07:18 PM
- last edited on
07:24 PM
Hi. This has been happening for two week. Devices are Samsung, Lenovo + Blackberry.
Bing search works fine, Google search frequently gets 'This site cannot be reached'.
Clicking search results for Google sites - eg Password Manager - just hang.
Happens on Chrome + Firefox + Samsung browsers.
Gmail Android app just spins when refreshing. Youtube videos don't always load.
The issues sometimes resolve when I switch SSIDs on the same network and then the issues return.
Windows laptops + Apple phones have no issues.
Intermittent issues with Spotify on the same devices. May be related.
Rogers says the service is fine. Google support says its not then. Traceroutes routinely time out at an AT+T IP address, but this might not be a problem.
Anyone know how to solve this?
*Added Labels*
04-22-2022 07:21 PM
Hello, @IHateTv.
Thank you for posting your concern, and welcome to our Community.
Android devices not connecting to Google sites is definitely perplexing. Situations like these can be tricky to diagnose; however, let's figure it out together.
We'd need more info about your home network setup to better assist. Would you mind answering the following:
We look forward to hearing from you.
05-02-2022 09:59 AM - edited 05-02-2022 10:19 AM
Issue has been ongoing for 3+ weeks.
Modem is an Ignite CGM4331COM.
Modem is not in bridge mode.
There is no port triggering, port forwarding, DMZ or other advanced features configured.
There are no parental controls configured.
The wifi gear in the house is Cisco Meraki MX + APs in a typical residential config.
Meraki gear is configured in bridge mode requiring DCHP from the Rogers modem, as it has always been.
Meraki gear has three SSIDs broadcasting and the Rogers modem has one for testing.
When connecting to an SSID from an Android phone, the connection takes longer now vs almost instantaneous previously. Occasionally Android throws a "connection may not be available" msg and asks whether to keep the connection.
The Rogers model SSID is less problematic than the Meraki SSIDs.
Nothing was changed between the Android devices working + not working.
Cisco support has determined there is nothing wrong with their configuration.
05-03-2022 11:33 AM
Hello, @IHateTv
Thanks so much for those additional details.
To rule out an issue with the settings on the modem please perform a factory reset of the modem. You can find the steps outlined here.
After the reset is completed please recreate the SSID and passphrase and test the connection using the SSID supplied by the Ignite Gateway. For testing purposes, please create a different SSID than what you have saved on your devices.
Let us know if this issue is persistent after the reset is complete.
05-04-2022 06:33 AM - edited 05-04-2022 06:58 AM
I followed the reset instructions using the Ignite app. The prior SSID for the modem came up after the reset.
I changed the name of that SSID to something new via the app. The app continued to report "We're having some trouble" or would spin on the "Changing Wifi Settings" page for minutes.
However the new modem SSID was created and is accessible via a Windows laptop.
Logging into the modem via Windows shows everything appears the same as before the reset.
The Meraki SSIDs are active. Intermittently the Meraki SSIDs on the Android Wifi config page show "No internet".
The modem SSID password that shows on the modem Gateway/At A Glance page allows the Windows device to connect, but the Android device shows "Incorrect password".
The Rogers modem speed test on Windows shows the Rogers SSID running at 10-20% of the Meraki SSIDs.
As I complete this reply on Windows laptop using the modem SSID, the connection has dropped and reconnected five times.
After the reset + using the Meraki SSIDs, there is no change to the Android devices unable to connect to Google sites. Other site access works fine. Speed test results are high.
The Ignite app will not connect to the modem. I can only try this via the Meraki SSIDs due to the modem SSID 'invalid password' issue mentioned earlier.
Note that under normal conditions, we never use the modem SSID and rely on the Meraki SSIDs throughout the house.
05-05-2022 12:52 PM
Greetings @IHateTv!
For troubleshooting purposes, we can only assist you with Rogers equipment directly. Could you please remove the Meraki equipment from your network temporarily as a test to see if this issue persists? Only our SSID should be active as part of this test.
We need to rule out any chance your third party equipment may be interfering.
05-06-2022 07:08 AM - edited 05-06-2022 07:30 AM
I powered off the Meraki devices + unplugged ethernet. I forgot all of the SSIDs on both Android + Windows device.
I reconnected to the Rogers SSID on Windows device. Connected immediately, speed is good.
I reconnected to the same Rogers SSDI on Android device - Note9.
It either connects for a few seconds then disconnects or shows "incorrect password".
As it cycles thru these error states, speed via fast.com shows either full service 400Mb+ or 5-6Mb.
When I switch off Android device wifi and switch on again, it continues to cycle thru these error states. The msg "checking speed of your internet connection" takes multiple seconds.
The Android device wifi list still shows the Rogers SSID as having an incorrect password and Chrome, Firefox show no internet connection.
Rogers Ignite app while on Android on wifi is unable to connect "We need an internet connection".
Rogers Ignite app on mobile can connect + it shows the Windows laptop is connected + confirms the wifi password is I'm using correct.
The Windows laptop when connected to the Rogers SSID is unable to connect to https://www.rogers.com/ignitewifi/signin - hanging for 30+ seconds on authentication.
I then used the Android Ignite app using mobile connection to change the Rogers SSID to something completely different.
The new Rogers SSID in the Android wifi list shows 'very fast' connection
The Ignite app shows the SSID name change + new password completed.
Neither the Android device nor the Windows device can connect to that new SSID. Android shows incorrect password, Windows keeps asking for password.
I then reconnected the Meraki gear. Both Android + Windows devices connected to the Meraki SSIDs.
The Android device is unable to start the Rogers Ignite app over the Meraki SSID - shows "Lets try that again".
The Android device can start the Ignite app on mobile data.
The Windows device over the Meraki SSID can log into the Rogers modem over and confirms that the password shown in the Ignite app is correct.
05-06-2022 09:30 PM - edited 05-06-2022 09:32 PM
Hello, @IHateTv.
I appreciate your patience in trying to make your custom home network setup work flawlessly. Thank you so much for the details.
@IHateTv wrote:
I then reconnected the Meraki gear. Both Android + Windows devices connected to the Meraki SSIDs.
The Android device is unable to start the Rogers Ignite app over the Meraki SSID - shows "Lets try that again".
The Android device can start the Ignite app on mobile data.
The Windows device over the Meraki SSID can log into the Rogers modem over and confirms that the password shown in the Ignite app is correct.
The Ignite WiFi Hub will not work when connected to your Meraki SSID. With your latest setup, have you checked your original problem of Android devices not connecting to Google sites resolved?
If everything works fine, then you can continue to use the setup without making further changes.
Please keep us posted.
05-07-2022 06:13 AM
Not sure I follow as things are now worse.
After the trial + errors above + a restart of the Rogers modem, the current status is
Rogers SSID
- I can log into via Windows + the Meraki SSID and confirm the password for the current Rogers SSID
- I can briefly connect via Windows wifi to the Rogers SSID using that password, but the connect drops in < 10 sec
- the status page shows the Windows client is active for the few seconds it is
- I cannot connect via Android wifi to the Rogers SSID using that password - it also briefly connects then drops
- during all this, the Rogers Ignite app on Android shows the Rogers gateway is active with many active clients
The original issue - unable to connect to Google sites on Android Chrome - remains unresolved.
05-08-2022 09:15 AM
Good morning @IHateTv.
If the connection is dropping within seconds, then we should run some tests on your connection from here.
Feel free to send a private message to @CommunityHelps so we can assist you further. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, you can find out more here.