Android 6.1.1 update Galaxy S23 Ultra
When is the 6.1.1 update coming to Rogers? I read it was already rolled out to Canada but I have not get it yet I am stucked on 6.1. ***ADDED LABELS***
When is the 6.1.1 update coming to Rogers? I read it was already rolled out to Canada but I have not get it yet I am stucked on 6.1. ***ADDED LABELS***
Samsung S20. When you call my phone and try to leave a voicemail, you get instructions as if you are setting up your own voicemail. No one can leave a message. I can call in and check my voice messages but of course there are none. *Added Labels* ...
New month, new product, same question. Does Rogers support number sharing yet with the Galaxy watch 6? Also does the BYOD Samsung Watch plan work yet and with number sharing? **Labels Added**
Hi So apparently while in LTE mode, if you get a nice Galaxy 5 LTE watch and activate it on your account you will not be able to recieve calls on it if someone tries to call you on your cell phone. For a person to call you on your watch in LTE mode...
Hello, I recently ported to Rogers from SimplyConnect (which was using Rogers). So I had to put in a new SIM card. I am using the default Messages app. Since then, I am receiving replies to group texts individually. My Mobile Data is on, but when...
Now that Rogers has released support for Apple watches, and the Samsung LTE watch will be in Canada in late October, when will Rogers support the Samsung LTE watch? ***EDITED LABELS***
Hi all. I have my gmail set-up to forward emails to my cellphone via For the past week, I haven't been receiving any texts from my gmail and my gmail inbox has been getting Delivery Status Notification (Delay) message due to ...
I switched from Bell to Rogers a week ago and the service is very bad. Voice over 5G is useless. People complain they can't hear every other word I say. Data speeds are horrible. I'm in Hamilton and Bell had awesome coverage and speeds but now on Rog...
Recently, when I don't answer my phone, instead of callers getting the option to leave a voicemail, they get a message that the call cannot be completed and to try again later. (I am able to access my voicemail, change greeting etc.). What's going on...
I recently bought a OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G mobile in India and moved to Canada.In Toronto, Canada I got Rogers 5G SIM and using it in my OnePlus. Data is working I can able to access internet.But when I try to call someone within Canada I am nit g...
I have tried to set up voicemail on my Android A32 using the instructions from Samsung, but when I am asked to put in my password I am informed it is not valid. But there seems to be no other way to set it up. Rogers does not have a way of contacting...
I called Rogers today to have a pSIM sent out. My current s23 Ultra has a Rogers eSIM. I am not happy with the OneUI 7 beta looking and feeling much like iOS so I want to go back to using my OnePlus 8T until I decide on what device I am going to us...
I recently broke the screen on my phone to the point that the screen was black and unusable, I went to Rogers where they gave me the number for Likewize and told me to file a claim as we pay for device protection. I was also told that first screen cr...
I bought a Samsung A54 phone on Oct 2, 2023. In the last 3 months the phone keeps dropping calls or calls do not get thru. Rogers says nothing they can do it's a Samsung issue. Samsung tried resolving the issue online and couldn't and refer me to a s...
I've had my pixel 7 for a few years and this week is stopped sending group texts. Everything else seems to be working fine. I've done all the suggestions from the trouble shooting and no success. Any ideas? Do I need a new SIM card? ***Edited Lab...
I recently got the Samsung galaxy z flip which it's nice because it's smaller and lighter compared to the Samsung S22 which I gave up, after a couple of weeks using it, I kind of regret. The S22 camera was amazing. So I was wondering, if there a way ...
I plan to upgrade my Pixel phone and just wondering is there any reason I cant buy an unlocked phone online or direct from google, transfer my data and use my existing rogers sim card, it seems to be cheaper and more options re colour and memory ...
For the last 2 upgrades for the 2 phones on my account; I've tried to add 2 galaxy watches (which ever the newest model was at the time) only to be told they were not in stock but as soon as they were in stock we could add them. Then I was told to tr...
Hello...I have purchased a phone (Samsung Alpha) privately from a person on October 15th. Phone was locked to Bell, but I got it unlocked.I paid him in full and his reason for selling it was because he was looking to get a different phone.He gave me ...
I and my wife always turn on the airplane mode when travelling abroad to avoid international roaming charges. However on many occassions the airplane mode turns off automatically mostly at night and randomly, which leads to unnecessary roaming charge...