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New Rogers RF remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert


Have yet to pick one up myself.. but will possibly try this week.


Its an RF remote, so it doesnt need line of sight.
This will be a great asset to people wanting to set up a home theatre, etc type of setup where the box may not be right infront of the TV itself.


Though.. the TV on/off part of it (or any other paired devices) will still be done via IR and not RF.


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335 REPLIES 335

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @azbvanhalen

Unfortunately the RF will only work on the NB3 and also on the 4K box. Not on the one u have. I don't believe that remote can work on ur model but i could be mistaken.. The RF feature won't though.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Exactly @Meowmix, per the link in post 1 of this thread!  Should work with any Rogers STB in IR, but not RF.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I've been here awhile
Thanks for the responses @Meowmix and @57. The remote works with my Netbox but not the RF. I guess I don't have a Netbox 3. Going to upgrade with Rogers.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a trusted advisor
Hello @ezbvanhalen

Yeah in order to make sure the RF work you need to get the NB3. Hope it all works well!

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm here a lot
Does that mean you can toggle IR vs RF mode, if you still want the new remote but used with non-3.0 STBs?

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a reliable contributor

Any chance that they could program it to use one of the letter buttons for the Move function for picture in picture? I can't believe they overlooked this feature. Even if they can't, I'm eager to swap out my remote for a new one, whenever they get a new shipment at the Rogers store closest to me.  It's really annoying when I have to move stuff out of the way on the coffee table to change the channel.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a reliable contributor

If anyone's still looking for one, the stores near me (Toronto, Bloor/Royal York & Bloor/Runnymede) got a new shipments today.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I plan to stick around

Looks like no shortage of these in Ottawa.  I called the Rogers store in Kanata (Terry Fox) and they said just drop by and pick one up, they have plenty.  Still nto sure why I never got an e-mail.  Anyhow, that store closes early and I was in Barrhaven in the evening so I dropped by that one, and picked up a remote.  Works like a charm.


I might pick up a second one for the non-PVR box even though I could not use the RF (the new remote is sleeker and has back-lit buttons).


Question -- is there, perhaps, an RF dongle I could attach to the non-PVR box (8642HD)?

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a reliable contributor
Even without the RF turned on, I noticed that it had far better range than the old remotes.

Also, it looks like Rogers doesn't want you to use the Move function of the remotes at all. I thought I found a solution by using the mobile app, but the virtual remote doesn't have that button either!

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I plan to stick around

Just picked up 2 of these today and after 30 minutes heres 2 things that aren't right.

1) As mentioned above you can't easily select audio inputs like I could before unless I cycle through them 1 at a time.

2) If I am in the list and select a show to look at ,I used to press Exit and go back to the List.Now it completely exits the List and goes back to the channel I was watching.It's like 2 Exit pushes on the older remotes.Dumb


Does anyone test these things?

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a reliable contributor

@yyz64 wrote:

Just picked up 2 of these today and after 30 minutes heres 2 things that aren't right.


2) If I am in the list and select a show to look at ,I used to press Exit and go back to the List.Now it completely exits the List and goes back to the channel I was watching.It's like 2 Exit pushes on the older remotes.Dumb


Does anyone test these things?

Noticed that as well!

The BACK button will bring you back to the list.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a senior contributor
Has anyone else noticed the new remote is not really any better than the old one in terms of range? I'm finding I still need to point it directly at the box. In fact, the old remote had slightly better range for me. Am I missing something?

Re: New Rogers RF remote

Be default, no they should be NO different in terms of range.. when they are using IR.

(1/2 of that determining factor would be from the IR receiver in the box as well)



But switching it over to RF with the NB3 or 4k box.. that is where a difference might be seen.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a senior contributor
Wait, so I'm not using it in RF mode? I have 2 NB3s - one in the family room and another in the bedroom upstairs. Do I have to go through the pairing instructions to activate RF mode? If so, would one affect the other? E.g. If using the one in the family room in RF mode, would it also control the one upstairs? The house is small so the rooms are not far apart except for the fact that they're on different floors.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I plan to stick around

In order to pair the remote with the box you have to point it at the box and press and hold Setup+UP.  At this point the remote is still operating the box in IR mode so I am assuming the Setup+UP will put the box in pairing mode, as well as the remote.  So then you take the other remote (which is not paired yet) and perform the same action with the other box.  You might want to put some kind of sticker on one of them so you can easily distinguish one from the other, as they will be paired with different boxes.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a senior contributor

Thank you.  I paired each remote to its respective box, and the RF seems to be active now!  Much better response time and no line of sight to box required! 🙂

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I'm a reliable contributor

Not about the new remotes, but I've found that response time has more to do with the box than the remote.  I don't know if it's just mine, but every now and then, I'll start getting severe lag between button presses and the response on screen and the only way to fix it is to unplug the box, plug it back in and wait for it to reboot.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I plan to stick around

As far as lag is concerned the NB2 (8642) is ubearable.  It's what drove me from Rogers in the first place a couple years ago.  Back then that was my main PVR.  This time around I was alittle surprised that the non-PVR box they gave me is still one of *those*.  Yes, a power-cycle helps but the box is simply not fit for purpose, as far as I'm concerned.  I ended up moving the main PVR up to our bedroom as that's where we do all of our TV watching (the kids split their time between the PS3 and TV so they are much less affected); plus I'm the one paying for the thing so I deserve to use it 🙂 ).


That said, I will certainly give Rogers a call soon (once the new hockey season starts, perhaps); is it still possible to request that they load up the old (SARA) firmware?

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I plan to stick around

Anyone else notice you can't fast forward the 2/3 mins we could with the old remote.  The arrow button to the right of the 'stop' button does nothing.  Instead you actually have to use the ff button.  

Re: New Rogers RF remote

Thee 2 (or 3?) minute advance is the PgUp button.  On the new remote the PgUp/Dwn buttons are right below the down button, the PdUp is immediately below the down button -- I use it all the time.

Re: New Rogers RF remote

I've been around

I just picked up the new remotes, I have the same issue with controlling my home theatre receiver.


I can understand and expect if I am in watch cable mode and the remote controls the TV, cable box and home theatre receiver in tandom. Why when I am in audio mode the remote still controls the TV and the box is just beyond me. 


If I am in cable mode I want to control everything essential, but if i'm in tv mode I want to control just the tv, cable mode just the box, audio mode just the receiver and dvd mode just the dvd player.


Its absurd to me that the funtionality of this remote is broken.