08:39 AM
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01:23 PM
Hello Community,
The Rogers Community Forums has always played an important role in providing important feedback regarding our products and services. We are excited to offer our users an opportunity to participate in a trial of the new firmware for our Rocket Wi-Fi Modem (CGN3ACSMR, CGN3ACR and CGN3AMR) and Rocket Gigabit Wi-Fi Modem (CGN3552 and CODA-4582). This program is exclusive to registered users of the Rogers Community Forums (space is limited).
The new firmware includes the following features and enhancements:
If you are interested in participating, please send a private message to @CommunityHelps with the subject line “Rogers Rocket Wi-Fi Modem Firmware Trial”. A member of our team will be in contact with you and provide you with further instructions.
We’re keen to receive feedback on this new firmware. Once you've received the new firmware, please provide your feedback directly in the FEEDBACK - Rogers Rocket Wi-Fi Modem Firmware Trial thread.
Questions regarding this program can be posted below.
***Please note - you must be a registered user of the Rogers Community Forums in order to participate. To register, please follow these steps.***
Thank you for your continued feedback and support.
08-21-2017 08:47 PM
@donnelly_7 to signup for the trial firmware if you're interested, send a private message to @CommunityHelps Follow that link to the public page for @CommunityHelps and then select the link on the right hand side to "Send this user a private message" to navigate to the message composition page. It will already be addressed.
Fill in the title: Rocket Modem Firmware Trial
In the text area, add your modems:
MAC Address
Serial Number
Modem Model: this can be found on the product sticker at the back of the modem, CGN3xxxx
The first two can be found in the Status page when you log into the modem or on the back of the modem. They can be copied from the Status page and pasted into the message.
When you're logged into the forum, watch for a number overlaid on your avatar at the top right hand corner signifying a response from one of the moderators. Select that link and follow it down to your message inbox. You should see a disclaimer that has to be acknowledged prior to loading the latest version of trial firmware.
Keep an eye open on this thread or the Open Issues thread for any particular requirements for rebooting or running a factory reset on a modem with trial firmware loaded. The usual rule these days is that a modem reboot or restart is fine to run. A Factory Reset will cause the modem to revert to the current production firmware for that modem.
08-30-2017 12:25 AM
Reporting a bug, as originally posted here:
Hitron CODA-4582 user on If user has IPv6 disabled and wants to manually set DNS servers, you cannot leave the IPv6 DNS1 or DNS2 addresses blank. Instead you get an error message:
[ERROR] - Please input the DNS infomation !
Likewise, if user has IPv4 disabled, you cannot leave the DNS1 or DNS2 addresses blank. I recommend the following bugfixes:
08-30-2017 12:15 PM
@wongnog wrote:Reporting a bug, as originally posted here:
Hitron CODA-4582 user on If user has IPv6 disabled and wants to manually set DNS servers, you cannot leave the IPv6 DNS1 or DNS2 addresses blank. Instead you get an error message:
[ERROR] - Please input the DNS infomation !Likewise, if user has IPv4 disabled, you cannot leave the DNS1 or DNS2 addresses blank. I recommend the following bugfixes:
- Only show all 4 DNS addresses when running in Dual mode
- Fix the spelling mistake for "infomation" in the above error message
Thanks, reported to Hitron.
10-05-2017 03:58 PM
I am having issues with LAN ports dropping connection on a Fido modem (I believe that's the CGN3AMF ?). Can I sign up for the new firmware trial ?
10-05-2017 04:16 PM
10-05-2017 04:19 PM
What do I need to do in order to get it?
10-05-2017 07:20 PM
@stefanc1974 wrote:
What do I need to do in order to get it?
Send a PM to @CommunityHelps asking to join the firmware test program. Include your modem serial number, modem MAC address, and account number. Be sure to tell them you're running the Fido Modem.
10-09-2017 12:46 PM
10-09-2017 01:09 PM
@jeff77 what modem do you currently have? It will either be a black CGN3xxx or a white CODA-4582. The exact model of the black CNG3 variety can be seen on the product sticker at the back of the modem. Also, of importance at this time is the firmware version that you currently have. That can be seen on the STATUS page when you log into the modem, listed as the Software Version. Note that the various CGN3 models are not running a unified firmware version, so, in some cases, if necessary, the end user can either switch modems or request that the trial firmware be loaded on their modem. Switching up to the CGN3ACSMR which runs the latest production firmware should solve the Chromecast issue. That can also be achieved by requesting the trial firmware load for your current modem.
To request the trial firmware follow this link @CommunityHelps to navigate to the @CommunityHelps page when you are signed into the forum. On the right hand side of the page is a link titled "Send this user a private message". Use that link to navigate to the next message composition page. It will already be addressed.
1. Fill in the title with Rocket Modem Trial Firmware Request.
2. In the text area, include your request, including the modem MAC address and Serial number. The modem MAC address and serial number can be found on the sticker at the back of the modem, or copied from the data located in the Status page of the modem when you are logged into the modem.
Send that info to @CommunityHelps and you should see a reply later today.
When you're logged into the forum, watch for a number overlaying your avatar at the upper right hand corner. Follow the avatar link down to the message inbox to acknowledge the waiver that is required for the trial firmware. When that is acknowledged, you should see the firmware loaded later today or tomorrow. When you know that the firmware has been loaded, reboot or restart the modem. Don't run a factory reset as that will return the modem back to the latest production firmware version for that modem.
10-12-2017 06:52 AM
Modem CODA, firmware 32.
Testing MoCA. MoCA has now firmware 20. Before was 11 and I could connect my adaptor but speeds was
very slow 5M. Adaptor was on and of. After installing PoE ( point of entrance) MoCA filter connection was stady
only speed to slow to watch movie from my NAS HD. Now in this new firmware (20) I got connection for few minutes, check speeds was good 11M, but I lost coax connection. Try reboot my adaptor- nothing,
try disable and enable MoCA in the modem -nothing only reboot CODA modem helped to get connection
for few minutes and again lost connection. I believe MoCA in the modem after few minutes frizzes up. I believe
when start to download data modem's MoCA stop working
11-20-2017 04:09 PM
11-21-2017 03:52 PM
Hello, @richmond5
Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums!
Thank you for joining the Firmware Trial. The firmware will be deployed to the modem directly so there is no user interaction involved. The modem will reboot once the firmware is pushed. You can check the firmware version by logging into the modem, it's listed under Status/System Information.
11-22-2017 10:17 AM
11-22-2017 11:47 AM
I know in my case, my request for the firmware upgrade was through Google tech support for a known firmware issue with some Rogers home gateways. There are some instances where the firmware is not pushed through, and requires a Rogers tech support ticket to get what you need. I have the CGNM-3552 running which seems to have resolved most of the issues. It should be noted for Chromecast users, however, that some of the settings required by Chromecast users are not able to be changed without technical support because of changes to the end-user modem dashboard.
11-22-2017 11:57 AM
11-22-2017 12:07 PM
I was reguesting for the trial firmware for Hitron CODA. Mine situation might be a little difference from yours!
11-22-2017 03:18 PM
12-02-2017 07:57 PM
06:54 PM
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07:22 PM
I need to upgrade my modem firmware so I can use chromecast.
12-11-2017 08:15 PM
@bawan wrote:
I need to upgrade my modem firmware so I can use chromecast.
Send a PM to @CommunityHelps asking to join the firmware trial. Be sure to include your account number, modem serial number, and modem MAC address. The last two can be found when you log in to the modem.
01-04-2018 04:13 PM
Dear @RogersMargaret,
Could you please add me to the trial - actually, I already joined this trial long ago, so I might be still on the list
Please confirm as I need ASAP fix for Guest network to be installed and the latest F/W got fixed it last time
Thanks a lot for your help,