This has been going on, as far as I can confirm, since March 2023 .. and to date Rogers will not confirm a date when it can be solved ... specifically I have a email address and I wish to down down and populate my outlook365 .... No bod...
I have asked for feed back on this matter but "ZERO" I chased it from the initial tech who intermated the Rogers e-mail was free service so I should not be gripping !!! asked to be past down the line more polished tech but had no answers other than ...
I am running Outlook 365 on a windows 10 machine and the syncing stopped when going through the acquiring a new password routineon April 3rd .. 3 days ago when writing this note The message was, and still is, : Something went wrong on our end. Plea...
This arrived this morning and I am assuming it is a scam of some sort We notice your email has not been confirmed for the new upgrade .You will be blocked from sending and receiving emails if not confirmed within 24hrs of receiving this automate...