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No service, no customer support, incompetence, Rogers doesn't care about their customers.

I'm here a lot

After being forced off Digital TV my Ignite doesn't work. I own3 digital boxes, I only use one. They are not the ones being  decommissioned just yet. Suddenly, my TV service stops working with an authorisation/activation error. I called for tech support on 3 occasions and each time the rep could not fix it. They even had me try my other boxes, they could not get them to authorize. Obviously, and admittingly they said my boxes were not the problem but they wouldn't do anything to fix my service. They wouldn't even attempt to look into it because of their change over to Ignite. So being forced to Ignite they come and install it. It semi-works for a week or so and then bam, stops working with an authorisation/activation error. I called tech again on 3 occasions, each time the reps come up with different causes but can't fix it. Two of them enter repair tickets and tell me I'll be updated via text message within 48 hours. A couple days later I get the standard, computer generated, form letter text for the first ticket saying that they sorry it is taking so long. Days later, another one, days later still another one saying they couldn't find a problem so it must be working and to contact their virtual assistant Anna for further help. What, are you kidding me! I call and find out that the ticket is now closed with no resolve. What, are you kidding me!!! So after a week of no service I am left waiting to hear from the second ticket, which by the way has never contacted me after a week and a half. Sorry for the storybook post but as you can tell I am just another one of the disgruntled customers held hostage by corporate greed. I can't believe the incompetence of their entire tech system they have in place. GOOD-BYE Rogers, hello to the next fresh . I am sure to endure.



***Added Labels***


Re: No service, no customer support, incompetence, Rogers doesn't care about their customers.


Good day @Sylvester_dm,


Thank you for bringing this up to our attention. We'd like the opportunity to take a deeper look into this, to help you resolve this.


If your services have not been activated and your boxes are not yet provisioned, please send us a message to @CommunityHelps, as we'll need to discuss privately to have a look at your account.


To know how our private messaging works, click here. We'll be happy to further assist you!


Thanks so much!




Re: No service, no customer support, incompetence, Rogers doesn't care about their customers.

I'm here a lot

I have contacted @CommunityHelps as requested by moderator RogersMaude. I received prompt attention from a nice fellow there who means well but I'm afraid he wasn't able to tell me anything different that I haven't already been told.


I won't hold my breath!

Re: No service, no customer support, incompetence, Rogers doesn't care about their customers.

I'm here a lot

I received an email from CommunityHelps asking if I have received the answer I needed and to inform the forum in case it could help others. OK, I will keep the forum up to date.


I forgot to mention that before coming here I had called to find out what was happening with my latest ticket. I was told that nothing had been done yet. They tell me they sent two texts to keep me up to date, I never received such texts. I then find out that, apparently, that didn't get setup correctly at the time the rep made the ticket. Oh yes, I am as surprised as you are. So I am told because of the delay they were going to escalate the matter. I was then given yet another number for tracking the issue.


When contacting CommunityHelps the rep's troubleshooting couldn't fix the issue. He then told me that it looked like the escalation on my ticket had stalled, therefore nothing was being done. Apparently, it hadn't been escalated properly in the first place, possibly caused by a glitch in the system. One more reason for my incompetence statement. He said that because of the number of tickets that failed and because of the delays, he would directly escalate my escalation to the escalation team. You see why I said I wasn't told anything I hadn't already heard and why I wouldn't hold my breath for a resolve.


Coincidentally, right after speaking with the CommunityHelps rep/moderator I finally received a text message from tech support on my last ticket. It tells me that my issue has been fixed and that the ticket is now CLOSED and if I need help that I should just ask Anna, the virtual assistant. If I didn't laugh in disgust I would have cried in despair. DO YOU NOT THINK THAT A COMPANY SHOULD REACH OUT AND ASK THE END USER IF THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN FIXED BEFORE DECIDING IT HAS BEEN FIXED FROM AFAR AND WASHING THEIR HANDS TO IT?????? This is poor support.


So I immediately get back to the CommunityHelps rep/moderator to let tell them this. Because this has been an all day affair there has been a shift change and a new rep/moderator responds. He tells me, that because of the first moderators escalation of my escalation to the escalation team, they received a response stating that the Ignite box will need to be attached to the modem, directly by ethernet cable while still attached to the tv, in order to finish the fix. WHY WAS THIS NOT IN THE TEXT? WHY WAS I NOT CONTACTED BY COMMUNITYHELPS? WHY AM I FIXING THIS MYSELF?


I am told, if I can't do this they can schedule a service call for a technician to come out, just give them some dates I am available. Really, they can't do better than that after a week and a half of them dropping the ball numerous times? At this point, rather than waiting days for a service call, if this will solve my problem right now then I will try.


So, because my modem is not near my Ignite box and tv, I have to find 25 feet of ethernet cable or move my modem and find 25 feet of coax cable. Luckily, I was able to find the later. So after hooking it all up and waiting and rebooting and waiting. There is no change, I still have no service, and now my ticket has been closed.


I return to CommunityHelps, the moderator tries some more troublehooting from their end to no avail. He says a technician needs to come out and offers me an appointment for 2 days later.


The technician arrived (a very nice diligent guy), he spent almost two hours trying to fix it and had to call phone support. They are both stumped. So the answer is, you guessed it, another ticket. He assures me that this time will be different, as a ticket entered by them has to be dealt with and not just closed. I have hopes, as this ticket number seems different than all my previous tickets.


So that evening, I receive an automated phone call asking if my issue has been solved and that if it hasn't, I should contact Rogers support and quote a ticket number they gave me. This ticket number they gave me does not match the one the service call tech gave me. In fact, I have never seen it before. It looks like the standard numbers I have been issued before.


I am reluctant to now contact Rogers to see what this is about. They can't seem to handle one ticket at a time as it is, what could go wrong if they work on two?


To be continued...

Re: No service, no customer support, incompetence, Rogers doesn't care about their customers.

I'm here a lot

I returned to my private messages with the moderators to inquire, what was happening. I am given another troubleshooting step. I am told that I should unlink my Ignite account from my "My Rogers" account and relink it. I first want to know  about the service ticket created by the technicians and the one mentioned in the automated call.

The next day, I receive another message telling me that those tickets are closed and that I should perform the unlink/link procedure.

Finally, after two weeks of no service and a huge waste of my time, my service was back. However, all recordings and scheduled recordings were lost.

I gave my two cents worth of what I think about Rogers customer support system, not the tech's or moderator's as they all tried to help, in hopes it can get passed along to management for much need improvement.

Now awaiting for next billing cycle so I can fight for service interruption credit.

Until I see any improvement in Rogers' customer support, I do not recommend any Rogers' services to anyone.

Re: No service, no customer support, incompetence, Rogers doesn't care about their customers.

So, as if the last two weeks wasn't enough, my bill is now showing a $440.00 charge for cancelling my 24 month contract which I didn't cancel.
If this is not resolved quickly I will taking this entire fiasco to CTV's "Consumer Alert" news segment for further investigation.
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