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Neither 5G nor LTE ... above all the customer service is pathetic.

I'm here a lot
Am I the only one in Montreal,  who is having interrupted and unreliable network coverage?  I must say that its as unreliable as the Rogers representatives from the technical and customers' care department. I have called several time about the connectivity issue,  spoke to about a dozen of reps, even escalated the problem, there have been couple of tickets created (05812852, 04706744, 232812021, 244413814, and etc) but no gain. Interaction numbers like I2255424795, I2262413230, I226304323, I2262413230, and etc clearly speak about the incompetence of the customer care and technical department reps. 
Based on my experience, may I say that Rogers is best if one want to have a network which is unreliable and have interrupted coverage with pathetic customer service?
***Edited Labels***

Re: Neither 5G nor LTE ... above all the customer service is pathetic.


Hello @Bhatti83,


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums, and we appreciate you sharing your most recent experience with us. We certainly understand your frustration if you are having an issue with the services and you are not getting a resolution. Have you been provided with an update to the tickets created to have your issue further looked into?


Please let us know any additional information, and we will be glad to assist you.




Re: Neither 5G nor LTE ... above all the customer service is pathetic.

I was forwarded from the tech Support Jean to an acting Manager Aram. He consumed about 20-30 minutes boasting about his 13 years of experience and convincing me that when he takes a problem, he turn the sky upside down to fix it. In the two hours call, he concluded that their is no problem with the Rogers connectivity rather its the WhatsApp which I am using (it was ridiculous and senseless resolution but I agreed to him). He asked me to uninstall and reinstall the app which I did.

On the following day I faced the same issue. During the follow up call yesterday, his version changed altogether. He said that while travelling the sim connects with different polls and whatsapp requires certain bandwidth. He said that Rogers dont have reliable bandwidth (with in the City of Montreal, heart of Montreal one can say) that's why I am having this issue. 
He has not provided me any solution expect proving him an unfit choice to be a manager. Either he was wrong on first day when he said that the problem is WhatsApp or the second day when he said its Rogers bandwidth.


@RogersJermaine to answer your question, for a business account, I have spoken to a dozen of Rogers rep. I am sorry but leaving Jean aside, all of them  were beating about the bush and rely on guesswork. I have requested to escalate it OOP and demanded reimbursement of my bills for the day I am having this problem as morally and legally Rogers can not charge me for any service which they are not providing.

I will also request Rogers to stop spreading fake ads about 5G  like if they can not provide a reliable connectivity in the heart of Montreal.

Re: Neither 5G nor LTE ... above all the customer service is pathetic.

I'm a reliable contributor
Have you tried placing or receiving calls using the Phone app instead of Whatsapp? If so, did you experience the same issue?

Re: Neither 5G nor LTE ... above all the customer service is pathetic.

I was assuming that my phone app (making/receiving calls) is working fine. However, someone from the Rogers Executive office called me when I was at work. I requested for call back after 4.00pm. When I did not received any call, I called Rogers helpline to inquire, The agent told me that there is a note saying that a call was placed to me at 2.30 from the executive office team and I was not able to sanwer so they have left me a voicemail. At my end I neither received any call nor there was any voice message. Having said, I strongly believe that if I have missed this call, there might be other calls about what I am unaware.

Re: Neither 5G nor LTE ... above all the customer service is pathetic.

I'm a reliable contributor
I'm playing the devil's advocate, here. It could very well be an error on the representative's end (right notes, wrong account). It could also very well be a network issue.
I'd try placing and receiving calls (even asking people to call you back) using the phone app.
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