You're Probably right, the reboot fixed any issues.Didn't see any interferance issues going on between the two receivers even when the rooms are directly above each other.Thanks for the help
UPDATE 3.0 - Super weird Keep up! Since the upstairs receiver programmed successfully in RF I took it downstairs in exchange for the one down here. Once the receiver from downstairs was upstairs it too took the RF programming the first time. Yet it w...
Update 2.0 Soo its not the Remote its my receiver I think. I have the same receiver upstairs, and managed to program both new remotes in RF mode and both remotes work! confirmed. Yet I cant set either remote downstairs to the exact same receiver as...
yes I have the 9865 PVR.. I tried unpairing as per video instructions, the light blinks only one time. I tried Pairing again, again something like 73 flashes lol.. obviously pairing not working, Im holding the remote directly in front of the receiver...