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Poor Internet Connection On Android Device

I plan to stick around

I am a Rogers Ignite 500u internet subscriber with a Hitron Coda4582U modem.

My PC connected by ethernet hits a consistent download speed of 750 Mbps, upload 21.2 Mbps with a 11ms ping and 4 ms jitter using Rogers own speedtest.


My Android device that I use to watch Amazon Prime and Netflix, also connected by LAN maxes out (using the same test at the same time of the day) maxes out at a poor 14.10 Mbps DL, 2.6 UP, 24 ms ping and 10 ms jitter. This has been conistent since I started monitoring speeds after my streaming experiences have been pathetic.


My laptop on 5G Wifi isn't much better with a 43 Mbps DL, 20.2 UL, 30 ms ping and 82ms jitter.


Is anyone able to explain why I have such poor performance from devices other than my desktop? My destop is a mere few feet from the modem, but surely my other devices less than 40' away would suffer so poorly. I would be grateful to all that can help me improve this, perhaps with some tweaking, or identifying possible problems, or just advising me that this is normal.


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Re: Poor Internet Connection On Android Device

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @ADayInCourt!


That's certainly quite the predicament! Seeing speeds that much lower is certainly cause for questioning for sure. The good news is that it seems the service itself is working as intended as per the wired connection speeds. There's a few questions I have just to clarify what's occurring.

  • Can you confirm what the Android device is that's connecting?
  • Is that android device using a LAN adapter?
  • Does speed on the Laptop using 5G improve when you're nearby the modem/in the same room?



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