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DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

I've been dealing with massive DHCP issues in the past week, using the CODA 4582 router, most new devices I connect have issues where I can't reach certain sites, my xbox gives me a DHCP error, and my router stopped working with a DHCP error

This goes away if I reboot the modem and everything works fine for the day then by the next morning I have all the issues again.


What can be causing this? I've swapped 2 modems in the past 4 days(so 3 modems overall) and all 3 had the issue. I stopped using the router and still have problems, on my 2nd phone that uses just wifi even tiktok is unreachable because of this issue.


I've never had to deal with this before but it's getting extremely frustrating




I should say I have a tech coming by tomorrow but most of the time they just add a thing to my cable and leave, I hope they take this problem seriously, most of the time it feels like they do a band aid fix and are eager to leave




***Edited Labels***


Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I've been around

I am having the EXACT same issues. Was the tech any help?

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I'm here a lot

I've been having the same problem since mid last week. I have to power-cycle my CODA-4582 almost every morning since I can't access the admin page to do a reboot, then it's fine for the rest of the day at least until I go to bed. Thought about exchanging my unit but it seems based on your experiences and the other person who replied that the problem isn't my hardware.


How did it go after the tech visit?

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

I am experiencing the exact same thing!  It happens at random times and certain devices will drop the connection while others will have it.  I need to reboot the modem each time to resolve this. 


Multiple Rogers chats and calls didn't solve it as they said its not their end.


I got my modem swapped already (CODA-4582) to another one but no difference so that rules out modem itself.


Keep us posted if anyone finds a solution for this.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

So I've had this for the last month or so as well, and I believe I've tracked the issue, but I have no resolutions for it as Rogers refuses to acknowledge its the likely cause, even with my crazy proof 😜

Within the last month or so, Rogers has been pushing firmware updates to begin the removal and discontinuation of IPv4 services.

That's it.

The DHCP is trying to remove/hide our IPv4 addresses and rely strictly on IPv6, and specifically those of us with bridge mode enabled and likely more powerful 😎 routers, still require IPv4 valid, visible, addresses for our devices to even communicate with the ISP DHCP.

Simply put, even though my Asus GT AX11000 wifi6, 2.5gbps eth, router, that fully supports IPv6 native from ISP..... DOES NOT YET support PURE IPv6 internet. I contacted Asus and confirmed this just over 48hours ago.

Hence, the DHCP failures in my logs, saying 'your ISPs DHCP does not function correctly' at the exact moment I loose internet completely, and I am forced to unplug and restart my modem, sometimes several times a day, or even hour!

Rogers tech support on the phone, was very clear to me that they can not even login to our modems remotely using IPv4 anymore, nor can they 'see' any such assigned address, even when I can see one on my end still, most of the time!!! But when the connection fails, the IPv4 goes to, the IPv6 remains valid, but no connections because all our devices believe the DHCP has simply failed, as NO available 3rd party routers on the markets, support pure IPv6 ISP DHCPs to my understanding.

So effectively, Rogers is pulling yet another sunt like 'Ignite', like legacy or high bandwith users .... it changes the network without a word to the public about services being altered in a big way... and this change now breaks Bridgemode users DHCP connections to Rogers, which of course they deny or blame on the 3rd party hardware they 'dont support', and forces everyone to use their modems in Gateway mode, that CAN handle Rogers custom network modifications, or face constant problems with our connections on our much more expensive, more powerful, equipment that they don't like that we use as they have a harder time monitoring us and throttling high bandwith services they don't like us using....

Anyways, it's the IPv4 being removed/discontinued/hidden by Rogers DHCP, that's the issue. Them trying to go full IPv6 without warning to ANYONE, is the issue. And they REFUSE to roll back the firmware updates, I've requested for it several times.

Good luck finding a fix, basically I've informed Asus as best I can and I'm relying on them to find a resolution since Rogers is pulling their stunt and obviously doesn't want to admit or reverse the problem....

Just like I was lied too, to my FACE by a rogers store employee YESTERDAY who told me, in person, that starting March 9, today, Rogers was bringing FTTH to my postal code.... well... they didnt/arnt.. 3 years after the cable was put in my lawn, I still can't access the service because the 'packages' arnt available in their system for me.... yet he said while I was in the store yesterday he had just gotten an email that morning, that the packages would be available today. They're not. 


Edited for spelling, sorry if I missed anymore XD

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around


They also appear to have changed their DHCP IPv4 policy, where as, prior to these updates, IPv4 addresses were assigned at random, first available unassigned address....
We have static IPv4.
Never changes. (Until it's hidden/lost, and everything fails outright)

But no amount of factory resetting or rebooting will get a new IPv4 address anymore.....


That was like, the ONE WAY we had to be sure our devices/modems were rebooting correctly, getting new IPV4 WAN address from the ISP DHCP... now it's gone.... also, static IPv4 is dangerous because if someone is spoofing the same IPv4 address elsewhere in the world, then the person who has it here from Rogers, would have no connection at all or both devices would fight for it..... not good.... being able to change the IPv4 with a reboot, was the only way, only way, to ensure a new, clean, connection to the ISP and DHCP... and they borked it without a word to anyone in the public. Not too mention, with static IPv4, no FTTH, and forced IPv6 that doesnt work, there is officially ZERO reason keeping me with Rogers. The non-static IPv4 and dual stack IPv6, were the only 2 reasons to stay with Rogers. If im going to be forced to one IP type and have static IP, then I'm going to another provider and getting FTTH this week, not with paying Rogers for this anymore.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

WOW - thanks for the explanation!  Still trying to digest it and understand it.  But great summary of what you have found!


We really need someone from Rogers to look into this and respond as this seems to be a wide spread issue (not isolated, not faulty modem, not area or "congested noise" and etc.).  If what you found is true then it needs to be addressed properly as we are still paying for Rogers service and expect it to be reliable.


As long the Internet services is being offered (with CODA-4582) we shouldn't expect this to be normal.


Can anyone from Rogers help explain and clarify this here?  

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I've been around

I got my modem swapped already (CODA-4582) to another one but no difference so that rules out modem itself.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I've been here awhile
Hopefully I can offer some insight into this issue after having numerous calls and technicians visits that were ignorant and offering wrong solutions + attempting to upsell us on a new router, mush network or ignite

After the third or fourth call to customer support we found a representative who was aware of this issue. The representative told us that the issue is to do with a bad firmware update requiring patches to be executed by Rogers to remedy the issue. They opened a ticket with their it team and said a thick should be done in 48 to 72 hours along with other users facing this issue

If you have this problem your best bet is to call customer support and reference that there is an existing issue within the Legacy Coda routers

You will need the firmware update to be applied manually from Rogers and there is no other recourse as far as we were told

Good luck... It has been a rough few weeks

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

@AlphaKilo07 what firmware version is your modem running at the present time?  


Do you happen to know the ticket number, and if so, can you post it so that other customers can use that for reference purposes? 


You indicated that "You will need the firmware update to be applied manually from Rogers and there is no other recourse as far as we were told".  That implies that the problem is with the modem's firmware.  Just to point out, the other potentially offending partner in all of this is the CMTS, which has its own software configuration, which does change.  I wonder if in fact the situation is caused by a bad CMTS configuration versus a problem modem firmware update or installation.  Problems with either one could cause DHCP issues.  

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I've been here awhile
Hardware Version 2A
Software Version

I do not have a ticket number

The support Rep told us that this is a known issue that has been appearing in the last few weeks, with an increasing frequency over the last week

Sadly it seems not all reps are aware of the issue, so you need to be persistent to have them check for issues with the CODA 4582

As the Rep said, the only solution is for Rogers IT to apply a firmware patch

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

This all starting to make sense.  My modem was acting  upon Thursday where I can't log in properly and was super slow when trying to do so.  After that I thought I was in the clear (Rogers was pushing something to my modem?) as I did not experience any DHCP issues from Thursday to Saturday night...however just 30 mins ago it just happened again!  I am hoping this is a one-off issue as I experienced at least 3-5 DHCP issues per day before Thursday.  


I have the same firmware version too (  


Just wanted to keep folks in the loop so we can continuously share experience until we know its been resolved.


At this moment I don't consider my issue resolved...

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I'm here a lot

Mine seems to have sorted itself out as of this past Thursday, I haven't had to reboot it since then.


Also, when I go to the DOCSIS WAN page, the DOCSIS Overview section directly below is fully populated again. For a week it was showing all zeros except for what looked like an IPv6 address in the IP Address field preceded by Now there's only an IPv4 address in its place and I have a DHCP Lease Time counter again.


I'm on software version, don't recall what it was during the problem week though.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

It looks like the DHCP issue is consistently back.  Got all hopes up (at least for me) from Thursday to Sunday.  It already dropped like 3 times today already since Sunday night.  Called Rogers and informed them that this not an area issue and should be looking at the modem for firmware and etc.  No help at all.  Same type of diagnostic was executed, signal check and etc. and a technician will be sent onsite.


Anyone else into the same situation where it started to drop again today?  



Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around

So, a small update from me, for what it's worth at this moment...

I did get a CODA replacement modem delivered last week. And on Saturday around 2pm, I replaced my modem, just to give it a shot....

At the initial time of install, it took nearly 30min before to CODA modem would establish a stable link, every time it grabbed it and the @ symbol stated to flash, with a few seconds the uplink would drop and the upload arrow would begin flashing again, and within a few more seconds either the @ symbol would try again, or the download arrow would start flashing with no upload arrow and eventually grab the upload and try again.... as I said, about 30min of strange behavior....

Then it was good for about 2 hours, around 4:30pm, it dropped again, but I wasn't home, so I only have my various logs to show this, but after about 25min, the connection restored itself, without a manual reboot of the modem....

Now... since that event at 4:30pm Saturday, until now, about 4pm Monday, EST..... my service hasn't dropped.

Now that said, I have my CODA in bridgemode, so I have no access to the login/configuration pages, and cannot verify what firmware version I am on at this point, or if that 4pm event Saturday was a firmware patch or just a drop...

I can however confirm, that I have had both a valid IPv4 and IPv6 address this entire time, I havnt been monitoring the IPv6 address itself, but the IPv4 is still definitely static and no longer randomized from Rogers.

It's too early to claim the issue is resolved, but it is stable for myself at this time.

I would like to raise a few issues that may need to be considered by bridgemode users and Rogers tech support though...
if Rogers has transitioned from "Automatic" or Randomized IPv4, to Static IPv4, then users like myself, may need to adjust our network setups...
I'm positive nearly all Rogers Bridgemode users, have their WAN setup for 'Automatic' IPv4, and not for Static IPv4. And depending on lease time settings, auto reboot settings, and specfic router firmware and models, our routers may be asking for a new IPv4 address, but receiving the same IPv4, and therefore our routers are confused they didn't recieve a new IPv4, and choke out... hence ISP DHCP errors... because in Automatic IP, the DHCP should issue a new IPv4 when asked too, not issue the same one...
This COULD be one possible part of the issue leading to this problem happening over time, and not always repeating exactly the same way for everyone.... However, I myself am still setup for Automatic IPv4 not Static, and have been ok for the last 48hours....

The main part of the issue though, I still believe, is the removal/discontinued use of IPv4 entirely. As stated by another user above, IPv4 addresses disappeared to, while the IPv6 address was still valid. As I said previously, without Rogers informing anyone, especially 3rd party Router manufacturers, they were doing this, there is no built in support for most devices to handel the loss of IPv4 while still having IPv6.

Again, I cannot confirm if a firmware patch was pushed to the modems, or who it was pushed too specifically, or if this was a networked sided change, but it does appear at this moment to be working for myself, no more loss of IPv4 WAN address. I did not personally ask for any NEW patch to be pushed to my modem manually, I did ask several times before my replacement modem to have the firmware rolled back to a previous verison, but they declined and insisted I try a new CODA device instead. Which wasn't new btw, it was clearly "renewed"/used, clear scratches and light cosmetic damages on the rear of the unit in general, and all around the ethernet outlets.

Anyways, I cant do much more but continue to speculate on things until Rogers puts out some kind of official statement about the disconnect of IPv4, confirms the change to Static IPv4 in the mean time, and ensures their entire Canada wide tech support team is fully aware and upto speed on all the changes made, including if bridgemode users need to setup Static IPv4 instead of automatic or if 3rd party routers need to update thier firmware for Native Solo IPv6 services to be accepted in the loss of IPv4, because as it stands, Asus confirmed to me they support dual stack but ipv4 is a requirement still and if lost the IPv6 would not be used to replace IPv4 wan, they are also working on a solution to this issue but are having a hard time themselves as Rogers has not been openly forthcoming on these verifiable and non-verifiable changes to their network and implementation dates for future changes....

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I've been here awhile

Hello, I was directed here from another post. Looks like I'm in the same boat. Swapped Hilton router out 3 days ago but nothing has really changed. I First had the issue with my Xbox not connecting like the first post.

Hardware Version1A
Software Version7.1.1.37


So what do I do..? Call a tech?

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around
You can call into Rogers and report the issue and make sure they know its not the physical modem issue...based on thread here and discussions around other forums it seems like alot of people are experiencing similar issues (connected devices might stay connected but some will drop and can't connect again until modem reboot). Sometimes half of my devices will remain connected but as soon as I switch wifi and try to grab a new IP its "dead"

My latest tech discussion with Rogers ended up saying good signals and will send a tech on site.

I just don't understand if Rogers is ignoring the issue or trying to fix it without telling people but clearly its being reported by ALOT of people here and elsewhere.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I plan to stick around
To give an update, my modem got a firmware update (automatically) this morning. It is now at

Crossing fingers this is the fixed for the ongoing issue.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I'm still on but it's going on 6 days now without incident.

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I'm here a lot

Update: At exactly 3AM on Thursday my modem rebooted itself and when it came back online my firmware had updated to

Re: DHCP Issues in the Past Week

I've been around

I've been having these exact same problems for the last month or so. I've replaced my modem once after noticing it was dropping the IPv4 clients. I tried forcing IPv4 only but if Rogers is discounting that, no wonder that didn't work.

I've been pulling my hair out constantly and have been restarting the modem daily. Sometimes for then once a day.

I'm ready to switch to Bell at this point 😞  

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