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CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around

Can anyone confirm if the Keyword Filter on the CGN3ACSMR actually works? I have inputted the URL of websites I want blocked but it doesn't block any of them. I am running Software Version 



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Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Hey @0redbeard!


The Keyword filter to my understanding has not been tested on our end so I cannot confirm it's functionality. If you're looking for more advanced routing features I would definitely recommend investing in a stand alone router.


Browsing data would be stored on each individual device/browser account cloud and would not be stored on the gateway itself.


I hope this helps clarify things for you,




Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around
Hi - Thanks for the reply. I can (unfortunately) confirm that the Keyword Filter has no functionality. I vote for getting it to work in future versions.

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around

It would be really nice if Rogers could provide a manual of what features work on their router and what features don't. This would keep us from wasting time trying things that should work but don't. 

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around

A few weeks after trying the keyword filter in CGN3 Hitron I thought I would try again. To my surprise, the web site I left in the filter was blocked on the computer I was on, but not to other devices in my house. So there seems to be some latency between setting a keyword filter and having it applied.  With this minor success, I thought I would try another Keyword and see how long this latency is. Unfortunately, any Keyword I enter is refused (I get a "Keyword can not be null" error). 
All my attempts to troubleshoot with the online chat fails (I never get connected to someone who has experience with the Hitron login of the CGN3). Can someone at Rogers familiar with the CGN3 and the Hitron Security options reply so I can ask questions?

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

Hey @0redbeard


Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! 🙂 I hope you're staying safe and sound. The keyword filter is super helpful and useful. I utilize it myself! That's definitely not the type of experience I want you to be having. Does the filter work by manually inputting the website you would like to block on each respective device separately at all? 


As @RogersAndy mentioned, the Keyword filter has not been tested on our end so we're unable to confirm its functionality. If I may suggest, if you're looking for more advanced routing features I would definitely recommend investing in a stand-alone router.




Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I've been here awhile

Hi all,

I have an issue with my router i'm not able to add a new rule to block websites by adding a new keyword 

Security > Keyword filter > Click add -in managed keywords List section.

My Software version is:

I tried this with different browser and i get always the same Error : "Keyword can not be null".

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around

In the advanced wireless settings all the options have been removed except for band steering. Can someone explain?


Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I've been here awhile

New updates about my issue listed above - here is a Solution :

After little research I found a workaround and here is what i did: 


1- Login to your router

2- Go to Admin > backup > backup your settings locally

-After you download the cfg file (the settings file) you will find it encrypted (as we cannot edit an encrypted file we need de decrypt this)

- I found that there is a security vulnerability still not fixed "yet" = Booo! -but good for me/ "us" as we need to use it

* for more info you can search for "CVE-2014-10069"

*Also online I found a python script ready to be used to decrypt this cfg file.. (haha this is cool !)

3- I decrypted my cfg and edit it by adding my list of keywords example:

fw_filter_content_urlblock_rule true 0:0 23:59 all

> fw_filter_content_urlblock_rule Here-you-add-your-keyword true 0:0 23:59 all

(If you need help message me and I will be more then happy to help)

4- After you finish editing the cfg  file now we need to encrypt it again (using same python script that you will find online)

* Sorry guys as you all know, we are not allowed to share external URL's on this forum.

5- In admin > backup > Restore settings from a local file > select your new edited and encrypted cfg file and click restore

Result: After I listed all my keywords I found that the max limit is 20 keywords (I don't like this limitation and I'm sure they can fix it and remove this limit of 20 keywords)

Testing Time - Is this going to work? 

The answer is YES, the filter works fine with all my devices !


I reported this issue to: Rogers tech-support / help desk

After a lot of tests / reset / reboot .. (FYI from the beginning I knew it was a firmware bug.. but I needed to do all this steps to escalate this issue cause in the end I thought this need to be fixed)

After they escalated my ticket to tira 2 (Expert Technician)

I received a notification (SMS) "as There is no issues" lol - Common guys !! 😞 

- As I'm not the only person experiencing this on this forum... and as we know there is an issue on the  Hitron Keyword filter I decided to post my workaround / findings with the community. 

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

Greetings @Geezup!


If you disable band steering, do the other settings appear?




Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around
Once you restore from the edited cfg file, does the keyword and the block time show in the settings?

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around

@RogersCorey wrote:

Greetings @Geezup!


If you disable band steering, do the other settings appear?





Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I've been here awhile

Yes all the keywords and time will show after you restore

Also you can manage / edit all your entry's thru the system > keyword filter 

Please note there is a limit of 20 keywords / urls 

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around

Hi - My understanding is that I have a perfectly good router. Hitron's website tells me it should all work. It is Rogers who has disabled a perfectly good feature that would be helpful to clients, and your only advice is "buy more hardware". I would rather have the hardware I pay for already work at its capacity. (I'm not interested in investing in and learning to manage yet more hardware.)

So, if you can use it and I can't, why is that? Not fair @RogersJo

Re: CGN3ACSMR Features

I plan to stick around
Band steering is already disabled.
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