Well, looks like my problematic IMAP account in my outlook wasn’t working after all.
When I got into Outlook today, I was once again prompted for my Rogers login. It seems when I perform an Outlook repair on the IMAP mailbox, I prompted for my Roge...
What's the difference between Yahoo mail and Rogers/Yahoo mail? It's one and the same. Rogers does not have an email infrastructure, they partnered with Yahoo to provide it's customers with mail services. As a result Rogers does not administer the...
I’ve been doing a lot of research on this issue. Most folks on here are angry with Rogers and rightly so, but what they may not know is that Rogers DOES NOT own Yahoo. If you do your own research, you’ll find that “Roger’s email is powered by Yahoo...
I've had an MS O365 Subscription for years, everything was working fine until a few months ago. So whether you have a subscription or whether you have a stand-alone copy is irrelevant. Rogers Yahoo Mail runs on Yahoo's platform. So yes, I'm . at R...
I've removed my IMAP account several times to no avail. When I add the account back, it works and synchronizes all the mail for the account. But once it tries to sync after that, it starts prompting for the password again and fails.