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Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile

Cant login on lgnite wifi,where do you go?used  10.0.01 my password does not work,my google home works,I just don’t know what’s wrong with my smart plugs and lights.


***Added Labels***


Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @Hello12342!


Welcome to the Community!


I use smart lights myself. Incredibly useful and definitely takes the whole smart home up a notch. The most common issue I've faced with connectivity when I was setting them up was that they can only connect to the 2.4Ghz wireless frequency, so given that the Ignite modem (XB6/T) has band steering enabled they might be having difficulties identifying the appropriate frequency.


There's a couple of steps you can take though to assist in the connectivity process but given that you're unable to log into your Gateway though I would recommend contacting support so they can correct this issue.


Alternatively though you can:

  • Factory Reset your Ignite Modem - This will require a set up of your WiFi and a re-connection of your STB's.
    • This step can be skipped by contacting support.
  • Log into your Gateway and disable Band Steering temporarily.
  • Connect your smart lights to the 2.4Ghz wireless network
  • Re-enable band steering.
  • Your lights should remain connected.

These steps allow you to connected devices that may not "play well" with band steering, this this is admittedly rare it's possible this might be what you're experiencing.

If you do have any other questions though definitely let us know.



Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile

Sounds great,but how do I login on my gateway,

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Good morning @Hello12342!


You can find instructions that will guide you through logging in and changing your WiFi password here:


If you're not able to login using these instructions, please factory reset your modem by pressing in the small button labelled reset on the back and holding it for 10 seconds, then try again to login using the provided instructions.




Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Hello! I recently moved to another place and installed Rogers Ignite Wifi for the first time. I had 2 geeni wifi plugs that worked on my previous connection and just purchased 3 new globe wifi light bulbs, but I was never able to connect any of them to my Ignite Wifi.

I tried disabling 5GHz network, keeping only the 2.4GHz active, trying leaving them both on, changing names so they are different and connecting my phone to the 2.4GHz as I tried set them up, but none of that worked.

The geeni and Globe apps are very similar and offer two pairing options, the "easy" way and the manual way. Easy way has your devices flash quickly and automatically detects them, and the manual way has them flash slowly, and you log into their own wifi hotspot to try a different approach. Again, neither work.

What else can I try?


Thank you!

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been around
Did you figure it out? Because I'm having the same issue. Thanks

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Hello, @Lee21


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!


I can understand how convenient it is to have automation devices in your home. If you are having issues connecting them to your Wi-Fi network it could be related to band steering. Many smart plugs/lights are only compatible with the 2.4g band for Wi-Fi.


Can you please confirm what type of modem you are using? Depending on your modem you can disable the band steering by logging into the modem admin settings or by changing the name of the 5G Wi-Fi network. Once the 2.4 and 5G networks have been separated, you should be able to connect your smart devices to the 2.4G Wi-Fi network. Once it has been connected and is working properly you can enable the band steering again by enabling it in your settings and then ensuring that the 5G network name matches the 2.4G network name.


Please note, if you subscribe to the Ignite TV Internet service and are using WiFi Pods you cannot disable band steering.


I hope this helps!





Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

This helped fix my CE smart home plugs connection issue!  Thanks

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

This topic has come up before, but none of the suggested solutions has worked for me. Before getting Rogers Ignite I had no problem with my smart plugs on the previous Rogers system. All the suggestions talked about work-arounds of one sort or another. However, has Rogers ever come forward with a fix of their Ignite Gateway? It would seem to me this is a problem they should fix.


Has anyone come up with a fix not mentioned before?

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Tony, Regarding the last sentence, are you saying that the smart plugs will not work with the Rogers WiFi pods?

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile

I've just been on with the Shaw/Rogers advisors and they did everyone of the items you suggested.  No luck

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile

I'm having exactly the same issues.  After hours of troubleshooting with my Geeni and Globe reps, I'm convinced the issues are on my Wifi/router end.  I've gotten the separation to 2.4 and 5Ghz, temporarily turned off the 5Ghz , and still no luck.  The odd thing with all my smartplugs (i've tried connecting 6 different plugs) the two suggested ways and that the smart plugs turn themselves offafter 10 seconds during the connection process.

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile

yes, i'm using Ignite TV.  Does it mean I can no longer use my Geeni or Globe smart plugs??

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Greetings @gaudetda!


If we've fully exhausted all of our troubleshooting steps, then my next suggestion would be to contact the smart device manufacturer directly for additional troubleshooting tips.




Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I'm a senior advisor

Have you tried bridging the moden and using your own router, see if you can then connect them?

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I have various smart plugs and bulbs from different companies.  All experience the same difficulties with Rogers.  They all say "contact your Internet provider".  It's an obvious problem and cannot understand why there isn't a solid solution.  I attempt to connect via 2.4 and zero luck.  When I go to the cottage, with a different internet company, no problems at all.

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile
Your post is 100% identical to the issues I am having. Sorry I’m not here to help but I sure hope there’s help.

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I have totally given up after speaking with three or four different Rogers reps, tried everything they suggested. They watched me through all the changes and possibilities and still nothing.

Re: Having trouble with my smart plugs and smart Lights

I've been here awhile
I had a very knowledgable rep walk me through many different settings on my iPhone. Added the 2.4 GHz to the modem . She even asked to stay on the line while I did it and I said no problem if 2.4 is there now it should be no problem. Well that was a mistake. Still nothing .. call back. Spoke to another agent who is very knowledgable took me through the whole setup…. And nothing. I’ve had smart plugs for a long time with different carrier and I’ve had no problem connecting to them. This is a Rogers ignite issue. I’m certain.
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