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Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

I've been struggling with continuous dropped connection in the past week.  Numerous chats with tech support and even had a tech come out and problems keep coming back.


So I've been on this setup now for months, nothing has changed.


Modem (white hitron??) is connected after a splitter with my basement TV, set up by Rogers.  Been working for months with no issues.

Over the past week, connection (no internet) seems to be lost every couple of hours.  It sometimes come back on its own and sometimes need to power cycle.


Tech came and said I needed a dedicated line for the modem.  He wanted to drill and run the line to my kitchen cause it's the most convenient.  I said no, there must be some other issue since things don't just stop working.  Tech was happy for me to turn down the work so he can leave.  He did try to push ignite TV.  I said I've explored it and at this point, they were not able to offer me a comparable price plus they were going to charge me installation ($150).  


Connection issues continue.  I live chat and agent there sees  power issues.  They have me plug the modem directly to a wall outlet (yes, I've read about the power bar issues).  Agent still sees power issues and decide it must be a faulty modem.  Swapped modem.  Used live chat to complete setup of new modem.  After completion, live agent says all readings are within spec.  I think great!!


Connection issues occur today.  Live chat, agent see power issues.  We troubleshoot and I decide to connect cable directly to modem (no splitter), leaving my TV unplugged for now.  Live agent says it's all green from their end.  Great, again..


2 hours later..... loss of connection again.  What is going on?   I'm glad right now that the tech didn't drill a hole cause I'm at the same point he would have been if he ran a new line without eliminating the problem.


This is crazy and ever so frustrating, like many of the other threads I've read..  Any other suggestions would be good.  Live chat agents keep telling me that their readings are good so I don't understand what's happeneing.



***Added Labels***


Re: Internet dropped connection

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @vistaliving12!


Wow...just reading through your overall experience was painful :(. I can only imagine the irritation, and likely confusion, you must be feeling with regards to this unfortunate service predicament. Intermittent service can be difficult to troubleshoot but the good news is that you're in a great place to get help.

We'll start with a few things to assist in clarifying what it is you're experiencing and from there we can narrow down why it's happening.


Are you able to provide the following for us?:


  • Log into your modem and share with us a screenshot of the signal levels, this can be found on the Docsis WAN tab of the Status page. (Visit - Username: cusadmin, Password: Your WiFi password)
  • Is the intermittency you're experiencing with a wired or a wireless connection?
  • Confirm if when the connection drops does the modem's @ light go out?
  • If able, can you share the LAN and WAN uptime after a drop in connection. This is visible in the System Information Tab on the Status page. Be certain not to reboot the modem until this information is obtained.

For any type of wired intermittent connectivity issue, it's recommended not to reboot your modem when the connectivity drops, as this will remove visibility of the drop in WAN. If there's a visible discrepancy there that's a visible indicator of the issue.

Thanks so much. Looking forward to getting to the bottom of this with you.



Re: Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

here's the copy/paste of the Docsis tab.


Signal loss with both wired/wireless.  


I'll confirm later on the @ light.  I recall it being on when internet goes out.  Will confirm on next loss.


Will share LAN/WAN uptime after next loss.

(personal info. removed)

Downstream Overview

Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 645000000 256QAM -2.500 15 38.983
2 849000000 256QAM -7.000 2 36.387
3 855000000 256QAM -7.600 3 36.610
4 861000000 256QAM -8.200 4 37.356
5 579000000 256QAM -1.800 5 37.356
6 585000000 256QAM -1.900 6 36.175
7 591000000 256QAM -2.100 7 35.595
8 597000000 256QAM -2.000 8 37.356
9 603000000 256QAM -2.100 9 38.605
10 609000000 256QAM -2.400 10 40.366
11 615000000 256QAM -2.200 11 38.983
12 621000000 256QAM -2.200 12 37.356
13 633000000 256QAM -2.100 13 36.610
14 639000000 256QAM -2.200 14 37.636
15 279000000 256QAM -0.800 1 40.366
16 651000000 256QAM -2.400 16 40.366
17 657000000 256QAM -2.500 17 38.983
18 663000000 256QAM -2.500 18 37.636
19 669000000 256QAM -2.900 19 35.780
20 675000000 256QAM -3.500 20 35.595
21 681000000 256QAM -3.700 21 35.780
22 687000000 256QAM -4.100 22 37.356
23 693000000 256QAM -5.000 23 38.605
24 699000000 256QAM -5.300 24 37.636
25 705000000 256QAM -5.400 25 36.610
26 711000000 256QAM -5.800 26 35.418
27 717000000 256QAM -5.900 27 34.926
28 723000000 256QAM -6.100 28 35.084
29 825000000 256QAM -7.100 29 37.636
30 831000000 256QAM -7.000 30 36.610
31 837000000 256QAM -7.300 31 35.595
32 843000000 256QAM -7.600 32 35.780
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
1 4K 275600000 YES YES YES -1.400002
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 25300000 ATDMA - 64QAM 43.250 2 3200000
2 36996000 ATDMA - 64QAM 43.250 4 6400000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.000 3 6400000
4 22100000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.000 1 3200000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K

Re: Internet dropped connection

@vistaliving12 can you delete the DOCSIS Overview portion of the post please.  That small table is specific to the modem.  Please leave the Downstream Overview data as is. 


Looking at your previous posts, what you’re describing is a typical external cable and/or connector failure.  That is normal with cable systems.  The external cable and connectors don’t last forever and every once in a while they require replacement.


Your signal levels look fairly normal for a Rogers modem.  The target levels for the upper DOCSIS 3.0 signal levels are 0 dBmV with a signal to noise ratio of 36 to 40 dBmV.  There is a high frequency roll-off that can be seen in the data, but, once again that is normal on the Rogers network.  That roll-off isn't ideal, but, it's normal.  Despite that roll-off, those levels are livable.  Having said that, the 1 to 32 channels in that upper table aren’t used as your modem is using the DOCSIS 3.1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) Downstream channel.  There isn’t enough data in that OFDM Downstream section to really determine the health of that channel.  Tech support has access to additional data thru a Modem Signal Check, but, even that is minimal at best.  This really requires a tech with the proper test equipment to determine the health of the OFDM channel.


The Upstream Overview shows the DOCSIS 3.0 channels which are used to communicate with the Cable Modem termination System (CMTS).  They normally run in the 36 to 40 dBmV range, so, yours are a little elevated, but not by much. They’re well within spec.


The bottom OFDM/OFDMA section is not used yet as DOCSIS 3.1 upstream is not enabled on the system as of yet. Soon I hope …..


Ok, so, you’re seeing service dropouts.  My guess is the external cable and/or its connectors is failing.  You indicated that the tech’s indication was that you needed a dedicated line for the modem. I’m trying to crystal ball the conversation but perhaps what the tech should have said is that you needed a new external cable installed to replace the old one.  Perhaps he checked the line and determined that it needed replacement and understandably you didn’t want a new hole punched into your home.  I don’t understand why the tech didn’t look at or suggest replacing the current cable.  Those cables and connectors can last several years and when they fail, they can do exactly what you’re seeing, fail, recover, fail, recover, etc, etc.  That is highly aggravating as the signal levels after a modem reboot will look normal.  If the failing component just simply failed once and for all, it would be much easier and quicker to troubleshoot.  You could also have a cable that runs correctly until it finally fails one day.  Replace the cable and you’re back in business. I’ve seen both cases.


If the service fails, that is the best time to call tech support.  Hopefully it stays offline long enough for tech support to run a signal check and determine that, yes, “Its dead Jim”.  Next question, are your neighbour's also having the same issue, which the tech can determine.  After that, que the neighbourhood tech ……  


So far, with the modem swaps and cable direct to the modem, you’ve cleared both the modem and internal house cabling.  Time to look outside.  While my opinion is that this could just be a simple cable swap, there’s always the chance that the problem is at the local tap which services your home and those of your neighbours, or that it’s further upstream.  That might require the services of a Senior Tech, which is a Rogers tech, and this is something that tech support can start to determine by checking the signal levels of your immediate neighbours when you service is disrupted.  Is this a single line issue, a local tap issue which affects your neighbours as well, or is this a bigger problem with your cable line back to the local node?  Tech support has some homework there in order to dispatch the correct level of field tech to resolve the issue.


Do you have overhead cabling to a utility pole, or underground cabling to a nearby pedestal?  At this point you probably need to replace the existing cable and its connectors, but I’m wondering why the tech would suggest a separate external cable?  Was that cable supposed to run back to the local tap which would be on a utility pole or at the pedestal, or was the tech going to connect to the existing cable that arrives at the house?


For test purposes, did you completely disconnect the power bar, both from the computer equipment and from the wall socket, so that its not energized?  A failing power bar can generate enough noise to kill cable signals, and can depend to a certain degree on the load on the power bar.  Its also the last thing that anyone checks.


You might have to sort this out with @RogersAndy to get this resolved. I don’t know what the tech would have left for notes on the system, if anything, but I wonder if this shouldn’t have been handled a different way?


If any subsequent action doesn’t resolve the issue, come back and post the results and what action was taken, provided that the tech gave you that info.


Hopefully this provides some explanation of your signal levels and possible cause.

Re: Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

Quick thanks to RogersAndy and Datalink.  


You have been the most helpful in trying to understand the internet issues I'm experiencing.


I'm by no means expecting a miracle and don't think it's a quick fix.  I only posted on here because I wanted to express my frustrations with the first tech who seemed happier to go home then come up with some sort of livable solution (ie, not looking for perfect signal).


As mentioned, there was not any misinterpretation of what he wanted to do.  He wanted to drill, put a new line where I would relocate my modem to my kitchen.  Definitely not looking to replace old lines.  The modem line was installed in 2014 so not sure if 5 year shelf-life for coax cable would really be the case.  But things do fail, I agree.  


The tech tested my signals at the pedestal located on my property.  He tested my modem line and modem.  He didn't question the power bar setup (that came after via live chat).  He said modem line signal was "borderline".  I thought before suggesting to drill, he would have removed the splitter and test the line before that.


The modem swap was suggested via live chat just one day after the tech was on site.  Would've been easier for him to swap then me running around to do it.  


The last live chat, it was that agent that suggested I remove the splitter and see what the readings were out of that.  We did that and when I ended that chat, all lights were "green".   The last agent suggest I swap out the splitter to see if there's a problem, but from all the troubleshooting, it doesn't seem to be the case.  


At this point, I've left the line as is to see if I experience any problems today (plugged into wall outlet, direct connection and having one unconnected TV box).  It's weird, but these problems seem to coincide with the weather (hot) in the last week.... I'm in GTA.


We have some area outages and that I know because all 3 of my services would go out (internet, tv and phone).  When my internet goes out, the other 2 still work.  There are no overhead wires.  Everything is underground and mentioned, pedestal is on my property.  New wires were installed from the pedestal in 2013 cause that's when I started digital TV and they determined the old coax was not good.  


Will continue to update or answer any questions when something happens.  This morning.... seems ok


Re: Internet dropped connection

@vistaliving12 it sounds like you've just about eliminated any issues within your house, assuming of course that includes completely disconnecting any power bars for test purposes. 


Fwiw, the first cable from the pedestal (next to the driveway) to our home lasted for over 10 years, the next one only two years.  Current cable is three years and running.  So, although they can last well beyond 10 years, there's always the possibility of a cable or connector failure after a short few months or years.  


As you're indicating issues with hot weather, I wonder about the possibility of problem with the neighbourhood node itself.  If that was the case, there would be a larger number of users who are affected with similar failures.  If those failure last long enough to get tech support on the case via telephone, then he or she should be able to check your neighbours and further upstream towards the node to determine if there's a particular pedestal where the failure starts.  These are all daisy chained off of a single port at the node from what I understand, so there is the possibility of an upstream failure affecting a large number of users on your street. 

Re: Internet dropped connection

I've been here awhile

 I am having the same problem in the past few months. 3 techs have come through my house and the problem seems to have improved but did not go away after the followings were done:

- replaced modem

- replaced splitter  (booster) in basement

- replaced old connectors at point of entry into my house

- replaced worn cable in TAP

However problem did not completely go away. Connection still drop intermittently but there is difference before and after.


- all modem lights would be off

- modem would sometime reboot by itself (not always) 



- the @ light and the 2 little "house" lights would stay on.

- smart home products (I have NEST, smart plugs and light switch) will go offline first. PC and tablet will stay on longer before going offline (very strange)

- connection comes back after modem reboot. 


Any suggestion what else I can do? Been very frustrating.


Re: Internet dropped connection

I've been around

I too have been having this problem, and it seems a lot of people on the forum has. It would be nice to get some concrete answers as to what the solution is.

Re: Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

So just to update.


Today was probably my first day where I did not notice any significant drops.   Either the drops occurred when I was out or during a moment where I wasn't using the internet.  I suspect any drops recovered without having to power cycle my modem.


I managed to get to a Rogers store and got a new splitter.  The old splitter was a Antronix 2-way splitter 5-1000Mhz.  The new one I picked up is a Antronix 2-way splitter 5- 1230Mhz.  I decided to split the line again so I can have my TV back.  No noticeable drops since.


I'm wondering now if the power bar + splitter may have been the root cause.  I know other's have replaced splitters and didn't see a significant improvement. The weirdest part in all this, I had good specs with and without the old splitters and still experienced drops.  So strange.


I will continue to monitor and hope it's just not shear luck that the problem is resolved.  Based on the problems other's are having, I could be right back to where I was.

Re: Internet dropped connection

I've been here awhile
No such luck for me. My connection dropped again about 30 min ago. Will check the model number of the splitter tomorrow (which was replaced by the first tech) and update.

Re: Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

Just experienced my first drop in two days.


I can't seem to paste a nice chart like earlier.


LAN Up Time 002 days 01h:58m:11s WAN Up Time

000 days 01h:03m:29s


DOCSIS Wan info.


Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 639000000 256QAM -5.800 14 37.636
2 849000000 256QAM -11.400 2 35.780
3 855000000 256QAM -11.800 3 35.595
4 861000000 256QAM -12.400 4 35.780
5 579000000 64QAM -5.400 5 4.191
6 585000000 64QAM -5.300 6 4.191
7 591000000 64QAM -5.400 7 4.191
8 597000000 64QAM -5.500 8 4.191
9 603000000 64QAM -5.500 9 4.191
10 609000000 64QAM -5.700 10 4.191
11 615000000 256QAM -5.600 11 38.605
12 621000000 256QAM -5.600 12 37.356
13 633000000 256QAM -5.500 13 36.387
14 279000000 256QAM -4.100 1 40.946
15 645000000 256QAM -6.000 15 38.983
16 651000000 256QAM -5.900 16 38.983
17 657000000 256QAM -5.900 17 38.605
18 663000000 256QAM -6.000 18 37.356
19 669000000 256QAM -6.400 19 35.780
20 675000000 256QAM -7.400 20 34.926
21 681000000 256QAM -8.500 21 35.084
22 687000000 256QAM -8.900 22 36.610
23 693000000 256QAM -9.000 23 37.356
24 699000000 256QAM -8.700 24 37.636
25 705000000 256QAM -8.900 25 36.610
26 711000000 256QAM -9.300 26 34.926
27 717000000 256QAM -9.500 27 34.484
28 723000000 256QAM -9.700 28 35.084
29 825000000 256QAM -11.100 29 37.356
30 831000000 256QAM -11.100 30 35.780
31 837000000 256QAM -11.500 31 35.084
32 843000000 256QAM -11.900 32 35.084
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 22100000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.500 1 3200000
2 36996000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.500 4 6400000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.500 3 6400000
4 25300000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.500 2 3200000

Re: Internet dropped connection

I've been here awhile

My PC connection (wifi, not LAN)is working right now as I am posting this message from it. However, my Google Home, NEST, WEMO light switch are all offline. Would appreciate any suggestion on how to fix this. Thank you.

(BTW, the splitter model is Antronix MVRA902B, with eight ports).

Re: Internet dropped connection

It's all happening again. 


Dropped twice this morning.  This is the latest after coming back online.


Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 633000000 256QAM -14.300 13 27.724
5 579000000 64QAM -13.900 5 4.191
6 585000000 64QAM -13.900 6 4.191
7 591000000 64QAM -14.000 7 4.191
8 597000000 64QAM -13.900 8 4.191
9 603000000 64QAM -13.900 9 4.191
10 609000000 64QAM -14.100 10 4.191
14 639000000 256QAM -14.400 14 27.724
15 645000000 256QAM -14.800 15 27.579
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 25300000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.250 2 3200000
2 36996000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.250 4 6400000
3 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.250 3 6400000
4 22100000 ATDMA - 64QAM 45.250 1 3200000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size


The DOCSIS event logs is shown here

(Logs Removed due to Mac Address showing - Keep it Private - RogersTony)


Re: Internet dropped connection

@vistaliving12 you've got some serious cable signal issues.  When you see that you don't have 32 channels running in the upper group, that the signal to noise ratios are showing 4.191 which appears to be a default, and/or the OFDM Downstream overview shows both channels inactive, call tech support.  Don't reboot the modem.  Have the Customer Service Rep run a Signal check on the modem, and on the modems for your immediate neighbours who are connected to the same local tap.  The CSR should keep on going upstream, checking for signal issues to determine where this problem starts.  This looks like it requires a Senior Tech (Rogers tech) or a maintenance crew. 


Unfortunately, in cases like this, it take persistence on the part of the customer to call tech support.  Put Tech Support on speed dial and don't hesitate to use it.  Call every day, as many times as necessary to track this down.  If Tech Support can troubleshoot this while its happening, that will or should ensure that the right level of tech is dispatched.  


Now, if you're already had a couple of tech visits, contact the moderators @CommunityHelps to arrange for a Senior tech visit. 

Re: Internet dropped connection

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@ep8 do you happen to have an F-81 connector at your disposal?  They look like this:


The problem here is that the amplifier can hide cable signal issues that cause problems such as what you're experiencing.  It depends to a degree on which amplifier port the modem is connected to.  So, if you can isolate the modem cable, that is determine which one of the cables connects the modem to the amplifier, then disconnect it and using the F-81 connector, connect that cable directly to the incoming cable.  You can then call tech support to run a signal check on the modem to determine if you have an ongoing signal issue.  At that point you can also log into the modem and copy the Downstream Overview table and paste that into a post.  That's the lower table on the STATUS …. DOCSIS WAN page.  Copy the whole table and paste that into a post.  With that info on hand, it should be easier to determine if there is an ongoing signal issue. 


Note that the modem should be connected to the VOIP port, unless of course you're using that port for a VOIP phone system.  If so, then the modem would be connect to one of the amplified ports.  That VOIP port is not amplified in order to prevent any packet loss which can be see thru the amplifier section of the amp.  There is a 3 dB drop thru that VOIP port, which is the same that you would see thru a two port splitter (one input, two outputs).


Fwiw, that F-81 connector is the same that is found in the wallplate ports for cable connections.  


So, that's the best that can be done I believe.  With the amp in place and without knowing what port the modem is connected to, any signal check won't show accurate signal data for the present signal levels when they arrive at the home.

Re: Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

Connection came back about 1h ago.  Here are the latest numbers.  Looks like some ports are outside the "optimal" range.


Downstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Signal noise ratio (dB)
1 591000000 256QAM -4.900 7 35.780
2 855000000 256QAM -10.400 3 36.387
3 861000000 256QAM -11.000 4 36.387
4 579000000 256QAM -4.900 5 37.356
5 585000000 256QAM -4.800 6 35.780
6 849000000 256QAM -9.800 2 36.387
7 597000000 256QAM -4.700 8 36.610
8 603000000 256QAM -4.700 9 38.983
9 609000000 256QAM -4.900 10 40.366
10 615000000 256QAM -4.700 11 38.605
11 621000000 256QAM -4.600 12 37.636
12 633000000 256QAM -4.500 13 36.610
13 639000000 256QAM -4.600 14 37.636
14 645000000 256QAM -4.800 15 38.983
15 651000000 256QAM -4.700 16 40.366
16 657000000 256QAM -4.500 17 38.983
17 663000000 256QAM -4.500 18 37.356
18 669000000 256QAM -4.800 19 35.780
19 675000000 256QAM -5.500 20 35.780
20 681000000 256QAM -6.300 21 35.780
21 687000000 256QAM -6.900 22 37.356
22 693000000 256QAM -7.900 23 37.636
23 699000000 256QAM -8.200 24 37.356
24 705000000 256QAM -8.200 25 36.610
25 711000000 256QAM -8.500 26 35.084
26 717000000 256QAM -8.600 27 34.926
27 723000000 256QAM -8.800 28 35.084
28 825000000 256QAM -9.200 29 37.636
29 831000000 256QAM -9.400 30 36.610
30 837000000 256QAM -9.800 31 35.595
31 843000000 256QAM -10.100 32 35.595
32 279000000 256QAM -4.000 1 40.366
OFDM Downstream Overview
Receiver FFT type Subcarr 0 Frequency(MHz) PLC locked NCP locked MDC1 locked PLC power(dBmv)
0 4K 275600000 YES YES YES -4.599998
Upstream Overview
Port ID Frequency (MHz) Modulation Signal strength (dBmV) Channel ID Bandwidth
1 30596000 ATDMA - 64QAM 40.750 3 6400000
2 36996000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.000 4 6400000
3 22100000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.000 1 3200000
4 25300000 ATDMA - 64QAM 42.000 2 3200000
Channel Index State lin Digital Att Digital Att BW (sc's*fft) Report Power Report Power1_6 FFT Size
0 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K
1 DISABLED 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 -inf -1.0000 4K

Re: Internet dropped connection

With numbers like that of above, would you see drops or disruptions?  Or would we just see slower speeds, etc.

I'm just reading more and some people have signals outside the -10/10dBmV range and don't have disruptions.  Or all situations standalone in what manifests at the user end?

Re: Internet dropped connection

@vistaliving12 the problem at this point is that yes, you do have DOCSIS 3.0 Downstream channels (1 to 32) that do have low values in the signal level column, however, that is a moot point as the modem isn't using those channels for Downstream ops.  Its using the DOCSIS 3.0 OFDM channel as can be see by the singular active OFDM channel.  And, as I've probably said earlier, there simply isn't enough data presented to the user, and personal opinion, for tech support to really determine the health of that channel.  I would surmise that any interruptions in service are probably due to the modem running into problems with that OFDM channel reception and its processing.  One indication of the health of that channel is the QAM number which isn't presented to the user, as is done for the upper DOCSIS 3.0 channels.  The range for the OFDM channel is 64 QAM up to 1024 QAM, with 64 being the lowest and 1024 being the highest.  1024 QAM requires the least amount of noise in the cable system, while 64 QAM will result from operation in a higher noise environment.  If the modem can't use 64 QAM as a minimum, it will switch over to the DOCSIS 3.0 channels and stop using the OFDM channel.  Fwiw, the signal range for DOCSIS 3.0 channels is basically +/- 15 dBmV, ideally sitting at 0 dBmV.  I've only seen one individual run below -15 dBmV with perfect Signal to Noise ratios.  So, while its possible to run at low receive power levels, you have to have everything else in your favour.   If not, you start running into problems in the -7/8 dBmV range.  That's what we've historically seen in the forum, despite the wider DOCSIS signal specs.  


What you could do is call tech support, ask the Customer Service Rep to run a signal check and then ask for the numbers for the OFDM channel.  Tech Support does have access to them, but, its only a single value for QAM level, Signal to noise ratio and Signal level.  From what I remember from previous discussions, I believe that tech support can access those numbers, but they might be on the second page of the data display, so, you may have to cue the CSR to go looking for those numbers.  I for one would be interested in the QAM number, just to see if there is any connection to that value and the problems that you're having.  


At the end of the day, what is really required is for the field techs to ensure that the lower 0 to 500 Mhz range is working as it should, given that the upsteam channels are running in the 25 to 30 Mhz range and the Downstream OFDM channel is running in the 275.6 to 4467.6 Mhz range.  Anything above that is superfluous if the modem isn't running any of the DOCSIS 3.0 channels or if Rogers hasn't implemented the first frequency expansion up to 1218 Mhz as allowed under DOCSIS 3.1.  As far as I'm aware, at the present time, Rogers has not started to use the 1218 Mhz frequency expansion.  


So, considering that your having problems and that the modem is still hanging in there with DOCSIS 3.1, you need a field tech to determine what the problem is in that 0 to 500 Mhz range in the cable system. 


Can you log into your modem and check the Software (Firmware) version that is loaded?  Its located on the Status page which is displayed automatically when you log into the modem. 

Re: Internet dropped connection

I plan to stick around

Hardware Version 2A

Software Version

Re: Internet dropped connection

I just wanted to give an update. Since the initial problems, we would experience additional service problems with tv, home phone and internet. The internet seem to be the most sensitive to issues. I would literally have two or three open tickets. One would be resolved and another started within a couple of hours.

There seem to be an issue with one of the nodes as issues were not isolated to me. I started noticing that Rogers techs were visiting my whole street several times a day.

I finally noticed one tech who went up and down the street and worked on all the blvd pedestals. I haven’t had a problem since.

So going back to the initial tech that came and wanted to run a new line. Not impressed and I wish I could follow up with his superiors about how they troubleshoot problems.

Re: Internet dropped connection

Hey @vistaliving12!


I know it's frustrating to have to have frequent tech visits and tickets before seeing a resolution. I'm so glad though to hear that the issue has been resolved! Definitely keep us apprised should there be any further concerns.



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