have it's own set of issues.  Get yourself an e-mail address from someone that is not tied to a specific service provider, so that when you need to switch your provider, for example if you move, you keep your e-mail address. Gmail is but one example.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

Yes, I'm in the process of switching.  Got a non-isp email account, and slowly moving everything over.  Its actually a good thing, as I can now take advantage of the better internet and TV deals out there, and switch back and forth every couple of years to take advantage of them.  I am keeping a bare bones Rogers internet account open for a few months, just to pick up any email stragglers that missed the email change, but I am accessible on FB and linkedin, so that's not a huge issue if it matters.  Should cut down on spam as well.  

This issue with Rogers just catalyzed something I should have done years ago anyways - been a customer of Rogers since the @home days, likely since the 1990's.  Time to move on.

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

Loss of business is the only thing companies recognise. This ongoing problem with Rogers email is yet another example of what happens when government regulaters and governments fail to protect competition and encourage megacorporations.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

The only reason I have Rogers internet right now is because the pain of loosing an email account I have for years.

I do have Bell already that offers me better speed where I'm located.

If this is not fixed in couple of weeks then I'll have to giveup on those email accounts as without Outlook those are essentially useless to me anyways.


Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

Has anyone been able to contact Rogers Support for this? I can't seem to find the correct phone number to call for Rogers/Yahoo email Support.

Re: Can't create App password

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Pal2Dive4 There is no need to waste your time contacting Rogers regarding this issue. They are very aware of it since there are many posts on the topic in this and other similar threads, and they have been contacted by many of the users who are having the issue.   They are supposedly working with Yahoo on a fix, although what is taking 2.5 months is a mystery to us all.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

Thanks for the heads up. Typical ROGERS these days.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been around

It has been months since the "Generate Application password" has been broken and I do not wish to use the native Web version for e-mail. Why can't we get an ETA from Rogers on resolving this issue?

Re: Can't create App password

I am not very computer savvy, but I installed and used the Thunderbird (free) email program on my Windows 11  Desktop and everything works perfectly. The only setting changes for the server settings are and which email program automatically sets up.

Mailbird (paid email program) also works

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

We can't get an ETA from Rogers because it isn't a problem directly from Rogers. It is a problem with Yahoo, which runs Rogers email service. Unlike Cox in the U.S., Rogers is dependent on Yahoo. If Yahoo email were to go down completely, we'd most likely lose "Rogers" email!


Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around



I tried Thunderbird on my Mac (macOS Ventura 13.3.1) and the POP settings and was able to access my account.


When I tried it with IMAP, I got, as expected, an error because I did not have an application password....


Interestingly, the native Mail app on Mac is able to connect to Yahoo's servers with IMAP settings and my regular password.


As for a resolution for those of us who prefer to use Outlook, I believe the issue will be resolved only when Rogers decides which email system it will retain following the Shaw merger.  Currently, the recommended method for Shaw users is IMAP but it recommends / offers ActiveSync (Exchange) to all users who prefer Microsoft products.


Maybe Rogers will finally offer ActiveSync to its own customers.  I doubt very much that they are willing to incur the wrath of Shaw customers (and lose those customers) if they port their email accounts to Yahoo. 


Ref.: Shaw - Which email setup method is right for me?