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ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

Hi, I spent hours on the phone getting transfered from departments to departments and after finally getting my Public IP, the technical guy made me add a different APN setting, ltepublic.apn in the router's settings. Unfortunately it doesn't work and now he put a ticket in the system and he's not even sure if he got the apn address right.


I need my public address for my remote dvr and I can't do that unless this get fixed.


I was wondering if anyone was familiar with this and knew the apn address or how to set it up properly? I would greatly appreciate any help, thanks.



***Edited labels***


Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been around
I added a static IP package for my ZTE last month.

Try this as your APN as it worked for me:

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

yea I tried that with the rogers guy but it didn't work. I didn't get a static IP, just a public one. Apparently they don't offer static ip unless you have a business plan with them. I tried ltepublicip.apn, ltepublic.apn, publicip.apn, and staticip.apn as well as ltestatic.apn.. The guy confirmed its activated on my account and he doesn't know why its not working. He put in a ticket and I should get a reply within 48 hours..

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been around

Any luck with this?   I have the same probem.

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

The correct APNs are the following:


Public IP (dynamic): ltepublicip.apn

Public IP (static): ltestaticip.apn


I think the second is offered only to business customers but I don't work in customer care so I am not fully aware of the eligibility rules.

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I plan to stick around

The APN you want if you have LTE speed and have payed for a Public IP address is lteinternet.apn


I love how we have to pay for a public IP address btw, such a cash grab!!!


Assumming you know how you change settings and such, if you do this and it does still NOT work, you need rogers to take the public ip OFF your account and then put it back on again. I used to use the old W35 Hub and had a public Ip for it but when i got the ZTE and LTE speed came in my area it would not work right. After a month of myself and the tech guy talking back and forth, we finally figured it out (your welcome rogers!) and the answer was what i mention above.


Hope this helps

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

@Martigan wrote:

The APN you want if you have LTE speed and have payed for a Public IP address is lteinternet.apn


The APN lteinternet.apn is the general purpose APN for Rocket Sticks and Rocket Hub. It provides LTE connectivity with in a private address space. All traffic is carrier through our carrier grade NAT platform before reaching the Internet.

The proper APNs for LTE public IP are the ones mentioned in my previous post.

Public IP (dynamic): ltepublicip.apn
Public IP (static): ltestaticip.apn

The first one is for a public IP dynamically assigned at session creation. Every time you start a new session, a new IP (public) will be assigned to your device. The second one is for a reserved IP address (always the same).

I do not know the eligibility rules for these addons however (might be restricted to business customers).


Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

For years I have had VPN access on my account, but I'm only able to connect on 3G speeds by using APN ''. I tried using ltepublicip.apn after reading above post, but my phone seems not able to establish data connection. Tried ltestaticip.apn too with the same result. Does 'ltepublicip.apn' require new type of plan or something?

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

You need to have IT verify your acct has been set up to do get a Public IP address. It is now 5 dollars per month. Once this is done you go in APN setting and hit add.  First box usually says Rogers LTE  don't choose this or it will revert back to your normal setting. Pick a name for the setting like Public.  Type in ltepublicip.apn for APN setting everything else can be left blank.  Hit save.  Now you  have to set connection to manual and then need to disconnect  from internet.( on home screen of router).  Once you are disconnected go back to APN screen and now choose your "Public" Apn you set up and then it save as default.  Now go back and reconnect on main page. You then can go back and put connection type to Automatic.  If you go back to APN you will see you now have choosen "Public" setting and you will have your public APN now available. Confirm by going to whats my IP address and you will see it now matches what is on your router.  The problem is typically Tech support doesn't realizes you have to go to manual setting and then disconnect before you can choose your Public IP address as default.  I found this advice on some UK blog.  Worked perfectly took 5 min to set up.

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

I tried this and it didnt work, apparently the service has to be deleted and then re-added support now recommends a 3rd party service now as they dont support port forwarding or anything......nice!

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

That is very odd as I did it just a week or so ago.  Sounds like you got a Tech that didn't want to help.  I know they do this as I have a 5 dollar extra charge that they are billing me. It was the tech that even said that oh we actually only charge 5 dollars now for this service. I find it hard to believe that it was just cancelled.  My port forwarding working fine and my public IP is still working fine.  Did you talk to the speciality Tech person. If you just call the regular tech support they cant do it.  They have to forward you to the "experts".  I would call back and call BS.

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

yeah first thing I tried to do was to escalate the call but was given referrece to a third party cloud /IT co that would help me with this......very annoying as I hit this issue in clients houses all too often.



Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

Hey DaveM,


What is the code that needs to be added on the account to be able to use the ltepublicip.apn (or ltestaticip.apn)? The rep I just spoke to there are a whole bunch of codes associated with Public IP access, we tried couple but my phone wasn't able to establish data connection with either. The rep said codes are too many for us to try one by one... and I agree. 




Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

i used ltestaticip.apn for profile name and apn

i am paying 5$/month for a static ip adress

the connection was sucessfull

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

I've been here awhile

I called rogers support a couple days ago to get a static IP for my internet as I need it for work and support gave me an IP address (which I wrote down) and told me that is my new static IP. Support said that all I need to do is enter it into my rocket hub. I had a look through all the rocket hub settings and have no idea where I'm supposed to enter this IP. My IP address still changes constantly which is making doing work troublesome.

Re: ZTE MF28B APN Settings for Public IP

Good evening @Sparroo,


Thanks for your post and welcome to the Rogers Community! During these challenging times, making sure you can carry on with your work duties from home is key. I understand the inconveniences generated by this situation. We certainly want to try and help you resolve this situation, if it hasn't been yet.


Pease send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can access your account and look into this further. If you are not familiar with our private messaging system please click here.


Looking forward to your PM!



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