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Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I've been here awhile

I’ve noticed that I’m getting voicemails delivered 1-24 hours after they were left. I understand that the first step to troubleshooting for this is often to fully reset the voicemail on the phone (which subsequently clears out all the voicemail and makes me setup the greeting again).
This works for me. How do I do that?




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Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Good day @Lancelot2


Congrats on your first post and Welcome to the Rogers Community Forums! 😊 Hope you're staying safe and sound. I know first hand how imperative it is to ensure you receive your voicemail messages in a timely fashion. When did this start happening? 


Re-provisioning the feature would cause the deletion of the entire voicemail, causing all greetings, messages, and settings to be lost. You will have to re-activate your voicemail after the process is completed. This procedure is a last resort troubleshooting step when all other efforts to resolve the voicemail issue have been exhausted. If I may suggest connecting with us at @CommunityHelps and we can certainly take a look into this for you. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please check out our blog. Looking forward to hearing from you!




Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I plan to stick around

Don't bother listening to the reps here. They seem to never know when there is a problem.


I called Rogers yesterday because I was having the same problem, but yesterday it got even worse when my visual voicemail disappeared, and I couldn't even access it phoning in to my voicemail. For anyone wondering about this problem, I was told Rogers is setting up a new voicemail mailbox system and there was a glitch. They also said a multitude of customers have called in about it. They gave me a ticket number and said they're working on it. No estimate on when it will be fixed. They did say that the delayed voicemails were part of the same problem. So all we can do is wait until they find a solution and fix it.


I was expecting to come in here to a slew of angry posts and am surprised not to find anything besides this one post. I find it inconvenient not being able to access my voicemail, but I can't imagine people who count on voicemail for business or other important situations. I'd be livid. As it is I'm annoyed and hope they get their act together soon.


Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery and now unable to access Voicemail at all

I plan to stick around

Just an update to my previous message. I know now why there are no complaints about this issue on the forums. Turns out I ended up with an inexperienced rep yesterday. I checked on my ticket status today as the voicemail still wasn’t back, and turns out she could have fixed it right away. The rep today fixed it immediately. He said that yes, they’re working on why the glitch happened, but that the reps could reactivate the voicemail right away. I wonder how long I would have had to wait had I not called in again. (huge eyeroll)


So anyone having this problem, make sure they reactivate it right away for you. If they say they can’t, phone back and get another rep (I’ve done that many times before, you just have to get the right one that knows what they’re doing). I don’t know why I didn’t this time. Shame on me.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I've been here awhile

Thank you, I have called to Rogers Wireless support a second time (first time was Nov.12, 2020).  This time I've asked for a re-provisioning of the visual voicemail.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I've been around
Just had a productive call with ROGERS. It appears that when you have a plan that has regular voicemail, with an add-on Visual Voicemail, that there is a conflict in the system. She ‘removed’ the basic VM from my account, leaving only Visual VM and now messages appear within seconds of someone calling ad leaving a message.
Thank you to my helpful agent!

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been around
Just had a 3+ day delay seeing voicemail. The problem continues, late April/early May 2021. Terrible performance by Rogers.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

Good evening @dgm007,


Welcome to the Community!


I realize how inconvenient delayed delivery can be. Have you had a chance to get in touch with our technical support team?


For further assistance please send us a PM @CommunityHelps. For more information on how our Private Messaging system works, please check out our blog.






Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been here awhile
I have the same problem. I have been dealing with it for months. Endless calls to Rogers. Troubleshooting every way possible and the problem persists. At one point I was told that it is a well known issue and that they are working closely with Apple to solve the problem. This is beyond annoying.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I plan to stick around

Further to my earlier post, I’m back to the same problem. I thought it was fixed last time but it works for a few days then stops again (I’ve had it reset 3 times since). What a waste of time to phone in over and over and go through their troubleshooting every time, only for the problem to return. And it happens on every iPhone (3 in the household, different versions).


You can still access the voicemails, here’s how:

If I see a missed phone call (and no voicemail notification) I dial in to check messages (press AND HOLD number 1 on the dialpad to call in - you’ll need your password), the voicemails are there. As I’m listening to them, I suddenly get the visual voicemail alert and the voicemail then shows up in my visual voicemail (usually, sometimes they still don’t show up in the visual voicemail, but I can at least access them). But what’s the point of visual voicemail if I have to phone in to check every time!


Rogers has all this information, all these complaints from customers yet they still haven’t fixed the issue. All they do is reset it then seemingly forget about the issue. I’m not very motivated at the moment to purchase another phone when it comes out later this year. 


Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been here awhile
Just got this same response myself. My third time calling.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been here awhile
Well your post helped me at least, so thank you!

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I plan to stick around

Yeah, I tried chat with support once after the message in this thread on 03/29. I was told that wasn't accurate info, but that's likely typical; different reps will say different things. I've been having a seemingly similar issue has been going on for me since ~November last year at least, which seems to align with the start of this thread. I do not notice the messages downloading on their own though, I have to either call in (1), and enter password for 1 message to download... or receive a second message.


On that note.. I haven't noticed anyone mention it in the thread (or I can't read), but your Visual Voicemail messages should automatically download when you get a second message (or I guess that means every second message, assuming there are 2 new messages) without any interaction from you. I realize that isn't necessarily helpful, but thought I'd mention it. It's easy to test if you're also affected. Try calling yourself from another line, leave one voicemail, then hang up, call back, and leave another. It likely will download both messages moments after the second message is complete. 


The support rep I chatted with in April told me there is no known issue for "delayed messages", but there is a known issue when VVM does not download on 1st message, but does on the 2nd message. Apparently there is a list, and my info was added to it. They had no clue when it would be resolved.. 

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been here awhile
You got the problem explained perfectly. The most frustrating thing is that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been here awhile
And the problem still persists. I am not an IT, but this shouldn’t be a problem that lingers for more than six months. I don’t know if it is an Apple or a Rogers problem, but it shouldn’t take this long to tackle it and come up with a solution.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been around
I used that truck getting my husband to call and leave a VM and it didn’t work. His third VM showed up. Then I went into the deleted area and there were a few not viewed voicemails there. So next time I miss a call I will check the deleted section!

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I plan to stick around

Apparently it may be fixed. Or at least the issue is that I had called about.. I received a text from Rogers at 13:07 today. 


That said, I have also noticed that my VVMs are going to deleted now, but they do download automatically. Last voice message I received was yesterday. It's worth mentioning that my daily driver is on iOS 15 so that new/deleted sorting issue could be iOS beta related (or maybe it was a last tweak that was fixed today). 



Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I plan to stick around
Just to follow up, I’ve received 2 voicemails since that text and both VVM downloaded automatically (they arrived at separate times, and downloaded individually). I had the expected notification for it, and it did NOT go to deleted.

I did not want to invest time in self-testing by calling my cell and leaving voicemails…

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I've been here awhile
The whole thing is not reliable. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.
This problem is taking forever to be fixed, but if you talk with any Rogers representative the response is the same… “the problem has been fixed”
This is really bad service.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery

I've been around
This is incredibly frustrating the delay has caused many issues.

Re: Visual voicemail delayed delivery AND now unable to access Voicemail at all

I've been here awhile
Thanks for the tip. I’ll let folks know to leave 2 messages if it is super urgent.
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