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Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I'm a senior advisor

I don't have Rogers Internet, but this looks good for those who do and have data caps.



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Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I plan to stick around

Does anyone know if Rogers capped the speeds for internet during COVID-19?  I was always getting download speeds close to 200mbps but since Corona virus hit, my download speeds are never over 50mbps.  I'm paying for a plan that offers high speed but if Rogers capped that, then I would expect some type of compensation.  Thanks.

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I was recently upgraded to 300 down/20 up. I consistently get 400-500 down and 22 up on Rogers Speedtest on a wired connection.  Make sure you do the test hard wired as WiFi can be affected by lots of things. There may be more congestion in your area with more people at home now...  Have you tested at different times of the day?


I get similar (slightly lower) results using

I always get at least what I pay for and often more.


I recently downloaded a Garmin Map update (6GB) and it took less than 2 minutes with DL speeds of 50 MB/s at the start and 40 MB/s at the end (note the capital B for Bytes)  I believe this reflects Rogers Speedboost technology which allows for faster speeds at the start of a connection, going down to the "paid" speed after a while.  Most Speedtests don't always reflect this since they're too brief, so a large file download on a wired connection is always the best and most accurate test.



Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I plan to stick around
Thanks. I will try those suggestions. If you're getting high speeds, then I guess Rogers didn't cap the speeds then.

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I plan to stick around

So it looks like the issue has been identified but now I need some recommendations on my next steps to take.  So when I run my speed tests on my I-Pad and I'm standing right next to my router, I get speeds close to 200mbps. However, when I run the same test and I'm more than 6 feet away from my router, the speeds drop down to around 50mbps.  It never used to be this way before.  Since I'm only on one level, I was always able to get close to 200mbps wherever I was located.  Nothing has really changed on my end.  Although I do see quite a few more wifi networks around my area now. 

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

@James_Greene please read thru my post located here, specifically the section on wifi parameters and Winfi Lite:


If you have Band Steering enabled I'd advise disabling it, renaming of the the networks so that you can separate them and then assign the ipad to the 5 Ghz network.  The ipad does run on 5 Ghz, correct??  Experiment with the separate networks so that you know what their performance is like and only when your satisfied and know what to expect, consider enabling Band Steering again.  


Personal opinion, Band Steering may be more trouble than it worth.  I never use it as I don't want my router to flip a device to the 2.4 Ghz network which I know is definitely slower than the 5 Ghz network, despite any range considerations.  So, as they say, your mileage may vary, all depends on the size of the home, location of the modem/router and the local competition.  


If you have a windows laptop, definitely load Winfi Lite, select the wrench symbol on the second row right and side to bring up the lower display area and select "Spectrum" to see the graphical interpretation of the local competition.  Sort the upper text data by selecting the RSSI column, once to sort up or down, and then again to sort in the opposite direction.  Sort the data so that the RSSI values closer to zero are at the top.  The RSSI values are a negative scale, zero at the top, -90 at the bottom.  Your network should be at the top, unless of course you're at the far corners of the home where the neighbours networks might be above your network's location in the list.  


The next question is who else is running on the same channel.   Despite any competition in the upper channel 149 to 161 range, you'll probably see higher data rates due to the higher power output which is allowed in that channel range compared to the lower 36 to 48 channel range.  So, you could experiment with both ranges, but I'd bet that you'll see better performance with the higher channel range.  

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I plan to stick around

My I-pad does support 5G and that is the network that I'm connected to.  I will take a look at your post and see what I can do.  Thanks.


Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I'm a senior advisor

While the 5 Gig network is certainly faster when close to your router, at 30 feet away I find my 2.4 Gig is 25% faster. 

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I've been here awhile
Why am I still getting coverage charges on my home internet plan

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

Hello @Huxley,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


The monthly charges are billed a month in advance, however the internet overages are billed a month behind after the charges have been incurred. For your March invoice, I would recommend you to check the overage date range. 


Hope this helps 🙂!




Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I plan to stick around
Great article about this from CBC.

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I've been here awhile
I'm on Cable and I still have huge overage fees, despite the promises. I'm not going to pay it and I'm leaving Rogers. Getting through to anyone for help is so difficult, it seems intentional.

Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

Hello, @Huxley


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


I can completely understand your frustration if you have been billed for your home internet usage on or after March 13th, 2020. As per our official COVID-19 information page located here: Click Here, home internet usage caps have been temporarily lifted. 


If you were incorrectly billed for home internet overages on or after March 13th, 2020 we will be more than happy to look into this for you. We'd hate to lose you as a customer over an error that is easily correctable. Please send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can get started.


Not familiar with our private messaging system? No worries, Click Here.



Re: Internet caps suspended due to COVID19

I've been here awhile

Unless the policy has changed, Rogers is doing nothing for rural customers, 10Gb of data and $10-20 off a bill that in my case went from ~$200 a month to over $600...

I don’t have time to waste begging and grovelling, waiting on hold, escalating, being told “I can’t make that decision, I need to talk to my manager” and all the other delay tactics used.

I am leaving as well, I am happy to pay for all my regular services and even pay for the average of the last 3-4 months of my home internet bill, but this is ridiculous.

I would suggest no one on this thread move to a private conversation with Rogers, if Rogers has something to offer, they should offer it to everyone!

Unless Rogers does something, I will be moving to Bell, 2 phones, an iPad, home security and internet....and this is after 24 years as a Rogers customer.

I’m feed up and at least Bell is developing a high speed solution for rural customers...if anyone is not aware of it.

Limited deployment at this time, but go check your postal code 🙂

Happy Sunday everyone

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