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Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been around

H U G E  Tick-Off

Seems like there is a BIG problem with emails disappearing. They don't go to Trash or anywhere else....just gone! Anyone else ticked about this?


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Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@safetydan : Are you referring to e-mails in Webmail or in your e-mail client like Outlook on a computer for example?  I've recently encountered issues with some e-mails (from Cogeco customers) being delayed by hours or days, and/or going into my spam folder in Webmail.  If they go into spam in Webmail, you will not see them in your e-mail client.  I've never had an issue with e-mails disappearing into the ether.  You can see my thread a couple of threads down from yours...

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

Hi safetydan,

Having same issue. E-mails just disappearing from inbox, appears to affect already opened emails.

Wife has had same issue and discovered that it is happening in the UK.

Seems like Yahoo is ignoring the whole thing.



Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

I did "share a concern" over the weekend and received a call this morning from the OOTP.  Apparently there was an issue with Rogers/Yahoo servers from October 22-27.  This has supposedly been fixed with some e-mails recovered.

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

POOF! E-mails disappeared last night from my smart phones. The Outlook clients on my two (family) laptops and desktop were not affected. I played with the smart phone settings (one Android, the other IOS) until I couldn't troubleshoot any longer. That's when I opened the Rogers Yahoo web mail client. Abracadabra all of my inbox was located in the spam folder. I didn't toggle this setting so I guess Yahoo is configuring their system again. The last problem I had with Yahoo was continuous and repeated requirements to log in and accept new terms, After a few months Rogers admitted there was a problem and sent out an apology. To resolve "disappearing email" I simply selected all and marked it "not spam" to restore my inbox. I hope this helps.

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

Hello, @ssuter.


Welcome to Rogers Community Forums! 😃


The emails getting disappeared from the inbox can be shocking! It's strange that the Outlook client on the other three computers was not affected. 


The email apps on the smartphones by default use IMAP, are you using POP3 on the Outlook? The emails from the Outlook inbox would have disappeared as well if IMAP was in use. 


I appreciating your sharing the solution with the Community and thank you for your contribution. 



Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

Here's another part of the puzzle for you, Roger. This am (and I noticed this event happened a few times in the past week) I sent e-mails from my Android device and the items are showing up in my sent items folder twice. This was repeated when tested and I am certainly not "double tapping" the send command. Odd.

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

I'm not sure the thread abut receiving doubles of every e-mail is relevant...every time an e-mail is sent by my Android device it shows in the sent items twice and is only received in the inbox once. The phones run on IMAP, PC and laptops on POP3. The PC and laptops don't have this problem

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

Resident Expert
Resident Expert

@ssuter, I'm not quite sure why you're not posting in the doubles thread since e-mails are not disappearing which is the topic of this thread.   Post 12 of the other thread onwards discussed exactly the fact that e-mails end up in the sent folder twice, which is what you're encountering if I'm reading you right.


If it's only happening on some device(s) , then it is very likely that it is some sort of setting on those device(s).  I suggest you re-review the last few recent posts of that doubles thread which I linked earlier and have a look at your settings in the affected device(s).  Something has changed recently at Yahoo as discussed in my post in that thread and that has affected others as also discussed in that thread.  Is there any reason you're not running IMAP on all your devices?


Post 14 of the other thread discusses a setting regarding "save copies of sent items" which, when deselected solved the problem.

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

Hello there,


My emails are going missing too from my Inbox.  I am opening my Inbox on the web, going directly to my rogers/yahoo account and opening them there.  I do not download the emails elsewhere, but do receive them on my phone.   


The emails that go missing seem to be the ones that I respond to.   When I go back and search for them or for an attachment I wanted to review, the emails are gone.  My responses to their emails are still there (with no attachment access) but not the original emails from the person. 


This is posing a serious problem for me. 


Can someone assist?


 Thank you, 


Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

Depending on your e-mail client you may have ability to change view settings to unread. Check that because if it was set and forgotten the emails disappear from view after they are opened. This was a problem with some older Outlook clients. Outlook 2019 doesn't have this view setting any longer. Now you just enter view unread or similar words in the text field for "Tell me what you want to do" and i runs a search term of isread:no in the search box. This makes it easier to remember to change view settings back. I hope this helps

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been around

I am having the same problem, have spent hours on internet and phone with Yahoo with no help

What a pain

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been here awhile

Thank you for this!

Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

I've been having issues with my emails as well as my wife's. Emails continue to disappear from our inbox.  This affects our iPhone, iPad and MacBookPro.  this issues for a long time. I also have our emails setup on my PC but the emails are downloaded and saved locally so I'm able to retrieve old emails but on the rest of my devices I only have a few months worth of emails. My Gmail account does have this issue.


I complained a few times about this to Rogers with no real solution of help being offered.



Re: Emails Disappearing from Inbox

@hansonbarry04 wrote:

I've been having issues with my emails as well as my wife's. Emails continue to disappear from our inbox.  This affects our iPhone, iPad and MacBookPro.  this issues for a long time. I also have our emails setup on my PC but the emails are downloaded and saved locally so I'm able to retrieve old emails but on the rest of my devices I only have a few months worth of emails. My Gmail account does have this issue.


I complained a few times about this to Rogers with no real solution of help being offered.



depending on which phone and which email client you use to check your email, it might not even be a problem it might be designed as is.


I know on my old phone my emails would only sync one month worth of emails and anything older would just not show on the mobile email client, its exactly how the client intended, if u want to access beyond a month, you would have to use email on your desktop with a program like Microsoft outlook or the web based email reader


also make sure your using imap on all your devices and NOT pop3. imap will make sure messages are synced across all deviecs properly

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