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Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been here awhile

Trying to set up my Rogers e-mail account on Outloook Mobile on Android.

Went to Member Centre, chose Account Information then Authorized Applications.
Clicked Add Another, Named it and clicked Generate.  Keep getting error: Rogers App Error.jpg


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131 REPLIES 131

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor

Sadly Bilottag, you will NOT be able to use Microsoft Outlook with your Rogers email on ANY device, probably ever. And even though you bought Outlook from Microsoft, they too seem to not care. So, here we are with two companies that seem to care not for their customers!!

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@wasapppp wrote:

Who has been deleting entries made to this blog???? There were 7+ pages last week...

You mean the thread in the link below?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

This has been going on for months now.  I use Outlook for email, to handle multiple accounts.  Is this ever going to be fixed?  Is there any plan at Rogers to deal with this?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around
Nope. They haven't even acknowledged by broad communication that it's a problem....furthermore, it has been broken for so long that they couldn't care less what their customers think or want. Rogers has really fallen off BIG TIME...I will move all my business from this company once my phone plan contracts expire in a few months.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

Has anyone tried to write to the Toronto main Office? I am starting a letter to them and if I can I'll post it here so that everyone can add to it or change it if they want. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I sent them a message and they wrote me back for me to contact their IT customer service. I sent a second message and have not heard back.

We should contact a news station or CP24 for help. I am sure if we take this to social media we have a better chance of getting results.

Since this problem is only with a small amount of their customers they may not be in a hurry to get this fixed or ever fix it.

Has anyone created a new email address and was successful in using outlook again?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

Has anyone tried the CCTS?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor
What is the CCTS and where do I find it to try it?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

CCTS Questionnaire - Complaint Resolution Form This the site you need to use. I will be contacting them this afternoon. It is the complaint department of the CRTC. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor
The problem is not with Rogers. The problem is with Yahoo who provides their email service. As long as Rogers is dependent on another company/corporation, they will be at that company’s mercy. And as Yahoo is U.S. based, they probably aren’t very concerned about a relative handful of Canadian customers of one of their client companies abroad (Canada).

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a senior advisor
Curious. Yahoo Mail itself uses the same process and wonder if it is also failing.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor
Curiously, only third party apps require Yahoo’s authentication, not their own apps!! These people are not stupid enough to disable themselves, at least not yet!

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

I think we have to use social media  but I don't know which one to use. I have only used Facebook so does anyone have a suggestion as to which social media we should use that would have an impact on Rogers?

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

Is there any update from any source on this? This is seriously a terrible example of Roger's ability to address customer concerns. Why not just send out a bulletin to all customers explaining what the problem is and  what they are doing about it. 


Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been here awhile



Just got off the phone with Rogers' Support Rep - No ETA to fix this problem, and they won't provide a password over the phone.


I am running a small business and have 10+ years of emails locked up in an Outlook file that I can no longer access.


Mr. Rogers, PLEASE, fix this!

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@yperozzo wrote:

I am running a small business and have 10+ years of emails locked up in an Outlook file that I can no longer access.

You should be able to run Outlook and access anything on it by using Offline Mode.  Obviously any recent e-mails that have not been downloaded from Webmail due to the app issue, won't be there, but all of your previous e-mails, calendar items, contacts, etc. should be there.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I've been around

Still having issues with Rogers not fixing the problem with adding app password.  I purchased a new computer and cannot add my rogers email to outlook rendering the use of new computer effectively useless.  looking at this thread problem goes back to at least march if not February and it is almost July now.  clearly Rogers does not care about fixing this problem. does anyone know why they would not want to fix this. 

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

I had the same problem in March - a new computer and I can't get Outlook. I had another phone call Rogers and with the same result. No answer as to when or if it will be fixed so I have three choices - 1. wait out Rogers 2. Get rid of Rogers 3. Get the media involved which I will be trying to do this afternoon. I will keep you posted.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@qsgrampy : There is a fourth choice - the CCTS:

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I plan to stick around

We tried CCTS but they just sent us back to Rogers with the usual outcome.

Re: Unable to create app password for Rogers Email

I'm a reliable contributor

There obviously is no incentive for Rogers to fix this problem. If their customers were all that important to them, it would have been fixed one way or another months ago. Think twice the next time Rogers has a special deal for you!

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