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Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

When I tried to generate an App password to connect to Outlook.

I receive the following message:

Something went wrong on our end. Please try again later.

I tried calling Rogers Support I was told I would have to wait between 20 to 30 mins...

Not happy!


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Re: Can't create App password

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@jjcollins wrote:
1. Are you offering a discount on internet fees while this service is down?
2. On another note, it seems there is large amount of spam getting through now...

1. Just as an FYI, Rogers has always considered the supply of e-mail as "free" or "a bonus" and not a part of a bundle or Internet. i.e. there is no discount on "free".  TPIAs, for example, provide Internet, but no e-mail services and some e-mail services provide that, without Internet.  You may not agree with this, but it's the way Rogers "thinks".


2. Tip - whenever contacting Rogers, it's almost always best to stick to one topic so that the main topic is not watered down or attention given to something else.


3. Again, I have no idea how many people this affects, but it's not everyone, otherwise it would have been fixed by now.

Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

are you sure about that even for business users?


but yes i have heard that excuse before.

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

after sending an email to the complaints' Dept of Rogers re this ongoing issue, I saw this at the bottom of the website. 

"Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)

CCTS is an independent agency whose mandate is to resolve complaints of consumers about their telecom and TV services, and complaints of small business customers about their telecom services, free of charge. If you have a complaint about your telephone, wireless, internet or TV service, you must first try to resolve it directly with your service provider. If you have done so and have been unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, CCTS may be able to help you. To learn more about CCTS, you may visit its website at or call toll-free at 1-888-221-1687." I suggest we all complain directly to Rogers via their complaint process and if the problem is not resolved to contact this "CCTS" at the number listed.

Re: Can't create App password

I think your theory is spot on. I’ve been opening tickets for the past three weeks and keep getting the runaround or the explanation that “they are working on it, but no ETA” ti which I call unacceptable. The expired contract agreement makes the most sense. Someone wasn’t paying attention to upcoming contracts.

Re: Can't create App password

I suggest a generic complain letter should be sent to this site by all members effected with this issue.
Any chance someone can draft one and post it on this chat group?

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

My client is having this exact problem as of today (March 26, 2023) - I'm glad I found this forum I'm surprised it is taking so long to solve. Any updates in the past few days? I did PM a Mod for help as someone suggested.

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

My cousin in Florida is with Cox. They are not with Yahoo. They don't need special application codes. Why Rogers can't do the same is beyond me. Cox is intermittently rejecting some emails as spam. There might be a common thread of these rejected emails coming from Yahoo servers. If tens of millions of Cox customers are having problems with Yahoo servers-just as we Canadian Rogers' customers are-this problem with Yahoo servers might get resolved by Yahoo. 

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

This issue has been going on since Mar 4/23. I just called billing and got a credit.



Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

I'm not sure if what you are saying is factually correct. My Rogers Internet Account includes 6 email addresses and my contract doesn't mention anything about these addresses as being "free" or a "bonus".  Also if this is really the case they should mention that because they are a bonus or free then they can be discontinued at any time without notice. You may think that is their "feeling"  but the legal contract is what ultimately matters. It ultimately doesn't matter to me now because I have another email address from another provider and I spent the last two days arduously transferring everything over to that new email. I know you are a resident expert but another expert told me last month to just wait two or three days lol.

Re: Can't create App password

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@gb1234 wrote:

.... anything about these addresses as being "free" or a "bonus".  

I had a look through Rogers TOS and found nothing specific to e-mails and cost:


However, they do mention Yahoo (search the pdf), and they have the following information on their website:


Yahoo Mail is a free service made possible by marketing ads...





Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

Thanks for that.  I noticed that TOS is dated 12/17 so I'm sure you are right as  of the way things are today. I signed on waaay before that but of course my contract evolves with every renewal. No doubt they have themselves legally covered.  I'm just venting after two arduous days of switching over to my new email, and my bad timing of getting a new laptop which was why I was trying to get that App Password. Overall I am happy with their Cable TV/ Internet service.

Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

I just spoke with a Rogers technical support agent and here's what I found out:

  • There is no ETA for resolution yet.
  • This only affects some client software, notably those which aren’t up-to-date with respect to security modules or certificates.
  • iOS apps and Windows Mail work without an App Password.
  • Windows Outlook and Thunderbird don’t work.  Neither do some older versions of Mac Mail.
  • App Passwords were introduced years ago, I think likely to solve a problem wherein some client software lags behind on security certificates or open source security libraries.  The App Password feature would provide a secure workaround which circumvents single-signon and its reliance on client-side user login credentials.
  • The agent had no specific information as to the root cause, but said:
    • Yahoo says there’s been no change on their side
    • Roger’s doesn’t think there’s been a change on their side
  • My guess is that something in the Rogers plumbing got updated, probably to address a security vulnerability, and that invalidated some older protocol used by the App Password Generate feature.
  • I asked about the possibility of compensation and the agent thought it unlikely I’d get any because “email service is free and technically still works – it’s just that certain client software has stopped working”.
  • The agent told me I could send an email via Rogers: Share a Concern.  These, he says, are taken very seriously by management.  I’ve done that.

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor
My Windows Mail stopped working. My Thunderbird Mail works fine. My Outlook 2013 won’t work without a one time only generated application code. Rogers told me the problem was with the Yahoo server that generates these one time only application codes. As I said in another post on this problem, it looks to me as if this problem will not be solved until Rogers’ U.S. parent, Yahoo, decides to fix it. And compared with 350,000,000 people in the U.S., Canada’s population of 35,000,000 is insignificant. What would a U.S. company care about it’s junior “partner” , Roger’s, in Canada?! Our best chance in getting this THREE week issue resolved is if it is occurring in the U.S. with Yahoo’s U.S. ISPs, or those ISP. who are not a part of Yahoo but are affected by Yahoo servers-such as email that goes through Yahoo-such as Rogers-that Cox rejects. This has happened to some of my emails going to a Cox customer in Florida. Once Americans aren’t getting THEIR Yahoo server emails, then their problem-and ours-will be solved. This is what happens when Canadians depend on U.S. companies, be they on vaccines for COVID or email service or applications requiring one time codes. All this should be centred in Canada, not in the U.S. My cousin in Florida who is with Cox told me that Cox doesn’t use these application codes. However, it looks like Cox is rejecting email coming from Yahoo servers (such as my Rogers emails). This is what makes me believe Cox will fix this problem long before Rogers ever does. Sad to say, I don’t think Rogers cares about this problem or its customers.

Re: Can't create App password

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@jgpuckering wrote:

I just spoke with a Rogers technical support agent and here's what I found out:

  • This only affects some client software, notably those which aren’t up-to-date with respect to security modules or certificates.

As I reported in the following post (see last paragraph and last link):  Anyone using older versions of e-mail clients may have to update to the latest version, or use another way to get to their e-mails.  I had to do this several years ago.


It would be interesting to know if anyone with current e-mail clients is encountering the issue.


P.S. In that post I suggested that people PM the mods, but that only helps if you're having difficulties with regular Webmail passwords, which some people were having initially.  If you're having app password issues, the mods may not be able to help (until perhaps you are current with your e-mail client.)

Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

chdiamo1...Yahoo does not own Rogers. Rogers is a Canadian public company, not a subsidiary. Cogeco, another Canadian company, has about an 18% interest in Rogers Communications, but that's it. There is no structural connection to Yahoo or it's parent Verizon. See

Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

This affects all clients that go to generate the new app password to allow Outlook to attach to the yahoo mail server. All of my clients are up to date so another porky pie we can add that one to the list .... anyone who looses their app password stored in their settings will be added to the long list of all of us......


that are waiting for Rogers to FIX IT

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

Yes. My Windows Mail is up to date and stopped working. It too wants a one time generated application code to return to working.

Re: Can't create App password

I'm a reliable contributor

Rogers might not be a subsidiary of Yahoo, but it sure acts as if it were! If it were a completely independent company, it would not be dependent on another company in another country to provide a service-a one time security application code-to its customers. In fact, Rogers would supply its own codes to its not another company's codes! And if it really wanted to provide a real service to us, it would give its customers in Canada the option of not requiring a security code. Other than as a news feed, why does Rogers make itself dependent on Yahoo? Can't Rogers send and receive its own emails without going through Yahoo?!

Re: Can't create App password

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@chdiamo1 : Many companies (like Rogers) have arrangements with other companies (like Yahoo) to provide services to customers.  This may involve licensing, payments, arrangements, etc.  For example, Rogers doesn't have cell towers in the US, so it arranges with US providers so that Rogers Canadian customers can make calls, send texts, etc in the US.  There may, or may not, be some ownership involved, but mostly it's a monetary bilateral agreement. Same in the rest of the world.


Rogers also licenses the IgniteTV technology from Comcast in the US. (Rogers did try to develop their own IPTV technology, but, in the end, decided to license this "working" technology from Comcast.)


When I first had e-mail services with Rogers late in the last century, my e-mail ended in "", which, I believe was a Rogers/RoadRunner agreement (which has undergone several ownership changes and is now part of Time Warner I believe.  In late 2001, this changed to "".  In 2004, Rogers and Yahoo came to an agreement.  See the following link for additional information.


So, in summary, it is common practice for various companies to have agreements to handle certain portions of each others services.  Yes it almost appears incestuous.


P.S. What you ask for may seem simple, however, business arrangements are not simple. Same goes for when we have issues/suggestions, etc. with IgniteTV - Rogers works with Comcast and although some things get fixed fast, some take more time.

Re: Can't create App password

I've been here awhile

It is starting to look like this problem will not be fixed.

I found this Reddit discussion, started 10 months ago, on the App Generator not working with Yahoo email.

Yahoo mail App Password not working : yahoo (

This was the response from Yahoo-CustomerCare 10 months ago.


Hi there, sorry to hear about this. We're very sorry app passwords are currently unavailable for Yahoo Mail accounts at the moment and we do not have an ETA. Rest assured, you can still access your mail from the Yahoo Mail app or via a web browser. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.



Re: Can't create App password

I plan to stick around

JNR51…that Reddit post only establishes that the App Generator was broken 10 months ago.  We know  App Generated passwords stopped working 3 weeks ago, but in between those two timeframes things were working.  I can’t recall if I had generated any new app passwords during that period, but I think I did — and certainly the passwords themselves were working because I was able to use Outlook, Thunderbird and MailStore prior to 3 weeks ago.