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Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Today I've been seeing occasional "Error 150" issues using Outlook for Mac 2011, but this time only for receiving e-mails, not for sending.  The issue affects individual e-mail addresses. After a few hours the issue goes away, so perhaps this is some sort of work in progress...


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Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Lucky you. Not working for me yet. Still hoping. I'll report as soon as it works.  I did contact "Share a concern" yesterday and they got back to me saying they'll look into it and get back to me later this week.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

I would have thought it would have worked for everyone else here as well.


I didn't do a thing to my computer or my Outlook. I made no changes at all. I had given up actually. The emails started coming in all of a sudden this afternoon.


I am on Outlook Express from Windows XP so it's unsupported.  Incoming Port is 995. If any of that helps.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

It's not the OUTLOOK !!! 

I just logged on to my Win7 machine and used my Outlook 2003 installed on it.....the same Outlook 2003 installed on my XP machine.
My XP machine Outlook can send but not receive.
My Win7 Outlook 2003 works in both recieve and send.
This is totally bizzare.....And Rogers still has not admitted the issue or offered a solution.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

Yeah it's obviously not the Outlook. Else mine wouldn't have started working spontaneously with no change on my end, and yours wouldn't have worked either.


It's curious that my OE2003 works now on a Win XP machine and your OE2003 doesn't. It only works on the Win7 PC you have??

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

In early April stopped sending on OEXP, recieving fine.
Then fixed. Then broke. Then fixed.
Then three weeks ago stopped receiving on OEXP. Sending fine.

OE Win7 initially wouldn't work in early April but fiddled around and suddenly it did. I used it yesterday all day and it worked fine.

Again. Rogers doesn't seem to care.


Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

Not working again.


I had to restart my computer for something and when I opened Outlook Express it gave me that same error trying to receive.


When everyone here started having problems receiving I still was able to receive for 2 days. Then I restarted my computer (and hence Outlook) and I couldn't connect and had the same error as everyone else.


Then 2 days ago I suddenly started receiving again. Restarted the computer just now and back to the error.


I wonder what my Outlook is trying to connect to with Yahoo or Rogers, and why it can't all of a sudden when 2 days ago it did?



Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

More people frustrated with Yahoo.


An excerpt from that help Yahoo forum from one frustrated user:


"Now here's my response to all this after weeks of troubleshooting, but getting YAHOO to fix their security issue other than blame it on us the YAHOO customers is rediculous:


Would you please tell me once and for all whether YAHOO has simply decided to BLOCK INCOMING EMAIL TRAFFIC WITH USERS USING WINDOWS XP? As this seems to be the case after testing numerous email clients on both Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows XP. All of the email clients which include Outlook, Outlook Express, and Windows Live Mail 2012 and 2009 all work on Windows 10, Windows 7, connecting to your incoming POP and IMAP servers. However all of these clients are unable to connect to your POP and IMAP servers from WINDOWS XP. This has been isolated to YAHOO alone, as all of these same email clients can connect from Windows XP to Comcast Servers, Google Servers, and Microsoft servers without any issues. If you have decided to BLOCK WINDOWS XP, just tell me and the thousands of other YAHOO users who have reported this same problem to you. In your email to me you said this: Issue can be possibly either due to bad settings or an issue with an out of date app. So if yahoo has decided that Windows XP is an out of date app, and they are blocking it. Just freaking tell me that would you please! Otherwise, open it up and let Windows XP through to your POP and IMAP servers as you did prior to April 29, 2020 when all this started! It seems your outgoing email server SMTP allows all email clients mentioned to be sent out over Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 10 so therefore it is not anything to do with email clients, settings, firewalls, anti-virus and YAHOO technical support in India or wherever the stupid calls go seem to have thick heads!"


So it seems thousands are having this problem and that Yahoo is somehow blocking access to Windows XP which is what I run. They may be having issues with other versions of Windows as well.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I received an automated callback today regarding my ticket on this topic.  It stated that they are still working on the problem, thanks for patience, etc. Same from @CommunityHelps.  I'm running Outlook for Mac 2011 on a Mac Mini with High Sierra (10.13.6).  Mail on my iPad works fine, but that's not where I do my correspondence.  I only use my iPad for a quick check and only for one of our five e-mail addresses (wife, work, private, web, disposable).

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

Both DaHammerman and I are having trouble with our Outlooks in XP. In Windows 7, it works fine.


The link I posted above points to another person with the same difficulties in XP, who did much more troubleshooting and found Yahoo with the issue.


You Re:57 don't have XP but your troubles started at the same time as all of us, including the guy in the link I posted above - see his date of April 29th. And it's the exact same problem.


Rogers, please contact Yahoo and tell them you have customers who can't receive in Outlook Express and Outlook. We've done all the work thus far and need you to take this one small step.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I just received a follow-up from OOTP regarding this issue.  The CSR stated that my e-mail client (Outlook for Mac 2011) is no longer officially supported (no surprise there).  I stated that Rogers will need to update their FAQ regarding e-mail clients below, basically to only include anything newer than 2016?:


The CSR did state that he would contact the Rogers/Yahoo team once more to see if there's some sort of workaround that will work (like Yahoo has for their customers with older e-mail clients, discussed in one of my recent posts - link below).


I think I'll leave this for another week or so to see if they put a workaround in place.  If not, I guess I'll have to upgrade to MS365, which is not cheap.  I suppose I could also look at a different e-mail client, however, I have thousands of e-mails and calendar events in Outlook for several decades, so I would prefer not to.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

Thanks for updating us.


It does seem almost 100% that it's a Yahoo issue and that thousands of people are in the same boat - old, established email accounts with too many points of contact to just throw away.


Hopefully Rogers will contact Yahoo and expedite a response or submit a ticket.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

A few hours after receiving the call from the CSR at the OOTP, I received an auto-call that said that my ticket was still open and that they are still working on it.  We shall see.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Five weeks after the receive problem started and after several discussions with the Rogers Moderators and with the Office of the President, Rogers say there is no problem at their end. Since Outlook for Mac 2011 is no longer officially supported by MicroSoft, it's not going to be supported by Rogers either.

I have therefore upgraded to MicroSoft 365 and the e-mails are now flowing properly in both directions. The process of upgrading could have been a lot smoother since a number of errors occurred during export/import, since I had to add in all my accounts again, etc.


I just got tired of banging my head against the wall.  😉

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

I find this disgraceful since Outlook 2003 works when I use Win7.......


Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I plan to stick around

Yeah, there probably isn't a problem on their end technically.


Their problem is that they weren't willing to talk to Yahoo and ask them what was going on.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I'm here a lot

I use Eudora 7, with Windows 7. My emails stopped sending/receiving on April 28th with no warning or explanation.


After some time I found this post which explains that yahoo seems to have switched off support for older SSL protocols. And older email programs are not updated anymore with newer ones.


That link had new working files for Eudora and my emails work again. I'm not educated enough to know if the updated files would work for other programs or if they must be tailored to the programs. Thought I would post this here for anybody who uses Eudora or can use the info to find work arounds.

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Good find Daegard.

I was going to comment that I wondered if that was the case, that the older versions didnt have the newer protocols needed, or that they are solely using the older protocols which were cut off.

There are many places which are trying to crack down more on not allowing older protocols (as they are not secure anymore.. more likely to be intercepted, etc.
Our work has been doing similar.  The security team, has turned off the ability to use sites which are using the older versions of TLS (which are no longer really secure).  Which is great and all from a security standpoint.  But you would be surprised at how many sites were NOT using the newer versions and were blocked!

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I've been here awhile

I am not getting all my emails on my laptop. The one's I'm not getting are in my junk mail on my iPad. Rogers Support says that Outlook 7 is no longer supported and they can't fix it. Everything was OK a few days ago. any suggestions? 

Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

Hello, @uncleron.


Welcome to Rogers Community Forums! 😃


Thank you for posting your email concern in the Community. It seems some filter is directing those emails to the junk folder.


Have you tried logging in to the webmail? If you see those emails in the Spam folder, you can unspam them. Once that’s done, those emails may flow into your Outlook 7.


Please be aware that unsupported OSs and software like Outlook, etc., are not unsecured, and we should not use them for security and privacy reasons.


Let us know if you have any more questions.




Re: Unable to Receive Emails on Outlook

I've been here awhile

Thanks for your reply. My iPad is an Apple and I am getting all emails from Rogers (yahoo) on it.

I am not getting all these emails on my laptop (outlook). The ones I'm not getting are in the iPad's Junk mail. I can forward them to my laptop and handle them from there. It appears the Apple ipad is filtering them from getting to my laptop. It shouldn't, as all emails should go to my laptop regardless of my iPad.  This started happening a few days ago when Rogers was down in my area. Prior to that it was OK. Coincidence?


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