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New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I'm here a lot

Signed contract with Rogers on 4 Aug, took two weeks to deliver the modem which still not delivered yet. Scheduled Tech to come today but says not allow to enter into the property, pass me the modem and ask me to plug in by myself. Modem type is Hitron Coda 4582, tried three outlets from living room to bedroom, same issue, only download and 2/4G light on, the @ indicator never on. Really need to get my Internet!!!


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Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Orchidsfl wrote:
Signed contract with Rogers on 4 Aug, took two weeks to deliver the modem which still not delivered yet. Scheduled Tech to come today but says not allow to enter into the property, pass me the modem and ask me to plug in by myself.

Hi!  Welcome to the Community!


Have you ever had Rogers service before in your home?  If not, your wall jacks may not even be live.


You'll have a cable where the incoming Rogers service enters the residence.  (In a home, it's usually located next to your electrical panel.  In an apartment/condo, it will be located in a utility closet)  That feed then needs to be connected (using an F81 barrel connector) to the cable that goes to the wall jack where you would like to install the modem.


I would first try to connect the incoming feed directly to the modem.


I'm also rather surprised that the Rogers tech left without talking you through the installation and without checking the signal levels to your modem after you installed it.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Is the tech still around?


If not, call tech support and ask the Customer Service Rep to check the modem.  Ensure that the modem is connected and powered up.  The first question is, can tech support see the modem.  The next question is, are the signal levels sufficient to check the modem.  The tech should have been able to check the signal levels before he or she left to ensure that the modem would actually run.  


Connect to the modem and using a web browser, enter into the browser address bar to navigate to the log in page.  Log into the modem and on the Status page which shows up when you log into the modem, have a look at the Software Version that is loaded.  The latest version is for the 2.x versions.  The latest version is  When the modem first fires up, it should run a firmware check and download version 7.x.  That update can take a while to load, but, withing about 5 minutes, the modem should be up and running.  Fwiw, I'd run another reboot when that version load, which can be done by using the ADMIN .... DEVICE RESET .... Reboot function.


While your at the Status page, copy the HFC MAC Address and have that on hand for when you call tech support.  The field tech should have ensured that the modem was registered within the system, but, just in case something went wrong, have that available for your conversation with tech support. 


Lastly, you should check to ensure that the incoming cable from the street is connected to the correct cable outlet in your home.  In your basement (for a house) or utility closet (apartment/condo/etc) you should see the incoming cable, connected to a splitter and then to the various cables for the home. Ideally, if you only have the modem from Rogers, that incoming cable should be connect to the correct house cable with an F-81 connector, which is the same connector that is contained in the wallplates.  The connector looks like this:


The field tech should have asked a few questions to determine what cabling you had in the home and how it was connected, as well as ensuring that the modem was up and running before he or she left. 


Tech support:  1-888-764-3771 (1-888-ROGERS1) 


Fwiw, if you navigate to the STATUS .... DOCSIS WAN tab, you can see the modem's signal levels.  If you select, from the Downstream Overview line, all the way to the bottom of the table, you can right click .... Copy, and then in a new post right click .... Paste.  That should paste in the entire signal table as it appears in the modem's user interface.   Copy the whole table, from the front end of the "Downstream Overview" line, to the bottom right hand corner of the bottom OFDM/OFDMA section. 


Having said all of that, I'm hoping that you're able to log into the modem even though it appears that the modem's isn't fully operational.  That could be due to a firmware update, but, a few minutes of letting it chug along will prove whether or not thats the case. 

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

the @ indicator should be on before going to web browser,web only shows modem not connect now. tech is not helpful at all,ask me try other outlet in other rooms which still the same,keep saying cannot go into my condo to check,he gave me 1800 number to call...

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Are you able to identify the incoming cable from the street?  If so, that is what I would connect the modem to.  You might need an extension cord to power the modem, depending on where that incoming cable it located.  


Did you have internet service with another company before and if so, were all of the house cable ports working?


If you can find and connect to the incoming cable from the street, get the modem up and running, you can then work on getting the house cable connected.  Ask the tech for a two port splitter or an F-81 connector, which would be the preferred connector if you only have the Rogers modem, and no other Rogers services.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Orchidsfl  If the tech is still around, ask for an F81 connector, extra coax patch cables (1 short, 1 long), and a handful of terminator caps.  The should give you all of the parts that you will need to complete the installation.  We (or Rogers Tech Support) can then talk you through completing the installation.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Datalink  Great suggestions, as always!  I don't have anything else to add at this time... and you know the Hitron CODA modems inside-out, I don't, so I'll sit back for now and leave this in your very capable hands.


@Orchidsfl  Best of luck in getting your new installation working!

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I'm here a lot
called tech support line,then direct me go customer care then send me to store,spend whole afternoon at the store,still not solved...

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I'm here a lot
updates:so the whole day from 10 am to 9pm im calling tech support line who says the modem is not match the registered modem info under my account then forward me to customer care to update info,while they said its the wrong modem and sent me to the store. spend whole afternoon at the store and they called customer service again and said everything looks good in system now and should be work and gave me the modem. then i back it still the SAME issue from the beginning!!! Went to store they said they did everything they can on their side and ask me to call tech support,so im back in line with tech support...terrible

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@Orchidsfl  I'm so sorry to hear about the experience that you have had so far.  I hope that we can all help you to get your service up and running as soon as possible.


Were you able to locate the incoming Rogers cable feed in your utility closet and does it appear to be connected to any of the wall jacks?  You will be looking for a coax cable that either feeds into a splitter that then connects to your wall plates -or- that's connected to another cable using a "barrel" connector.


The other thing that you might see is an RFoG ONU that converts incoming fibre to coax rather than a coax feed.


(If you do not have a coax feed, or have incoming fibre but no ONU, that's a problem.)


Someway, somehow, you will need to find the incoming service and get it connected to the wall jack next to where you would like to place your modem.


Also, what modem do you currently have now?  Is it still a Hitron CODA unit or, since this is a totally new installation, did Rogers provide you with an Ignite XB6 gateway instead?

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I plan to stick around

I was going to ask,  How did you get a hitron on a brand new install?  I have been trying to replace my ignite garbage with a hitron like I had before and rogers is bucking me all the way.  I have everything replaced in my home, outside my home, on the poles everything and I am still getting 20mbps download speeds from this trash.  Worst thing I have done was move to this ignite garbage.  I will make sure my friends do not use rogers.  I am stuck with this trash now.  I have had rogers for almost 20 years,  and I have a rogers email account as my main account.  Dumb move on my part there I know.  I have been on the hamster wheel that is rogers technical service for 6 months.  Ever since we installed our "amazing" (sarcasm) ignite system,  we have frequent service drop outs, slow internet speeds and overall terrible service.  Time for Rogers to suck it up,  just give me my modem back and I will be happy as long as my speeds go back to 500 plus Mbps I was getting using that modem.  

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@SteveAdams  Welcome to the Community!


When you switched to Ignite, did you only change the modem or did you also add Pods to improve Wi-Fi coverage?  Also, what was your motivation for switching from legacy Rogers Internet to Ignite Internet?  Are you only getting poor Internet speeds over Wi-Fi or with a wired Ethernet connection?


When the XB6 came out, it was initially only available to Ignite TV customers, and MANY Internet-only customers were clamouring to get this modem as well... primarily because the Technicolor variant was based on the Broadcom BCM3390 chipset.  My advice was to stick with the Hitron CODA, unless you specifically needed features that were only available on Ignite Internet.  The XB6 is not a horrible product but it does have quirks and is missing features that many might take for granted.


That said, with a wired Ethernet connection, the XB6 is capable of delivering 1 Gb/s throughput.  I am getting 200 Mb/s on my 150u service.  If you are only getting 20 Mb/s download speeds, I'm sure that there is a logical explanation.  Any of a number of things could seriously affect your wireless performance.  If you are seeing such poor speeds on a wired connection, I am shocked that Rogers has not been able to fix it or that they don't know what is really causing it.


If you unplug all of your Ignite WiFi Pods and place the XB6 gateway in the same location as where you had your Hitron CODA installed, you should see similar performance to what you had before.


Rogers has also bet their business on the XB6, and they (hopefully) would not have done that unless they had full confidence in that device.  Hopefully we can help to get your current issues resolved.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I plan to stick around

Ok,  I will try to answer your inquires in order.  Bare with me.  I switched because I wanted tv in my sons bedroom which had no coax going to it so I thought the wireless tvs would be a bonus.  I do have pods as my home is very large.  The modem is in the same location as my last modem was.  I got the 20mbps on one of my computers plugged into the modem.  They have replaced the drop from the pole to my home.  3 modems had many techs to my home.  Everytime they have claimed to figure out what it is.  When I had my hitron modem I had no issues,  other than a signal booster in my basement for tv signals that would drop it's plug in every 7 or 8 months.  But I knew when it was starting to go bad and a tech would be out to fix it right up the next possible appointment.  I was routinely getting over 500mbps with my Hitron.  The best I have got with my ignite is 175.  Remember,  I am paying for 500mbps.  

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I plan to stick around
I just did a speedtest And got 93.11 download 20.35 upload with the 30ms latency

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I plan to stick around
Oh, Since I have been having so many issues, I think they have put me on block, I have reached out 3 times in the past week to the CSR that was handling my case. I was away from my home and he said when I got back email him and he would continue to work on my system. I have yet to have a response. I have been so frusturated with the entire system since it was installed with no satisfaction from Rogers, I put a claim in with the CCTS. I had no choice. I have my primary email with rogers for almost 20 years, and to switch it now would be very difficult. I have to do what's in my best interests. Getting my Hitron back would be the best result as I know I got fast reliable internet. Now, it's neither. Both my wife and I will be working remotely from here on out for our careers, we need fast reliable internet.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@SteveAdams  What you are seeing is definitely not normal.  Could you please log into your modem (from a computer using a web browser) and check your modem's signal stats and error logs?


Go to "Gateway > Connection > Rogers Network"

  • On the Downstream channels, you'll want to see a SNR of 38 dB or higher.  The power levels (ideally) should be as close to 0 dBmV as possible, -7 to +7 dBmV is typical, but anything outside of that range should be investigated.
  • On the Upstream channels, it's normal to see power levels around 40 dBmV.  Anything below 35 dBmV is not typical, and anything above 50 dBmV needs to be investigated.
  • Scroll to the bottom and check the number of Uncorrectable Codewords.  Those should be as close to zero as possible across all channels.  As for the Correctable Codewords, those should be as close to zero as possible on the DOCSIS 3.0 (QAM) channels, and it's normal for them to be high on the DOCSIS 3.1 (OFDM) channels.


Go to "Troubleshooting > Logs" 

  • Show the Events log for the last week.  Is the XB6 logging any errors?


Rogers only supports the XB6 WiFi gateway with Ignite TV and they are encouraging Internet customers to switch to Ignite Internet.  I don't think that there is any going back once you have switched to Ignite.


It's also possible that your problems could be caused by something as simple as a bad coax patch cable to your modem.


For support, you can also reach out to @CommunityHelps  by sending sending them a Private Message.


@CommunityHelps : Could you also please split @SteveAdams  posts here and our responses to another thread?  Thanks!

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I plan to stick around


I looked at everything.  It seems to be in line with what you mentioned it should be.  off by a number or two but nothing worth noting.  On the Uncorrectable section,  channel 1 had a huge number and 26 and 27 were the same.  Don't know if thats something or not.  The rest were 0. 

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@SteveAdams wrote:


I looked at everything.  It seems to be in line with what you mentioned it should be.  off by a number or two but nothing worth noting.  On the Uncorrectable section,  channel 1 had a huge number and 26 and 27 were the same.  Don't know if thats something or not.  The rest were 0. 

Thanks, that's good news!  (FYI, my Downstream OFDM channel index# is 33 and, for some reason, the codeword error stats for index #1 actually mirror #33.)  At least your lines looks good.  Rogers techs will have access to additional stats but I don't think they need to investigate anything further as of yet.


The next question is, why are you only getting sub-100 Mb/s download speeds?


Could you try unplugging ALL devices from your modem's Ethernet ports and then perform a speed test using a  computer that is directly-connected by an Ethernet cable?  (I presume that your computer and its network card are capable of transmitting/receiving > 500 Mb/s and that the computer's WiFi is disabled.  You should also be using a Cat 5e-certified Ethernet cable, or better.)


If you get a good/high speed test this way, we can then troubleshoot LAN issues on your in-home network further.  If you still get slow speeds and get the same results after swapping Ethernet cables, it's probably a modem problem.  It might also be an upstream network problem.  Either way, it's something that Rogers will need to investigate because only they have access to those troubleshooting tools/stats.


I'm still hoping that the problem is only being caused by a bad patch cable or LAN switch; something that can be easily fixed/replaced.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@SteveAdams wrote:


I looked at everything.  It seems to be in line with what you mentioned it should be.  off by a number or two but nothing worth noting.  On the Uncorrectable section,  channel 1 had a huge number and 26 and 27 were the same.  Don't know if thats something or not.  The rest were 0. 

Wait.  I just re-read your post.  You should never see a huge number of UNCORRECTABLE errors on any channel.   If you are getting a large number of UNCORRECTABLE codeword errors on downstream OFDM channels, then that is VERY bad.

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

I'm here a lot
so i checked my closet,i do see everything you mentioned,the rfog onu is not exact the same as the pic but quite similar brand name i guess is “lindsay”

Re: New modem Hitron coda 4582 not working

@SteveAdams what modem did you have before, the white Hitron CODA-4582 or perhaps a black Hitron CGNM-3552 which was authorized at one point to run 500 Mb/s.


Can you post the downstream and upstream signal levels.  You should be able to select each table, one at a time, select, copy and paste into a post.  Park your curser at the top left hand side of the table, hold the shift key down and use the arrow keys to scroll right and down, until you have the entire table selected.  At the point, with the whole table selected, right mouse click, Copy.  Then in a new post, right click, Paste.  That should paste in the whole table.  I'd like to see both downstream and upstream.  


Fwiw, the Hitron CODA-4582 has a secondary table that shows the OFDM channel data, divided into multiple sub-bands.  We can't see that data, but tech support can, if they can find it.  I'm wondering if the XB6 modem have the same or similar table that shows the OFDM channel data.  If so, it should show the signal level, signal to noise ratio and the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) level.  The Hitron CODA-4582 runs at 4096 QAM. I suspect that the XB6 modems should as well.  That QAM level is indicative of the data rate that you can expect to see.  A low QAM level would go along with low signal levels and / or low signal to noise ratios.  The QAM level is a good indication of the performance that you can expect to see, so, a principal question to tech support are "what is or are the QAM levels for the OFDM channel?"  Note that I've run into numerous techs who can't find the OFDM data.  Its either below the current signal level display, or on the next page.  In any event, the Tier I techs don't seem to have a recognition of how important the OFDM channel is to modem operations these days and don't have an appreciation of the importance of that QAM level.  

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